Is it normal if i can't stop laughing during bad presentations?
Sometimes, when people make presentations that are really poorly prepared, e.g. they seem unsure of what they are saying, they seem like they are b.sing I start laughing, or even if they forgot what they are saying. I keep it down to a minimum so its not heard across the room, but I can't stop it. I'll laugh and I'll try to calm myself but then I just burst into quiet laughter again if I look at the presenters again or if I just think about it. It doesn't matter even if the presenters are good friends in school, If they came really unprepared and sound like they are b.sing I just start laughing. It embarrasses me because I seem immature and honestly I don't want to laugh and I try really hard to think of something else but it just happens uncontrollably. It obviously also embarrasses them even further because they are probably feeling bad enough about their presentation. The teacher also looks down on me. I do know that it happens to another person in my class, but it happens less often to him than me. We both also happen to be people who smile a lot in general so could that be a related thing? Does this happen to anyone else and if so how have you learned to control it/stop it?