Is it normal if i want to be a singer and i can't sing?
Its funny cause im a very expressive person whether its conversating with someone speaking my thoughts or writing in my journal from narratives to poems. But i believe the best way to express yourself is to be a singing artist. Its the best because its creative, not like just writing a book where people cant really see you going through that experience i.e. and youre literally expressing yourself only not like acting where youre expressing a character and just conversating is boring. So personally, i put on my headphones and began to listen to songs that i can relate to and sing along. I also just start randomly singing my own songs that i come up with that moment. Ill also make my own videos. I feel so good like its ok to be me because its expressed in sucha creative manner and everyone is watching and like in aw. Like it or not like it, its me and thats all that matters because im satified that my thoughts and feelings have been thoroughly put out there. I really think id be so successful as a singer because I have so many perspectives on life, opinions, plus theyre all unique which is why i dont really fit in with the rest of the crowd cause theyll think im weird but if i sing it, its a WHOLE different story. So um the only thing thats stopping me is my voice, not a big deal right :P Im not a singer lol not close at all. Its kind of like i woke up one day and said I wanna be a singer but for good reasons cause as said before, I think its the best way of expression.