Is it normal if i get a crush in a very short time?

I just got into the school year as a senior in high school, and I was with this girl (I am a female, so woo) who was in 2 of my classes. Pre-Calc and AP Psychology. Fml. ANYWAYS, About...2 weeks into the school year, I realized that I had a crush on her. She suddenly looked so cute, and I just want to hug her and be with her. She stood by the door at the end of the day ever since the 3rd day of school, to chat with me. Out of everyone she could have talked to, for I am a very very quiet person. So, is it normal to have this happen? I am curious on y'all's stories as well!

You are overreacting 0
Aw.....(it's normal and cute) 4
Nah, it's normal 5
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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Yeah girls are hot

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