Is it normal if i go to shows alone?

When my friends flake on me or just dont want to go to a show or concert that I am dying for, i dont even hesitate to decide to go alone. I just say alrite see you guys later without attitude or in a negative way as if its normal? or is it? Sometimes ill just buy my own tix and go. Who else goes to shows alone? Of course ill have a sip of this and smoke that but i dont go completely unconscious, hell no thatd be scary haha so im just medium. Lately tho Ive just been wondering if others do this too and if its normal and okay to do. I guess cause im unemployed and been going to more shows than usually, I have nothing else to think about than this. Sooooooo is this normal to you people :)

Voting Results
84% Normal
Based on 81 votes (68 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • imacomputer

    For some reason, getting people to commit to going with you/buying tickets to shows has ALWAYS been difficult and frustrating for me. My friends never want to commit, or they fucking flake at the last minute. I have sort of given up on inviting friends in general.

    You are not alone. You are smart IMHO because it sounds like you would rather insure your own satisfaction and happiness, then to rely on others to help.

    I tried rounding up friends to see shows a bunch of times and I kind of gave up.

    I even had a friend back in jr. high that used to always buy two tickets to every show regardless of weather he knew he could sell the second ticket. He would resort to calling me even if I didn't like the band he was wanting to see. But he knew that HE COULD COUNT ON ME!!!!!!!

    PS. sorry your friends are flakes.

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  • Mel

    I agree, good for you!!! Do/go where you dont NEED company.

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  • randomjelly

    Normal. It's also acceptable to go to job interviews alone.

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  • dappled

    I sat alone in the front row of a show with six thousand people behind me, the only empty seat being the one next to me (that I'd paid for and my girlfriend bailed on because things had become difficult), and feeling the silent pity of the crowd. I hated it. I really hated it. But I'd do it again because it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see a hero of mine.

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    • Shackleford96

      Who was performing?

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      • dappled

        Eddie Izzard, Reginald D. Hunter, and Dylan Moran. A dream line-up for me. I'm glad I forced myself into going. Aside from the girlfriend problems, I also had a broken foot, don't drive, and it was at the other end of the country.

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        • Shackleford96

          I have never heard of any of them, lol. Sounds like quite the experience though.

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  • Going places by yourself is completely NORMAL

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  • good for you, its normal and fun, better than sitting home

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  • legendary27

    I think it's totally normal. In fact, that's a great way to meet knew people and gain better friends. Since there isn't anyone else to talk to then you'd probably have a better opportunity to talk to someone near you who probably does the same exact thing.

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