Is it normal i worry so much
im constantly worrying about everything and when i worry i make my self sick im talking hyperventilation and dry heaving (in extreme situations) let me give you some examples every single time i hear my front or back door open i get so paranoid that one or both of my cats is gonna run away ( indoor cats only) so even if im about to fall asleep i franticly run around my house to look for them to make sure there in the house. the big freak outs come from work i think of my self as a very hard dedicated worker but every single time i make mistake or cut a corner or do something in a way that i think is wrong i think im gonna get fired this gets me so worked up i lose sleep over it. even just haveing regular conversations with some people i just stop talking or leave the room because im worried i said something akward and that everyones gonna be mad at me or something (i cant really explain that one but you know what i mean?) these arent the only things that make me have these feelings its just about everything i could go on and on for days about everything that makes me feel this way. can anybody relate to this or am i just crazy
( i just want to say sorry for any spelling errors and my punctuation and grammar)