Is it normal i worry people don't think i'm listening to them?

I ALWAYS worry people think i'm not paying attention or spacing out on them.

Someone will tell me stories of their weekends, or their families and I worry they think I'm not actually listening or don't care.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • objectwillingmotion

    I dont think its normAl but i feel the same all the time its really annoying because i fully realize that the speaker could just as easily be content with an absentminded but agreeable confirmation or some other form of "2cents". I think it comes from your own need to be heard. This need has not been addresses so you sympathise more deeply with speakers.

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  • Anime7

    I know what you mean. I actually sometimes interrupt the speaker in order to make him or her have no doubts that I'm listening. Asking questions also helps.

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  • I'm the same, but I'm sure you have nothing to worry about (:

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  • Well are really listening to them or just making it seem like you are when your mind is 1,000 miles away?

    I have a tendency to do this myself.

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  • Sog

    This thought crosses my mind when I talk to people from time to time. Sometimes I'll insert a comment just to "prove" to them that I'm actually listenting because I'm afraid that they might think that I'm not.

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