Is it normal i use nail clippers to cut off skin?
Is it normal that i use my nail clippers instead to cut of skin like on my feet, i dont know why i just do it when im bored!
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Is it normal that i use my nail clippers instead to cut of skin like on my feet, i dont know why i just do it when im bored!
i'm assuming you mean dead skin and callouses... right? that's fine, just don't cut too deep, and use alcohol on them afterwards. a pumice stone might be better.
I cut the dead skin off my feet. Filing it down or using a foot scrub just does not give you the satisfaction.
I actually do that! It comes off a lot easier than filing the dead skin down with a foot scrub or whatever they are called, and it just comes right off with nail clippers. Just make sure you clean up after and like the others said, don't clip too deep.
As long as it is dead skin your okay. If it hurts or starts bleeding, stop immediately.