Is it normal i've apparently made some enemies here?

I've been getting lots of angry/abusive comments lately or seeing perfectly kind and helpful comments I've made buried under thumbs down. I realise that some of my opinions are different from the status quo, but I always do my best to be respectful and give people my own perspective on things.

I've gotten the most cruelty whenever I try to post something of a personal nature, there have been a few posts I've had to later take down because I just couldn't handle the cruelty of the commenters anymore.

This is supposed to be a place where we are free to shed our skin, as the front page states, a place we can speak freely and without judgement. I know no one is perfect, there are topics that I get rather passionate about and have to remember to reign myself in when speaking of them, but even then people on here say so much worse things than me. Sometimes that judgemental bullshit gets the top comment.

Whatever happened to being a supportive community? What have I done to piss people off aside try to use this place as it was intended to be used?

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Comments ( 90 )
  • bananaface

    This is so strange, I literally could have written this. I feel the *exact* same way. Luckily, I've somehow managed to dodge the abusive comments and everything like that, but I see where you're coming from. I tend to suppress parts of myself here, because I feel like certain parts of my personality just don't fit in or belong here, and only people in real life will get those parts of me (because they get and accept it). So when I push myself and try to be more open, getting criticised for that would hurt. I don't like it when people act like they're above that and that everyone else should be. It does hurt, especially when you've made yourself vulnerable.

    I sometimes feel like this isn't the best place to turn to for support. It's not uncommon for the OP to get criticism as well, or to be turned into a joke. Most of us do it at some point, none of us are always nice. I do feel like some things make people targets, and if you talk about certain things, regardless of how personal it was for you do talk about, you'll get abuse for it anyway.

    I don't know who you are OP, but I like users like you. It's just a shame that users like you get abuse. I hope it stops for you, because you should be able to be yourself here.:)

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      I'm sure you'd know me if I decided to come out of hiding, I'm wondering if I really *need* to be anonymous on this one or not. Considering the topic.... mayyybe I'll unclick anonymous on this one, haha.

      I will admit to joking around from time to time, but I don't think I've ever done it on a post that was actually serious. If I did, oops. :x

      I kind of do feel like this should be a better place for support, considering it is essentially an advice site. But judgement and self inflation seem to be all the rage these days.

      I know a lot of people get it worse than me. There's one user on here whom I regret saying something harsh to, because an aspect of their person is something I'm very much against, but even to those with the most controversial opinions I am making an effort to always be respectful. There are a few people I know of who get way too much crap just for believing a certain way or holding certain views, and it really isn't fair.

      What does bother me more than anything is the post I made that I had to delete a couple months back. It was a more controversial issue (one that I no longer feel comfortable to discuss openly) but something that had been troubling me for a long time, and the responses I got were exactly what would make me feel the most guilty about it. That still bothers me even now, and it bothers me when I see other users being attacked or mocked for something that, to them, is a very big deal.

      And it is really annoying to see helpful, informative content buried. I know yet another user who had to deal with that all the time, I always thumb his shit up when I see people doing it inappropriately.

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      • bananaface

        Yeah, I know who you are:P. You're one of the best users here, in my opinion. I'm not surprised this is your post, because to me, you seem like one of the most honest users and they are the ones who tend to get abuse.

        I would say ignore it, but that's not really the best advice. There are supportive members here, and I tend to value the opinions of those users more than someone who finds fun in thumbing people down.

        I have a lot of respect for people who are honest, especially when it means they are open about things which are personal to them. I'd hate for anyone to feel like they can't be like that here just because some twat with issues abuses them just because they're miserable and feel the need to drag everyone else down. I say keep up the great comments (because they *really* aren't worthy of thumbs down) and you do have people here to support you:)!

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          Ignoring it really is the best thing to do in a lot of circumstances, there was just that one post I made that I really truly couldn't, without explaining it was kind of a heavy thing the person said to me and they were a more respected user on this site.

