Is it normal if i imagine a conversation with friends when i am alone.

First of all, I am 22 and I am dianosised mild ADD (not adhd) so I am lunatic.

I do that once in while when I am alone. I LOVE to share things in life like musics, movies, food, video games, and other passions etc etc.. And sometime I imagine myself talking to a friend and talking/initiate him/her/a public (video blogging-like) to something.

Here's few examples..

I can play Starcraft2 (strategy game) and while I play I imagine a conversation of myself explaining to a friend why I play that way and not the other way.

I remember once, I came from school and I imagined that I invited my friend to my house for the first time. During the conversation I asked to him "Do you want a glass of water?" and I was so much into my imaginary conversation (and lunatic) that I did took 2 glasses instead of one and I walked few steps before realizing that I had 2 empty glasses in my hands. oops! ahah I felt weird that time!

Today I listened a lot of music on youtube and I Imagined a conversation with my girlfriend about me sharing some very good songs and bands that I appreciate a lot.

That's it. Is this normal??

Voting Results
78% Normal
Based on 117 votes (91 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Reptilia

    I do it too, but I'm not diagnosed w any thing. I make up scenerios that are likely to happen within my head and speak out a dialougue for me and someone else and only when Im so deep in the conversation I realize what I'm doing.. Wether it's normal or not even I can't say but it sure is kinda fun in it's whackyness and helps meditate/think things out. Take it as a sign of higher intelligence

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  • chaosdragoon1

    I hate to admit it but I do this alot. But I talk to myself even me than that. I actually have full blown discussions with myself discussing the past and future, likes, troubles, etc.

    According to studies and research, I also have over 90% of all ADD tendencies. I haven't been diagnosed yet.

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  • girly-27

    I do it all the time. And I don't have ADHD or anything? I even talk to myself, even when I'm not alone, :P

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  • i do it too. some people look at me stupidly. i have to stop sometimes becasue i realize that im acting my emotions outs. like i smile of have a sad face on...

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  • Notnormal12341234

    I do that all the time. Haven't been diagnosed with anything, though.

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  • Yeah, I see my ADD as a gift! :)

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  • no offence that doesnt make you a lunatic that just means you have health problems it doesnt mean your a lunatic so stop saying you are.

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  • FakinRetards

    well, i imagine while i'm playing guitar that i'm on stage with satriani :DD but yeah, i have adhd, who cares?

    also, i talk to myself, researched, most people do it.

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