Is it normal if i want to steal someone's partner?

Yeah. I envy my friends relationship with their partner. Sometimes the slut in me makes me want to get their partner.

Voting Results
22% Normal
Based on 18 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • olderdude-xx

    It is normal to have such desires.

    It is abnormal and often very destructive to act on them.

    You can train yourself to have safer romantic/sexual fantasies.

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  • SmokesTheScrapper

    Better make sure your friend doesn't pour whisky up your ass when they read this.

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    • techpc

      Don't threaten them with a good time

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    • SkullsNRoses

      How would this even work, bend OP over and grab the funnel, a tube and a bottle of Jack Daniels?

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      • SmokesTheScrapper

        OP should be immobilised beforehand. This can be done either with direct violence or more subtly and stealthily with agents such as Biperiden, which can make movements very strenuous on a certain dose. The first time I came into contact with the stuff, I was given 5mg and could only lie down afterwards because my body felt like 500 kilograms of liquid wax. This can be combined with other resources to achieve a horror trip. Biperiden can be mixed into drinks quite easily. Then it shouldn't be difficult to get the bottle of whisky up OP's arse. Either with a fat hose and funnel or shove it straight in. It sounds better with a hose though. That foreign body sensation in the bowel area should be quite uncomfortable, especially if the surface is not slick and irritates or even hurts the mucous membranes of the bowel.

        But I'm not an expert in anal stuff.
        Maybe OP will like it in the end. Disinfectant could also be an alternative, or a mild acid. We don't want to kill OP directly. And maybe some adrenaline if OP is close to faintin. But just maybe, who knows if it will come to that.

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        • I'm amused seeing you guys discussing on how to destroy my anus and rectum. I appreciate the thought but I prefer my anus to not be inserted with anything unless yall are willing to pay .

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          • SmokesTheScrapper

            I'm not payin anythin to ya. Forget about that.

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  • kikilizzo

    That is very toxic and you sound bitter and insecure.
    Get some help and find a partner of your own.

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    • darefu

      I think somebody stoled his partner before!

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      • Not really it's more like I want what they have.

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  • Somenormie

    Stealing someone else's partner is not even normal this is because you are actively trying to impede someone who is in a relationship and it's not healthy either.

    Please stop this and get some help.

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  • RoseIsabella

    You don't sound like a true friend at all, and honestly I rather hope your friend gets wise to your inclinations, and dumps you entirely! Somebody needs to spray your nasty ass down with some Jezebel Spirit/Bitch be Gone spray! People like you don't deserve to have friends, you SHOULD be ashamed of yourself!

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    • darefu

      You right about the friendship. Doesn't sound like a good friend, however, I put most of that responsibility on the one they're after. If you are in a relationship there are going to be other opportunities, friends or strangers.

      If you are that tempted or are looking for something on the side, be honest, man up, what ever you call it, and talk to your partner because something is missing or not working about your current relationship.

      What makes the op think they have the right equipment to steal the person or that the other person is interested in them. Besides nothing shuts down a prospective thief better than being turned down by the one they're going after.

      End of friendship either way, but end of partner if they go for it as well.

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      • Thanks darefu💪 Yeah I have thought about it before. Thank you for your thoughts!

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        • darefu

          Your welcome, have they given any signs they are interested?

          That may be the only way you could end up with him and save the friendship.

          If they are showing signs or hitting on you and it becomes obvious to their partner, they dump him, you give it some time, but then start dating him. It may still cause friction with the friendship but not as much as out right stealing him.

          Just remember if he's looking for someone new while he's with them, he'll probably do the same who ever he's with.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Might want to explore why you want to do that

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    • Thanks Curiouskitten444. Yeah i guess I was just curious.

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      • Curiouskitten444

        Thats fair.

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  • Rocknrolla81

    It’s not normal. I’ve done it though. Sometimes it’s so hard when they also want you. I try not to but it’s happened. Not stole them but done stuff with them

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  • Billy247newaccount_35467829

    Not really. It's unrecommended, but do what you want.

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  • techpc

    I want Jessie's girl!

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  • Thanks everyone for Your thoughts Ill take it into consideration to distance myself from my friend and their partner in the future

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