          And it is funny how that works. Maybe it really scares people that badly, that some of us are so open to showing vulnerability and them knowing they want to and are too afraid. Because honestly who doesn't want to be able to open up and let all the things they lock away spill out. It's so cathartic, but it's such a dangerous thing to do because you're basically just rolling over and giving people a chance to kick you.

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      • GuessWho

        I try to give useful advice most of the time, but occasionally(seldom) I'll troll if I feel the OP deserves it.
        Sometimes I get pissed off when my serious comments get thumbed down and the troll/hateful ones not.

        My most likely comments to get thumbed down seem to be those discouraging destructive/self-destructive behaviour.
        I also sometimes delete posts and comments when they get too much hate.

        I do thumb other people's comments back up when I feel they were wrongly thumbed down, but sometimes there's just too many haters.

        I was thinking of making a post like yours but I was too lazy, so thanks for saving me the effort, you've outlined how I too feel about this site quite closely.

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          Yeah, that does bother me too. I'll troll if I think it's a troll post, but I generally try not to. There've been a few times I've cracked a stupid joke expecting it to get buried and it ends up near the top. XD

          And that is really strange... you would think people would *want* to discourage destructive behavior. O.o

          Hah, I know some people get really annoyed and cry drama when you delete a post due to controversy. Isn't that kind of backwards though? By deleting it you're just avoiding the drama altogether, that's how I see it.

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      • You're ok.

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        • As are you. At times I can't help but feel you get an unfair rep on IIN.

          So here's a hug. You are still #1. (For today Herr Tomcat)

          And if you tell anyone of this, besides IIN, I will kill you :)

          With kindness.

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          • Indeed I do.

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      • jucedaguy

        ^^ this is why I'm more active on EP now. Nothing but a kind ear, open discussion and respect for others views. Well that's how I have found it to be.
        Sometimes I regret buying gold here, there seems to be a clique that I just cannot break into.

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          I think that's just because people aren't on here all the time, we don't always comment on the same posts as the people we would best get along with, and some of it is it just takes time for people to notice. You've only been here a little while, it took me over a year to really become ingrained in the community here.

          I've definitely noticed you, I just don't always take enough initiative to start up conversations, but I'm sure if I have other people have too. :)

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      • toofgod

        I highly suggest you remain anonymous and only reply to your post incognito if you want an honest opinion. Also make sure every aspect of the question is contained within the anonymous post.

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      • robbieforgotpw

        I actually agreed w someone's comment, but they had a problem with how I expressed myself. It bugged them so much they private messaged me letting me know they didn't like me and told me to f*** off. I don't know that psycho from Adam. He's obviously taking this site and himself too seriously. But I''ll gladly set a punk straight if they want to start something.

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  • dont take any notice of the thumbs down if you can, you can say as you please (unless its cruelty to animals or children then i will thumb you down) i dont look at the name i look at the comment first, i dont think i am alone in this regard, keep opening up, be brave against the slings and arrows :)

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    • "The slings and arrows"

      Oooh! I see your Shakespeare qoute and raise you this one-

      WP: It damn well hurts!
      L: Certainly it hurts!
      WP: What's the trick then?

      "The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts"

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      • JC: Does it hurt when you get shot?
        T: I sense injuries. The data could be called "pain"

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        • That's an interesting accent. Austrian you say?

          Well g'day mate! Its not every day that I meet someone from "down unda".

          Lol let's put another shrimp on the barby!

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          • You seem somewhat familiar. Have i threatened you before?

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            • Anakin, I told you it would come to this. I was right!

              The Jedi are taking over!

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  • howaminotmyself

    Welcome to the club. I'm sure the validity of your comments shine through your posts in a way that those worth seeing it, truly do see it. As well as being visible to those who need to see it.

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    • It's funny, I could have easily predicted a lot of the people to reply to this. You guys are what keep me coming back to this community. <3

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    If you're genuine, honest and frank, you will have enemies.
    Don't dedicate any time here to please people. If you want respect and you ARE genuine and intelligent, the people who are worth your respect will give you theirs.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      I do like you so much, you know that? :)

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Why thank you :D You ain't too bad yerself!

