Is it normal i wanna quit this website?
I just joined I know but I don't want creeps to be talking to me. Idk if there's a block or even a dm thing and if there isn't then I'll cry cause I can't block. If there is no dm thing I'll be happy.
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I just joined I know but I don't want creeps to be talking to me. Idk if there's a block or even a dm thing and if there isn't then I'll cry cause I can't block. If there is no dm thing I'll be happy.
No one is really going to talk to you unless you provoke it by being a bitch to people, or hang out in member chat.
I really don't care if they add a block feature. If a troll gets mad at me/throws insults, I just smile a bit, ignore them, and move on. A person who hides behind a computer can't harm me.
You definitely aren't alone on this.
Good news though: This place is being revamped as we speak. Hopefully whatever changes that come about will help.
There is a report button under the left side of the screen if you get a message you think is inappropriate or attacking you.
If you quit you'll never be able to laugh at people's lives on here.
Except. As. A. Puny. Guest.
Also if you could stop being an attention whore that'll be A+.
"Quitting" implies you have some sort of time/energy investment in the site. Y so serious?