Is it normal i want my cats to mate?

I have 2 beautiful cats, they have very desirable coloring, temperament, body structure and health. I want them to mate! But they're brother and sister. I don't think anything would go wrong, it's generally pretty rare to get defects if the animals are healthy and without genetic problems.

My man cat is already trying to hump the female but she's not having it yet.

Did you ever have any pet have incest babies?

Yes, the animals came out fine! 9
Yes, it went badly. 8
No, I've never had an inbred animal. 38
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Comments ( 20 )
  • redneckgirl1507

    I rescued an inbred cat from an abusive home and he had many health issues. I wouldn't risk it. You shouldn't get her pregnant, but if you absolutely have to have your female cat have kittens, do it as responsibly as you can. Find another male cat, that is NOT related to her, and get her pregnant. After the first litter, get her spayed and get the kittens spayed. You may be tempted to keep the kittens, but 5+ cats are an enourmous responsibility! Make sure any of the kittens you give away/sell go to good homes.

    Really, you shouldn't breed her because you cannot ensure that the kittens won't end up on the street. There are enough abandoned animals in shelters and on the streets already. And get her brother neutered.

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    • midnatwilight

      This! ^ I could not have said it better myself.

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  • FluffieBunnie

    Don't do it. If you can handle another cat or want a kitten please adopt one. Think of all the kittens who already exist and need your help!

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I had gerbils two gerbils that sound became 52.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Don't risk it. Incest among animals can cause just as many issues as incest among humans can.

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    • zelskid

      Not as many issues. If you screw your sister, your parents are really bummed. Cats couldn't care less

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    • zelskid

      fix the cats. They have no morals and will screw as soon as she gets in heat

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      • TwilightPsycho

        I guess in that sense they're a lot smarter than humans, who spend all their lives getting caught up in irrelevant details.

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      • Avant-Garde

        That's true. Luckily, my cat was neutered when we got her and she has no male companions except for my dog, but she dislikes him.

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  • MissyLeyneous

    My outside cats breed together every year, and they're fine. No two-headed kittens, no derpy eyes; they're perfectly normal.

    I don't see a problem here.


    I apologize in advance for having an opinion.

    What some of you bleeding hearts don't understand is that cats breed like rabbits; they have multiple litters of multiple kittens... And thus they multiply. I sincerely believe that even if every human being in the US adopted one cat, there would still be cats on the loose, abandoned, and otherwise homeless.

    (Don't mistake me for someone who hates cats either. I just lost one of mine, less than a year old, Cricket. He was so sweet, and his loss so sudden, that it has me tore up inside.)

    I say to the OP, don't listen to these guys. Even though "inbreeding" sounds really wrong, and sounds like it would have huge consequences, my outdoor cats have inbred for generations and their kittens are perfectly normal and lovable.

    We have mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, cousins, and grandchildren here, as well as the occasional stray that decides to stick around for the free food. I usually end up shooting most of the strays because they fight ours, but I leave the calm ones alone.

    For those that are screaming at me because I allow this breeding to happen: Chill out. It's a free country, but spaying and neutering is NOT free. I can't afford to fix every cat that decides to stick around.

    So there, that's where I stand.

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  • Shroot

    I shall answer your queston "Is it normal I want my cats to mate"

    The answer is yes and no

    Yes: If you want a kitten

    No: If you want to masturbate over it

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  • SeverusFan23

    Don't risk it. It's not a smart thing to do.

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  • Energy

    Doesn't sound like a good idea. Do some research on it.

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  • Justsomejerk

    U dum?

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  • lashambe

    I do not think that you fit to own a hamster.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Do you not understand what inbreeding is? This is the reason why so many pure breeds have health problems. They are inbreed. Yes inbreeding creates issue but with animals most do not seem to care that much.

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    r u from the south

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    • redneckgirl1507

      Did you know the state with the highest amount of incest is Vermont? I bet you didn't, because you are a bigoted fuckface.

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      • zelskid

        post link for this info

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      • zelskid

        Google search says it is Alaska and then Alabama

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