Is it normal i want to tell people to have less kids?

I think the absolute biggest problem in the world is that there are WAY too many people. It's no coincidence nature is shrinking in the pace humanity is growing. For many, many thousands of years, earth's population would remain more or less the same, because a lot of people would die pretty early in their lives.

Because of vastly improved medical techniques, people who before would have died, now stay alive. That's a good thing in itself of course, but it's obvious that the influx of new lives then also has to be limited. Because people are unfortunately selfish, they don't want this. They want to keep producing babies at the same rate, in a world that's already overcrowded. Never in history have there been so many humans as now. It's like a plague. Besides, what can you offer new children in a world that's going down the drain due to overpopulation? You're just making it worse.

Anyway, I'm bothered by people having their third or fourth kid already. It irritates me. They only think about themselves and say fuck the rest. There are these things called condoms you know. I of course can't say: you shouldn't pop out so many kids" but I wanna at the same time. IIN?

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76% Normal
Based on 95 votes (72 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • I completely agree with everything you've said. Here's a fun little activity, I've been doing it to vent these frustrations but you have to be very sneaky about it. Get one of those bulk packs of free condoms at the health department (or buy cheap ones if you like), and whenever you see a vehicle parked somewhere with those stupid stick family stickers with 3+ kids, take a condom and tape it next to the last kid. If you're brave enough, stick around in your car to watch the reactions. If you're feeling especially annoyed, you can tape a Planned Parenthood pamphlet along with the much needed condom. These selfish over-breeding pricks have it coming.

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    • BLAh81

      Haha, I'll certainly try that!

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  • YES!!!

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  • thinkingaboutit

    Having....children is selfish?

    It's a drive, it's not out of our need to satisfy our petty urges...watevs

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    • Maybe,...but you also cant deny the unnecessarily competitive urge people have to keep up with one another which extends to having kids as well.

      Everything the OP said is right on the money, our environments are literally choking under the weight of so many human beings.

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    • BLAh81

      "Having....children is selfish?"

      In itself it isn't no. But creating children in a world that is ALREADY overpopulated to the point that nature is going to hell, just because you WANT them so bad sure as hell IS selfish. Certainly when people have MULTIPLE of them.

      And it may be a perfectly natural drive, but what's natural isn't always what's moral. Rape and cancer are perfectly natural too, for example. Control your PRIMITIVE urges!

      Anyway, we have a drive to have SEX, not necessarily to have CHILDREN.

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      • thinkingaboutit

        This 'not enough space' is mostly hysteria. There may not be enough resources for everyone, but was there ever? Are the children of the industrial revolution to blame for the industrial revolution?

        I don't know. This post is about blame, it's not very productive. There will always be some distant scapegoat. You trying to compare rape and cancer to having children is what they call scapegoating :/

        But this is just my opinion. If everyone that talks all that shit REALLY cared for "nature", he or she would desert society and fend for themselves. No?

        First world problems, honestly.

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        • BLAh81

          "You trying to compare rape and cancer to having children is what they call scapegoating"

          I didn't compare rape and cancer to having children. I merely stated that rape and cancer are NATURAL things, and that to do things JUST because they are natural (like having children) doesn't make much sense. What's natural ISN'T necessarily what's good.

          "If everyone that talks all that shit REALLY cared for "nature", he or she would desert society and fend for themselves."

          Total bullshit. A love for nature doesn't automatically mean one should abandon society. Humans NEED other humans. What an absurd thing to say.

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          • thinkingaboutit

            hence you were making a comparison between the three.

            And, humans can live with other humans, outside of society. if they really, and truly cared.

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            • BLAh81

              "hence you were making a comparison between the three."

              If you want to insist I was making a comparison (which wasn't what I was really doing btw, you just don't get the nuance) then that's fine. Still doesn't make it true. Anyway, your statement about "scapegoating" is utter bullcrap.

              "And, humans can live with other humans, outside of society. if they really, and truly cared."

              Yes, they probably could. But WTF would be the point? Deserting society doesn't automatically help nature. What, you can't treat nature with respect if you live in society? Besides, a small group of people living outside of society would constitute a mini-society too.

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  • loopoo

    YES! Their is no need for women to have zillions of kids. Then they complain when their husband don't find them attractive anymore, with their saggy tits, and huge vagina's.

    All they want is for their DNA or family name to continue, big headed wankers!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Cul-de-sac_Nightmare

    Kill everyone.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Seeing how retirement plans will go bust I think a better measure would be to encourage smoking/drinking again, increase highway speeds and undo many of these annoying little rules that aimed to increase life expectancy to unreasonable levels.

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  • ccjigsaw

    This is true. However alot of people don't have children on purpose, and abortion is looked down upon. Hence some of the over population. I hate seeing familys of like 10 or 12. They have so many kids they can't even look after them!! What's the point when you can barely remember their names cause you have to work so damn much just to support them. And for what???

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  • Scumbags breeding and nurturing future scumbags. Annoying isn't it

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  • charli.m

    Yeah but also more people are remaining childless.

    I told one of my friends not to have kids. But I wouldn't say that to just anyone.

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  • NukeAfricaReturns

    Tell that to the Africans.

    Then nuke them away forever

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    • How long do you think this account will last this time?

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