Is it normal i write songs as a vent?

It all started when I was a freshman in high school, I didn't have too many friends and I was considered to be socially awkward. Teenage depression kicked in and I started writing songs one day. When I write a song, i turn instantly happy. Every now and then I get sad and I just write a song curing me on my sadness. I written over 200 songs.

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89% Normal
Based on 101 votes (90 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • littlemissgiggles

    Completely normal :) I write poetry. Or do artworks........

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's normal:)

    I write poetry to vent.

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  • Dots

    Hi, it's Dots. My songs are about anything really, political, everyday blues. It has a lot of variety. I play an autoharp as well. Everyone does tell me to publish them but I don't really have a strong desire to do so.Like I said before, it's a vent. Maybe one day I'll publish them.

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  • Sweetz

    You know you can actually get paid for writing songs if your good at it.

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    • taciturn

      Yes, the world definitely needs more songs about teenage angst.

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      • Most of those songs have made millions, why try to bring the person down?

        At least those songs have feeling instead of "look at my body, I'm so hot" and other crappy pop garbage.

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        • taciturn

          As a music-lover and musician, "it makes money" and "other stuff is even SHITTIER" aren't good reasons for releasing music to me. I hope they aren't to you either.

          I'll admit I was being catty - I apologize. But I'll elaborate with a more thoughtful comment. Releasing these songs likely has incredibly little to do with this person's experience, especially under the pretense of making money.

          I understand exactly what this kid is talking about. There's something about writing music that fills me with an inexplicable fullness and triumph that really, literally feels like taking a drug. It's the most powerful feeling I've felt, and it's incredibly personal. So while making a living off of doing what I love doesn't sound bad, the actual process of writing has nothing to do with some plan to get money.

          Kid should just be happy he/she has that.

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          • Actually, no it isn't. I write my own songs because I like to get my feelings out but you can't deny that music is now a business and money is what makes it go around.

            I don't write for making money and I wouldn't want to because it's not my aim. I simply stated those songs have shifted millions of copies, while that insinuates money, I never directly mentioned money. My point was even if the music is angsty, people liked it and wanted to listen to it.

            It's also ironic your name is "Taciturn" and you mention angst cause your name is just not dripping in it.

            Really, you still are being catty though.

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            • taciturn

              I tried to stop the cattiness but if it's still coming off that way I'll try to tone it down further. I think I have a tendency to write in a way that people find aggravating, which is odd because I am actually pretty taciturn and non-aggressive in real life. And for the record, I don't think silence equates to angst. The angsty people I've known are all far from taciturn.

              Anyway, people like "look at my body" pop trash as well. I don't see how we can write that off and then justify angst pop. Personally, I didn't mean to imply that these things shouldn't exist, but I sure wish more people could find a way to express themselves or be sexually hedonistic AND do it in an interesting, novel way.

              But they won't, because simple sells. That's why I don't think "you can get paid" (sweetz's words, not yours, which is what I was responding to with that rant) is a good justification for writing music. OP (who I called "kid" only because the gender was ambiguous and seemed to be young) should write music only for him/herself. The approval of others shouldn't need to come into play.

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        • Anime7

          I really like your pic of Amy. She is an awesome fighter and has nice hair. Also, I agree with your statement about "pop garbage." Pop music nowadays has barely any heart behind it.

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          • Oh thank you :) I like her a lot and her hair is cute ^.^ And you're right as well, it's like people aren't bothered about what they are writing, like Kesha or Nicki Minaj.

            (No offence to their fans but they are hardly writing excellent prose)

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            • Anime7

              I agree, pop music really has gone downhill and Amy's hair is pretty wicked.

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  • Anime7

    It's normal to write songs no matter what they're about. Sorry to hear that you've written so many songs though. I hope that some of the songs to come are happy ones.

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