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  • Oh man, that really sucks and it's surprising. :o

    You are not a person that I would have thought could have any enemies here: you have legendary awesomeness. You give rational insightful advice that people need to read, especially sex-advice. I may not have ever said so before but your one of my favourite users here - it bugs me that you've been made to feel this way.

    Maybe everyone goes through this though because there seems to be a story like this every few weeks. I understand how you feel, I experienced something similar a few months back. It was horrible; not only was I harassed, I also found out that there were people spreading nasty lies about me. Back then, I was going through some heavy shit in my real life, so being ostracised on my favourite website was just another turd in the shit-bucket and I ended up quitting IIN for a while. Yeah, it's "just the internet" but we are all still *real* people in a social community and when you get treated like dirt by people in that community it kind of hurts.

    Luckily, there were several terrific people that stuck by me during that crappy time and convinced me to come back--to ignore the haters. They were right and I'm glad I took their advice. You should too: Ignore the haters, Shade; there are people here who think you're pretty freakin' snazzy.
    I'm one of them. :D

    Hang in there.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      I know I've had it better than some people, I haven't wanted to name names but I've seen it happen to other users with controversial opinions as well. I just think it's kind of silly really, we should be using our words if we disagree with someone, not just pushing a button to make what they said go away.

      And the judgement really needs to stop, I don't know how this place got so judgemental. Even in the cases of some of the more fucked up posts (though if you go way back in my history I was... more emotional when I started here. Long story XD) isn't tolerance and understanding a better catalyst for change than judgement and insults could ever be? Disrespect a person, and they're less likely to want to listen to you cause they're just gonna be pissed and discredit whatever you say as being an asshole at that point.

      We're all so hard on each other, and I don't know if it's self righteousness or all false bravado, because we all tend to judge ourselves more harshly than we do others.

      It's funny, we have so much technology and means of communication now, but I feel like we've never been more disconnected from each other..

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  • Of those who experience the cruelties man can summon, there are two groups who experience it most often: The cruel and the foolish.

    So belong to neither; be as gentle as a dove and as shrewd as a snake. Don't make yourself a target when you stand to gain nothing.

    ^It's a philosophy I've ascribed to all my life and it's been successful so far :)

    Also- Men have died for saying the wrong thing. If you want to see someone heading for trouble, look for someone who's not guarding their words carefully.

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    • I do feel I guard my words pretty well, but I suppose I should prepare myself for it if I'm posting something vulnerable. I dunno, when someone posts about something personal or obviously upsetting, I make sure I'm kind because I would never want to kick someone while they're down.

      There's always the hope that maybe if you post about some controversial issue you could help or inspire someone else going through the same thing, but I realise most people don't spend so much time thinking about others.

      It's just sad that it has to be that way. Who looks at someone who's hurting and reaching out for help and thinks "What can I do to make this worse?" It's just beyond me...

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  • badmanalive

    I recently made a submission that was a well deserved apology, and it was denied. I have put years of work into trolling here as well as giving many doses of reality as needed.

    I am through with this site. I am currently deleting every post I have ever made and every comment (all 56 pages of them) and this is the last comment you will ever see me make on here.... Good luck all. -badmanalive

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    • Shackleford96

      I appreciated your time here :)

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  • dappled

    Well, you already know my feelings on this because we've talked about it but I sent someone an email yesterday where I talked about how much I admired their openness regarding a difficult subject. I talked about how much I admired a certain site user for similar openness. I was, of course, talking about you.

    I try to be open too and I've come to actually expect to be attacked. At first, I thought "Why am I being attacked?" Later, I dismantled people either by logic, aggression, or wit. Now, I don't give an airborne intercourse. I tend to be nicest to the people who attack me. It leaves them nowhere to go.

    However, that's just me and I feel very differently about people being mean to you. Not just because I do genuinely like you very much but because you, for me, are one of the few people doing "the right thing". I know it's easier not to make yourself a target, but that's just selfishness.

