Is it normal if i tend to conform to annoy people even more?

I have always done this and its so much fun but too bad people just don't get it. When people start thinking they know me and point it out in any form (straight up or attitude)I love messing with them and start behaving that certain way as opposed to "proving them wrong" and being myself. Its just hilarious to see their reaction and know that this is all fake and just to play with them. At the end of the day, I get the last laugh. So lets say they think I'm being too into working out, I'll start obsessing over what I eat, when to go to the gym, etc on purpose. Or they think I'm too girly, I'll start being annoying acting in a girly way or if they think I am a b*tch or slut, I'll be extra b*tchy or flirt more haha. So its just fun for me yet sometimes I think I should stop because I am just proving their point more but if I get the chance to confess that I am messing with them and giving them what they basically asked for, then I'll do it. I just think they won't understand this evil, tricky joke of mine.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • ProseAthlete

    Other people don't think about you enough to be in on the "joke," so I guess the joke's on you.

    I'm not saying that to be a bitch, either. It's true. People just don't think about other people all that much. Everyone you meet is the star of his or her own running biography, and you're just playing a supporting role. No one really ponders what kind of person you are or whether you like ice cream or go to the gym. They're busy thinking about whether *they* should eat ice cream or go to the gym.

    In other words, stop seeing yourself through the filter of other people's eyes and who you want to be. You'll be a lot happier when you realize how free you truly are of other people's judgements and opinions.

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    • You don't know how many times I have tried to be "free of other people's judgements and opinions." Its seriously a hard thing. You have to go through some mental process that I don't know how long it takes but for me its taking a while.
      So yeah you can say I do care about what others think or else I probably wouldn't even bother playing this joke on them. I would just do me and move on. But as easy and wonderful as that sounds, its really really hard and I'm still in the process of reaching that point of finally being FREE.
      I just don't know what else to do to learn how to not care.

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      • ProseAthlete

        I wish I had a good answer for you. I feel pretty free of others' judgements, but it took me years to reach that point -- years during which I often felt the need to be more of what I felt others expected me to be. I mean, I took two semesters of Russian just because some guy commented once that I reminded him of a complicated Russian countess, so it's not as though I haven't been shaped by others' opinions. (Sadly, about all I can remember of it is how to order a vodka screwdriver -- and I don't generally drink.)

        It IS hard to shake yourself of the sense of being watched and judged, but it does get easier with time.

        A lot of it probably has to do with your perspective, too; if you're still in school, you're a lot more mired in others' opinions of you because you're stuck with the same bunch of people, more or less, for hours every day over the course of years. It wasn't until I went to a larger university that I felt I could breathe more easily. If you're in a small school or otherwise have a closed circle of friends and acquaintances, it can help to move outside it.

        By the way, whoever your essential self winds up being, you seem to have a gift for self-expression; art's a good place to start when freeing yourself to be you. I don't know if you paint or draw or write, but maybe it's worth taking some time for yourself to do that. It's also a good way to confound expectations, since you get a kick out of that. :)

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  • howaminotmyself

    If you're an annoying person it doesn't matter if you conform or not, you're still annoying.

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  • Anime7

    I feel like you don't have a real self. Maybe this started as a game but I think that you don't really know who you are. You're just what people tell you you are. You say that its fun to see they're reactions, but you stated in the beginning that people don't get it, so what's the point? Why bother messing with people if no one gets the joke?

    I know what its like to act like the role that your friends give you, but at the end of the day you have to figure out who you are. I still don't really understand myself, hence the plethora of insecurities, but I don't think that pretending to be someone you're not will help. Forget how people perceive you and instead focus on how you perceive yourself. Try to be comfortable with who you are, as opposed to trying to become something you're not. Like I said, I know trying to find yourself can be difficult, but caring about others perception of you is not a step in the positive direction.

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    • Yup like I've said I guess Im hoping somehow they'll eventually get it.
      And I think no one really ever gets to that point where they know exactly who they are so I don't wanna say YES I know exactly who I am. But in usual terms, I know who I am for the most part which is why I get frustrated because they think they know but they have no idea. Its like omg stop you want me to be a b*tch I'll show you what a real one is or I'll show you how annoying a person can get. I find it entertaining and satisfying rather than dwelling on it.

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      • Anime7

        Well as long as you know who you are then that's cool. I'll admit that its fun to mess with people sometimes. But ultimately, and I know this can be difficult, you should focus more on how you view yourself as opposed to others.

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  • More people conform than those who don't, so it doesn't annoy, it pleases.


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  • RoseIsabella

    But if you do all this to be "tricky" with people and those people don't care enough to begin to notice that you're "messing with them" then who is the joke really on?

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    • I did make it clear that Im aware people don't get it but I think I'm just somehow they will realize the jokes on them.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Its fun to do that, good times

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