Is it normal i want my children to be insane just like me?

I believe I am clearly a very out of the ordinary person and I wish to have kids who share my same neurological configuration and behavioral characteristics even known most people think I am plain crazy and should get neutered first, to keep me from spawning, and burned alive afterwards. Is it normal?
Or the crazy people are those who secretly wish to wipe me and my particular brain chemistry/dna out of the damn world?

Yes 18
No 10
You are crazy 16
Other (add comment) 4
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Ace09

    Why not? Insanity has always been my emergency exit... where u just shut the door on all those dreadful things...

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  • StarScream18

    It is your life, you can do as you please. However I don't suggest having children and forcing your beliefs and characteristics on them.

    Let them develop on their own. If you even have kids.

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  • horneyslut123

    it is normal to have kids like you but it will be harder to maintain your kids outside.

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  • Hmmaybe

    It's normal to want your children to be similar to you, it's one of the main parental instincts. Don't put too much pressure on them to be like you though, especially if it may cause them to be bullied. Just let them be who they are, and you'll have done better than most parents. It's sickening how many times I've heard my dad speaking with my brother's mouth.

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  • YngPoly

    I am crazy. Among other things I have OCD, ETRETME paranoia, and get physically ill in large crowds (though not speaking to them). In short I'm insane. I am however a functional mad man. It's the old question "if you know your crazy are you really crazy". Well I am still crazy but the knowledge of that fact I can control it. I should also say that I do not nor have I ever taken medication.

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  • 4 zchristian
    Many ways.
    4 badmanalive
    Psychiatrists do.
    That's not entirely true but there is some truth in it if you want to see it.

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      If you have some sort of mental issue I don't think you should want to pass it onto your children. That sounds really fucked up. People with mental issues suffer a lot. Even if they can handle it they get ostracized by most people. I do not see why you would want to place that curse onto your child. You clearly one sick individual if you would wish such misery on a child. Like saying "Im blind so I want my kids to be born blind". That is very cruel. You should want the best for your children not want them to be disfigured and a mental case just because you feel bad about yourself.

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  • Anime7

    I think you feel like an outsider and you want your children to be different so that you wont feel so alone. I don't blame you. However, being weird and having a mental disorder are two very different things. I think you're normal.

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  • zchristian

    Could you tell me in which way you are crazy other than this of course...

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