Is it normal if people think i'm a satanist?

I think after one day when I said something about Wicca or something and after that people always avoid me. One day after school when I walking back home someone flicked holy water on me, last week someone egged my house, now I'm really getting pissed at them.

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28% Normal
Based on 39 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • AppleMind

    Although it is cruel and illogical, in many places it is normal to berate those that question the hive mind.

    As an Atheist, I have also been called a satanist and had holy water thrown at me. People can be retarded . . .

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    • Zabriskie

      I feel you man.
      They havn't been doing anything recently, a few younger kids snickering when I walk but nothing too bad. I caught some kids fucking around with a bush in my yard.

      You do not fuck around my bush. That is MY goddamm bush.

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      • NotHumanAtAll

        Was it a burning bush?

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        • Zabriskie

          Sadly yes.

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  • dutchgypsygirl92

    It's normal, but that doesn't make it right. Remember that people are always afraid of anything different. Follow your own heart and leave those narrow-minded people be, do what makes YOU happy.

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  • lux1234

    yes it's normal they think anything that is not their religion is evil. i get it all the time just not as bad as you do.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I feel for you! When I was in junior high school I used to like to read books on the occult and witchcraft. I spent my entire 7th grade year being harassed and accused of practicing Satanic witchcraft.

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  • They sound really ignorant. You should fuck with them.

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    • Naughty_rascal

      I agree. maybe she could use her ancient dark magic to cast a spell on them? Turn them into a frog or somthin.

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      • dutchgypsygirl92

        Actually Wicca doesn't work that way. First: I've always thought the "spells" Wiccans cast are more like prayers with some kind of small sacrifice; pretty flowers belonging to the God/Goddess they're dedicating the spell to, a candle in the colour belonging to God/Goddess in question(usually also for the presence of the element Air, four elements are usually present at the altar. Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Some use a fifth element but I forgot which one that is)...I could be wrong though, so please correct me if I am.

        Second: Wiccans often only use white magic. I truly believe myself, and many Wiccans with me, that magic cannot be good or bad in itself. One can use magic to curse someone, or heal someone. Wiccans use their magic in the good way, not to manipulate someone or put a curse on them, as they believe it will come back to them only three times worse.

        Sure, there may be other people who use the dark side of magic for wealth, fame, love or revenge. But those people usually don't identify with Wicca and her beauty and peaceful nature.

        I am not a Wiccan, I have only taken interest in the religion when I was a teenager. So please, other Wiccans, correct me if I'm wrong.

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        • Naughty_rascal

          First: There are no spells. or Gods, or Goddess' Candles hold no significance, and the elements are here everywhere anyway.

          Second: No one can do good or bad magic, except maybe that Dynamo guy. I saw him but a iPhone in a bottle, that was bad magic. The spooky kind? Nnaaaaahhh!

          Oh and for the record I'm not Wiccan either, I mean sure; I've slept with guys and girls, but I'm not really fully Wiccan.

          Please don't put a curse on me; I'll buy your lucky heather.

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  • This happens in real life? Weird. It seems like you live in an Amish community or some place very religious.

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    • Zabriskie

      Nah, I live in a little place called Willowdale. It's in Canada. That whole stereotype about us being "Super nice" is kinda true and well..


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  • satansdisciples

    Christians and Catholics are the worst kind of people alive,I get treated like shit every day by them due to the fact im a Theistic Satanist.try not to let those foolish people get to you,after all those idiots fear the creator of knowledge"Satan".

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  • pixie_dust

    Don't necessarily be so mad at these people bcuz they've been brainwashed by their religion. They're not evil, just misguided. Perhaps if you get a chance to sit down and have a conversation with them, you could talk to them in terms of anthropology and history of such places as ancient Egypt. In ancient Egypt they used such things as healing/power crystals, like the lapiz lazuli was considered something sacred. In fact I wear the lapiz lazuli pendant as orgonite and it helps me not get sick. (try googling orgonite for more info) Anyway, that culture is very fascinating. The 'eye of rah' is actually representative of the 3rd eye, meaning one's intuition, which in their culture was deemed sacred bcuz the power of the human mind is immense.

    Even their god, wouldn't want to condemn every person in ancient Egypt as satanic or sacrilegious. Ancient egypt, when you study how awesome the pyramids were and what's left over after literally thousands of years you understand how awesome and powerful they were. That is NOT demonic, it's powerful.. SOMEBODY didn't want us to have that power so it was deemed satanic by the Catholic church at its inception. (after Egypt this was concocted)

    If you are able to find somebody that is not a robot and talk to them about this, perhaps it'll give them food for thought.

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  • Ravarx

    I don't believe it is normal. People shouldn't be harassed over things such as religion, politics, sexuality, etc. I question the intelligence and tolerance of people that think anything that isn't Judaism, Christianity, or Islam is Satanism. I've gotten heat over religion as well. Never told anyone what I was, but I laugh when people call me a Satanist, as in Reverse Christianity. As an actual Satanist, I can't help but just bust up laughing at the sheer stupidity. It floors most people.

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  • Avant-Garde

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    • Zabriskie

      "From the Author of, “If God Loves Me, Why Can’t I Get My Locker Open?”

      Omg xD

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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm sorry that you have to deal with this. You'd think that in this day and age, that most people would know better than to act so fucking stupid. This is partially why I am not particularly keen on being open about being an atheist or even on my beliefs/interests in mysticism (etc.) I remember being on tumblr once and someone posted a anti-atheist and pro-Christian pamphlet, depicting atheists as being sneaky, evil, goats. And that if you were to see one, to (I think) report them to your local pastor. I wish it wasn't real. This ridiculousness needs to stop.

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  • ChaoticBunny

    People can be such ignorant fools. Being a wiccan doesn't make you an evil person. If they keep harassing you, then cast a spell on them to teach them a lesson.

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  • wiccadragonfly

    Merry meet people let me clear this up for you and merry meet bro/or sis WICCANS DO NOT BELIEVE in the existence of the Christian Satan so no us wiccans are not satanists merry part

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  • wii3willrule

    There's nothing wrong with LaVeyan Satanism. A lot better than any other religion if you ask me.

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  • KeepsakeDoll

    I feel really sorry for you. You could probably report the egging to the police, though. Not sure.

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