    Being open about something allows someone else to be open about the same thing rather than be afraid and feel alone. That is what the site is for. It says it right up there in the quote on the homepage. It's not for trolling, it's not for snarking at each other, it's not for keeping ourselves hidden, it's not even for socialising. It's for sharing difficult things in the hope that at least some good comes from it and someone is helped.

    The vast majority of people don't use the site in the "right" way or are selfish in their use of the site (using it for personal entertainment, for instance, and giving nothing back). I'm fine with that. I'm NOT fine with people like you being attacked for doing the right thing. I want this to be an environment where more people feel they can be as brave as you are, not fewer.

    Again, I know we've talked about it in private and you know how angry I am on your behalf but perhaps this is an opportunity to tell others how angry this makes me. I might come across as a nice guy but that doesn't mean I don't have a sharp tongue. I think you're pretty popular here and I'm sure many other site users would also want to show support. Just keep being yourself.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      I kind of wanted to make a public post about it because it seems to happen far too often, not just to me but to other users. I've been avoiding naming names but it really bothers me to see people judged so harshly just for being honest about their beliefs.

      And I actually do agree with your method... I don't always utilize that here but I should, but it's really kind of fun to be nice or at least playful with people who are being really abusive. And just maybe, it'll make them think a bit.

      I suppose a good thing to remember is we don't know the ages of a lot of these posters, but I can assume a decent number of them are still teenagers, and even my age group is still rather young. It's funny because I was always a really open minded person, but it seems like a lot of young people don't really open up that much until early to mid adulthood. Life experience and all that, it definitely makes sense, I think I'm just one of the weird ones. I went from being sheltered and radically Christian to a heathan in a BDSM relationship pretty quickly after I got out of high school and was old enough to leave the house whenever I wanted.

      Other people seem to make that transition much slower, but I've always been one to take the road less traveled.

      And I'd daresay you always do the right thing here too, at least from where I'm standing. You were one of the first posters I noticed on here I really liked back when I first started, and honestly seeing the things you write inspired me to do better on here. :) When I first started I know I would be very emotional about certain topics, especially threads where someone was talking about having a rape fantasy or something (as the perp, not the victim) and oh the things I would say. Even for those people now, I realise that they probably felt just as bad about those thoughts as I did, and that's why they were here asking about it, and that I should help rather than attack them because attacking will accomplish nothing.

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      • dappled

        Yeah, there are some others who are suffering it too. Including one person who I always think of as very strong and capable of dealing with anything but it must bother her. I should be more aware of it with her rather than just assume she's okay.

        You know, saying something massively polite or funny really does stop people in their tracks. It's kind of a show of strength too. They've taken their best shot and you haven't even flinched or reacted. Someone emailed me to tell me that I was an f*cking awful c*nt who should die soon (it happens). I replied with an apology that I was asleep when they first emailed and wasn't able to deal with it promptly. That was the end of that.

        I've never understood the closed-minded approach. I've never been any different than I am now. I have the same mindset as when I was a five year old kid. Abusive childhood, though. It kind of makes you think harder about what is right and wrong and whether you deserve the treatment you are getting.

        That's very sweet of you to say. I certainly noticed your arrival. I think I was one of the first people to get talking to you. Would have been hard not to notice me. IIN was in the middle of that weird epidemic of "dappled fever" that made everyone go a bit silly for a while. You've changed in the time you've been here, though. I thought you were quite open when you started but even moreso now.

        It's why this makes me so angry. Sometimes I wonder if I'm sending the wrong message, though. I say it's good when people are open but then they get stung for it. It makes me feel like I've led people onto a bad path. You'd be surprised how often I think about this and wonder whether I say the right thing here.

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      • toofgod

        You two and anyone with the same issue needs to disassociate their physical person with their computer screens. Lets face it, you and dappled have never actually met so how could one be hurt spilling out their heart via 0101011101010's a keyboard and monitor. My philosophy has always been "Take what you need leave what you don't"

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  • dom180

    At the risk of echoing everyone else:
    I've always liked you, Shady; you're one of my favourites. We agree on most things, and even when we disagree you keep our disagreements classy. You're a smart person and a good person. IIN needs more people like you.

