Is it normal if i 'associate' songs with specific memories?

Sometimes, when I listen to songs, I remember specific times when I listened to the song, and almost re-live the memory. Like, a song I listened to on repeat while flying. Every time I hear it, I almost feel like I would on a plane (it's hard to explain, but more difficult to breathe, feel cramped etc.)
When I told my parents and friends, they thought this was strange, so is it normal?

Voting Results
93% Normal
Based on 70 votes (65 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I think what you're describing is about as normal as it gets! Music can transport one back to another place and time, fragrance can oftentimes have a similar effect with regard nostalgia and memory.

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  • Murun

    Yes.. Certain songs are like a photograph for me.. I can instantly see the scene where I first heard or noticed them.

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  • Fall_leaves

    Normal, I connect memories with music without realizing it, I guess it made it easier to remember things when there was a song that was tied to it.

    Certain songs though that used to make me happy that have been shit on by past events make me want to throw a really stale loaf of rye bread at someone's head.

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  • angelonyc

    We particularly bond with songs from our teens to late 20's.. Those often became our favorite songs for the rest of our life..

    When a memory is formed, all sense data is recorded, plus, our emotions, and our judgement of the event.. The sense of smell, can also evoke very strong memories..

    Recall of a specific memory, is modified by your mood at the time of recall.. So over the years, your recollection of a memory can significantly change.. If we loose a mate at a young age.. We go thru a period or turning them into a saint.. later on, we modify them back to closer to what your broadest definition of them was..

    I was in a store shopping, but stuff I didn't really need. Then I realized it was the music, geared toward my age group.. I was feeling so up and happy, I prolonged my shopping, in hopes of hearing more of my favorite oldies..

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  • Alexbelarus

    Isaiah Rashad reminds me of my grandma... Listened to him a lot with my grandma

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  • Jo_

    This is soooo normal, there's nothing wrong with you, almost everyone has this.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Normal. There are certain songs that give me that happy, nostalgic feeling.

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  • Murun

    Google Streetview of what I see when I hear Ian Dury's 'What A waste'... Viewed from age 11 in my mum's VW Beetle..
    The houses weren't there in 1978 though.,-2.40006,3a,75y,216.16h,72.49t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s5C3kNDiGqI4QOJiTNB2n8A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

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