Is it normal if i want to be a singer and i can't sing?

Its funny cause im a very expressive person whether its conversating with someone speaking my thoughts or writing in my journal from narratives to poems. But i believe the best way to express yourself is to be a singing artist. Its the best because its creative, not like just writing a book where people cant really see you going through that experience i.e. and youre literally expressing yourself only not like acting where youre expressing a character and just conversating is boring. So personally, i put on my headphones and began to listen to songs that i can relate to and sing along. I also just start randomly singing my own songs that i come up with that moment. Ill also make my own videos. I feel so good like its ok to be me because its expressed in sucha creative manner and everyone is watching and like in aw. Like it or not like it, its me and thats all that matters because im satified that my thoughts and feelings have been thoroughly put out there. I really think id be so successful as a singer because I have so many perspectives on life, opinions, plus theyre all unique which is why i dont really fit in with the rest of the crowd cause theyll think im weird but if i sing it, its a WHOLE different story. So um the only thing thats stopping me is my voice, not a big deal right :P Im not a singer lol not close at all. Its kind of like i woke up one day and said I wanna be a singer but for good reasons cause as said before, I think its the best way of expression.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • wienerpoop

    Ok, this might be a lame piece of advice, but to someone wanting to make expressive music without the ability to sing, I would say rap. A lot of people don't like rap because it's not really natural musical talent, but I think it's a good way to express yourself in a creative way without worrying about pitch and hitting notes and that sort of thing. A good rapper can show the same creativity and connect with an audience just as well as a good singer can. Just because some rappers seem moronic and downright lack talent, doesn't mean it's not a vastly expressive, free from of music. If there's emotion in the lyrics, it basically has to rhyme and you're good. Hope this helped

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  • t33h33

    get lessons or get a new idea

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  • It's all relative. I have (I am told) a very good singing voice. But I also have a BFF that has been the lead in a Broadway musical. Compared to her, my voice sounds like a cat in a washing machine.

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  • Chillpill

    you're absolutely right :) There are a lot of performers who are painfully shy in normal life, but really come alive on stage; some of the most creative and flamboyant ones, in fact, who were said to be electrifying in concert(e.g. Freddy Mercury)
    Songs about feeling rejected, loneliness and alienation tend to reach a great a number of ppl, as a lot them are familiar with these feelings from some point of their lives, even if they don't show it. Keep working on it and good luck!

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  • Also, having the spotlight wouldnt be so bad afterall i am an outcast with so much to say. I believe the most successful artists are the ones who stand out from a regular audience and don't fit in therefore, they only shine on stage and ive seen that before.

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  • bob6969

    Sell your songs you can make millions then after you do send me my 5% cut for my advice i wish the very best for you Good Luck

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  • dappled

    I have considered singing lessons more often than you would imagine. I'm musical, but my singing voice is like a walrus being kicked in the balls. I really wish I could sing.

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  • alv1592

    it's totally fine to have dreams you want to achieve. maybe you could try singing lessons? or who knows, just because you don't like your voice doesn't mean no one else does. try singing for some people and see if they like it. good luck! :D

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  • campbeit

    Singing is not just about a perfect vocal, but you don't want to scare people away either. A great singer knows how to channel emotion into their delivery and make each person listening feel like they are singing the song to them - like the song was written for them. But again, you can't sound like a tortured kitty and make it. So work on your craft. Find out what you need to do to get started and stay on track. Perhaps you might find help through Camp Be It! Google it. Hope this helps.

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  • emilydoll

    I love that! Perhaps taking on singing lessons would be really fun for you!!

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  • DannyKanes

    I'm not allowed to sing. Court order.

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  • Chillpill

    I think it's quite normal judging by shows like American idol and X Factor lol. Have you thought of taking singing lessons? A professional should be able to help with technique and assess whether your voice has potential. Otherwise, you could try songwriting. It sounds like you like the spotlight, though. So why not do karaoke or join a singing club

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  • (:sweet:)

    I love to sing too but i know i suck at it.

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  • Oh and forgot to add: when singers sing they do it in a way that matched their experience you know like if they were depressed, the song will be sad so the audience gets a true feel of what youre going through. Ahhh yupp.

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