    I think a lot of people here have times when they go through this feeling. There are some genuinely bad people here, but I honestly believe the good people here outnumber them 100:1. The comments on this story prove that.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Gotta stay classy. ;P

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    I haven't seen many of yu comments, but i haven't seen you acting like a jerk. I know exactly how you feel. Yeah it sucks but all I can say is that it is just the Internet and in a year, you probably wont care. Another person on this page said that trolls are cowards. Thats true, do you think they would say that to your face?

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      I was actually thinking about you too when I made this post. You get a bad deal on here just for believing a certain way and that's not what this place is supposed to be about.

      Ooh, funny story about people saying things to your face. I was going to the gas station once, a little over a year ago when I moved into my apartment at that time. It was the middle of summer and I didn't have AC so I was wearing short ass PJ shorts and a tank top, and some guy at the bar was chanting at me to put some clothes on. Big guy, looked like a linebacker or something. I walked up to him and stood up for myself and he scurried right the hell inside. :P

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      • thanksforthefreecar

        Thank you...

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          I hope that didn't come across as arrogant or anything. :/

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          • thanksforthefreecar

            Of course it didn't

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            • shade_ilmaendu

              Hah, sorry. I never know how to interpret ellipses. XD

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  • disthing

    The fact is this site isn't a one way street. You have the freedom and anonymity to post what you want, and this can mean you admit to or question things you'd never do so offline. But people responding have equal freedom - they can be as honest or dishonest as they like, as positive or negative as they like. That's the nature of this and many other websites.

    So it's naive of you to expect all people to be on best behaviour. You throw something personal out into a crowd of random people you should always expect that some of those people aren't of a kind or generous or understanding disposition. That's not to say you should avoid expressing some secrets about yourself here, just that you should be better prepared for the odd unpleasant character.

    But judging by the response on this story you don't have much to worry about. There are clearly plenty of kind and empathetic people here. Try and pay more attention to them and don't let negativity overwhelm you :)

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  • kelili

    There are people who are mean just to seek some attention. But you should not see only that. There are lot of users who are very friendly and smart. I hope I have not been of the asshole bunch because I know that sometimes I can be one. If so I apologise

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Nope, not at all. :)

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  • NotFloydzie

    There are people who use this site specifically to hurt other people just because they are unhappy with themselves. It's sad. Don't let it affect you and don't let it keep you from being yourself here. I've been through a lot worse here than what you just described only because one person didn't like me for no reason. But aside from that, there are people here who are in fact supportive and are willing to help others.

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    • That is one thing that comforts me, is knowing that they're probably only doing it because they're miserable too. At the same time it makes me feel bad for them... Curse this human body and it's stupid chemicals and emotions and things. :P

      And how could anyone not like the Floydzie? D: That's just unheard of, I shall shun them now and forever.

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      • NotFloydzie

        Hehehe. It was a jealousy situation about something so insignificant. But I was very heartbroken at the time and this person saw me weak and took advantage. People who tend to not get over the bad things that happens in their life always want to bring those who are happier down with them. They're traumatized or scarred by past events, so the only way they can feel better about themselves is by making other people feel the way they felt. It's pretty sad, I felt bad for them even though this person bullied me non-stop for months because this is someone who obviously has things they need to get over and they are emotionally, mentally, and psychologically unable to. I eventually got over it and moved on, you should do the same, Shade. Don't let people stop you from being yourself. :)

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          Nyaa. :) I have seen people get pretty torn up over ridiculous things. I had a really cool friend in college when I was in marching band. Gorgeous, alternative chick, she was one of the feature twirlers. She did firestaff, could metalscream and wore snakebites even during performances. Someone got jealous of her and smeared her name all over TheDirty. It's kind of ridiculous how many ravers use that site to bash each other, seriously guys what happened to the PLUR?

          I feel bad for those people too honestly. I've been through some shit in my life and I've been very miserable at times, but only a few occasions (in the heat of the moment and instantly regretted) did I ever say something hurtful toward anyone else.

