Is it normal if im scared to eat most meats and vegetables.

is it weird that im scared to eat most meats and vegetables. Only chicken and some vegetables like corn and potatoes. ive had this mindset on not trying new food since childhood which made sleepovers hard at dinnertime at my friends houses.any thoughts?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • bleach_baby

    Cognitive behavioural therapy.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    That seems really difficult! You are missing out on some of the best foods! What is it about these foods that scare you?

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    • Avant-Garde

      I'm guessing that it could be the smell and textures of them. Allot of meat and vegetables can be visually unappealing or have curious smells,etc. When I used to eat meat, there was always something off putting about it. Curious aftertastes & strange textures... Brussel sprouts also would have the same effect on me.

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      • Captain_Kegstand

        That makes sense, when I was younger I had problems with cooked tomatoes in chili! At this point in my life, I have not come across any food that I don't like now.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm scared of certain foods due to allergies. Now all I eat is vegetables and fruits.

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    • dappled

      How do you get on with nuts and seeds and pulses and legumes and beans and stuff? I only ask because I found it really difficult following a vegan diet (by choice, in my case) and things like lentils and chick peas and many types of beans really kept me going because they're such a different texture than most fruit and veg.

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      • Avant-Garde

        Pulses? I can't seem to have most beans especially if they're from america or mexico. However, I can have "dessert beans" like coffee, chocolate, vanilla and azuki the last time I checked. I can eat nuts, but peanuts usually take my breath away and almonds unfortunately usually have salt on them. I don't eat seeds unless it's kiwi and I can eat soy, but it's so bland:/

        I've mainly been trying to play it safe by eating 100% organic, stewing vegetables and cooking fruits, drinking fruit juices (prune and pineapple),etc.

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  • gncp

    You just need to trace the real cause of your fear. And you should overcome your fear. Try to eat variety of foods in small amounts maybe that will resolve your problem.

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  • Shackleford96

    Do a blind fold experiment! You could get a good smell of the food before you tasted it, and if you liked it, take the blindfold off and see what it is.

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  • dappled

    I used to eat absolutely everything until I had tonsillitis as a child. After that, I seemed to take against food that had hurt me and it was years before my parents could get me to eat anything but soft food. I lived on mashed potato and fish fingers.

    I was faddy right up until the point I started cooking all my meals for myself and found I wanted to experiment. The good thing about cooking for myself was that nobody was offended if I found I didn't like something new. I've used ingredients I really didn't like (pine nuts, polenta, Thai basil) but I've found new things I love (heather honey, scallops, tamarind).

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    • Captain_Kegstand

      Could you go ahead and define the word "faddy" for me? I have never heard this.

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      • dappled

        Aww, I normally chop out all the Anglicisms (except for the ones people know, like "fortnight"). I thought faddy would be a safe one. If something is a fad, it's a bit of a trend or a craze or something people can't get enough of. When we talk about faddy kids, we usually mean ones who live on certain foods and won't try a wide range.

        If you give a kid cabbage and he won't eat it, he's faddy. If he cries about it (or anything, really), he becomes mardy. He can also be "a mard". Or a mard-arse. Or a mardy bum (if put nicely by the Arctic Monkeys). I wouldn't use mard anywhere outside my city, though. Or nesh. Or feggy. Or bobbins. Or "Piffy on a rock bun". Or all the other stuff I'm just realising I subconsciously cut out when I'm online. :D

        P.S. Piffy on a rock bun is my favourite, but no-one ever says it now because everyone has mobile phones!

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        • Captain_Kegstand

          Ah, okay I got you now. I had just never heard the term "fad" used that way before. Makes a lot of sense though, now that you explained it.

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