          Would it not be better, when you're feeling down to lift someone up instead? Then both of you are in a better place.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I think people dislike me too but I know I'm very different from the status quo.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Well I can't look back too far at your comment history, but you seem alright to me. :3 The only people I tend to dislike are people who are downright abusive or don't allow room for different perspectives in an argument.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    It seems to me that you have many more friends than enemies :) The others are probably just jealous. Hopefully I've never said anything insulting to you. If i have, i apologize... I can misread people at times and likewise i don't think people always get me. Anyhow, you are one of my favorites.

    I have certainly noticed anonymous posters being attacked and belittled. I don't like that kind of behavior. It has happened to me, but not on any posts that were too serious. It's as if the anonymous poster is a target for bullies. People seem to think of them as "fresh meat" :/

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  • Ldizzy1234

    Don't take it personally. I get thumbs down too sometimes. I don't think it means they don't like you, they just disagree with your answer.

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  • alv1592

    I've done nothing but be nice, except when I strongly disagree with something (usually the kind of things any normal people would disagree with). But some people don't like me. One told me to go to hell, one said I deserved to be sexually assaulted, and one defended some bitch from Tumblr I complained about because she insulted and publicly embarassed me. Oh well, it's their problem. As long as I know I did nothing wrong I shouldn't worry.

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  • jucedaguy

    I have been nasty and attacking in the past. I am not at all proud of it. Infact for the last few weeks I have been trying to understand that it is I who has the inadequacies and not the human being I have attacked.
    I admit the problem and am working toward learning from it and being a better person.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Everyone does it sometimes, I was talking to dappled up there about times when I started on here that I was attacking on certain issues. We're only human, I don't think we would be if we didn't have those moments of weakness. We're a strange species... so beautiful, but so monstrous.

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  • I always get beat down but I will always stand tall and help people where I can.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      You get knocked down, but you get up again, they never gonna keep you down...

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Hope you feel better OP and if i have ever said anything to offend you i apologise.

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    • I just wanted to know your occupation that's all. I forgive you though. Apology accepted

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Nooothing I can think of. :) I do believe there are some issues we wouldn't see eye to eye on, but if we can't agree to disagree then what good is community?

      hahaha that totally rhymed.

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  • It's really a shame. I've made stories where I was really wanting people's opinions and I was made into a joke. Me being called a child and "How did this get through moderation?" Negative comments thumbed all the way up while the nice and even helpful comments stayed at the bottom. It upset me at first, but I learned to not care so much. There are good people on this sight and at least one is bound to say something productive and respectful.

    Sometimes members I admire can say mean things, but there's only so much commenters can say based off a short snippet of what the OP has said. There's much room for misinterpreting someone's situation, we can only write so much without it becoming a novel. ;)

    One of my stories I asked something about not getting up to do anything all day and I was attacked for being a lazy asshole who lives off her parents when in reality I've lived on my own and have had a job since I was 16 , full time for the most part. I left just one detail out and all goes to hell. Lol.

    I'm not going to censor myself, at least try not to. I've been doing a pretty good job at it lately and whenever I get a negative response I just laugh if off. It's freeing being able to say and be who you truly are, it's worth a few insults because there are just as many people who appreciate your honestly. (Even if you can't see it.) People are more likely to go out of their way to complain about something than praise something. Same as in off the Internet life.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Maybe people in general just need to learn to focus on the positives. Anyone can look around and see negatives everywhere, sometimes it takes some effort to look for the beauty in each day. But it's everywhere, you just need to learn to take it with the ugliness around it. Duality is something that people really seem to struggle with, I don't know how historical this is but at least in discussion with people my generation (and a bit above, I have friends ranging from 16 into their 30s and 40s @.@)there seems to be a prevalence of black and white thinking.

      I try very hard not to censor myself but also to always be respectful, but I know in the future I'm going to be more careful with posting something extremely vulnerable. Most things I'm able to shrug off pretty easily, the meaner shit that was on my last post didn't get to me too badly (maybe just a little at first :P) but the post I deleted, the top comment was pretty much the most painful thing I could hear in that situation. It's so bad I won't even talk about it anymore and it's made me much more self conscious about the issue in real life as well as on here.

      And people do love to make assumptions don't they? It happens to the best of us, earlier a user I like quite a bit mistakenly thought I was in high school, lived at home, and never had pets because I left that information out of my comment. It was easily enough amended, and that's how it is with the people who are worth it... have a misunderstanding? Clarify and fix it and be friends again. Yay.

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      • disthing

        I think you've basically answered your own post with the best advice you could give yourself:

        "People in general just need to learn to focus on the positives. Anyone can look around and see negatives everywhere, sometimes it takes some effort to look for the beauty in each day. But it's everywhere, you just need to learn to take it with the ugliness around it."

        Focus on the positives of IIN and accept the inevitable ugliness with the beauty, then you won't feel so upset or so victimised, and you won't need to post stories like this :)

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          Funny how that happens. Discussing the issues is a fantastic prompt for figuring shit out on your own XD I think a lot of times all you need is that internal dialouge, that's why talking really helps so much. A little bit of it is venting but I think far more of it is giving you time and focus to work out your own solutions.

          And I was partly doing this for others as well, because I know I'm not the only one and some people get picked on way worse than me.

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  • True , is that you? I'm sorry honey

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Nope, it's not, but people need to give her a break too. :/

      Honestly people just need to leave each other alone more in general. Apparently we gotta go back to kindergarten for some of them... "If you don't have anything nice to say.."

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      • Oh was it you that posted this? In that case I withdraw my apology

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          XD Heyy, I thought we were cool bro. hahaha.

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          • are you bros still pumpin

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    • LOL. No, actually.

      @ the OP: I'm sorry to hear that. I've had to put up with lots of crap on here as well. I've got some strong opinions and views and put simply, many people just can't handle that.

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  • yesnomaybeso

    Just wanted to say I don't dislike you :p

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  • GuessWho

    It looks like you've discovered the true nature of this site.

    You've outlined the behaviour of this community better than I could have done so myself.
    Many people here are just assholes.

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  • Justsomejerk

    It is interesting none of your enemies have had the balls to speak up in this thread.

    I have had disagreements with you, (mostly as an annonymous OP) but I hardly find you unlikeable.

    I will now thumb everyone else down and you up, making you on average the most valued member of IIN. I invite all users to do the same.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Whoa, whoa, I come back here like 10 minutes later and you've been thumbed down? WHAT IS THIS HERESY?

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Thumbs up for everyone!! *walks down the street throwing hands at people*

      Oh my, I'm curious now where we disagreed on. :P I'm totally fine with disagreeing and having debates, but I do try to keep my comments from being hurtful (I know I don't *always* succeed)

      Hehe, I was wondering if any of them would come out and say something. I honestly am curious who I've pissed off because I really do try to be helpful.

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    You people are pathetic, it's just a fucking website, chill the fuck out

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      I'm sorry you feel the need to insult others rather than contribute anything here. I hope you feel better. :)

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      • RaNdOmPoPcOrN

        I love you dude! (no homo) Don't leave IIN, ever.

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          I am bound to the machine. I have become assimilated.

          I CAN NEVER LEAVE.

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  • Wh0Ar3YoU

    everyone on is it normal are asshoes. We all have opinions. We are all fucked

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  • BLAh81

    You're actually one of my favorite people here ;)

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  • RaNdOmPoPcOrN

    I'm mostly disliked on here by many.

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    • Steve92

      But I love you Princess!

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    Maybe if you didn't have such a confrontational attitude people would like you better.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      You must not know me very well. :P

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  • KingOfNowhere

    Don't worry I still luff you <3

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Upward facing thumbs for EVERYONE in this thread :D <3

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Forums are small potatoes shady. It's a form of entertainment. I spew my crazyiness to anyone who will read it.

      There they go, back in stadiums as shady spits HER flow.
      Nuts they go, macadamia they go so ballistic whoa!
      We can make them look like bozos, she's wondering if she should spit this slow.
      Bleep no, go for broke...her cup runneth over oh no!

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        Haha, that's awesome. XD

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