Is it normal if they speed, i speed too?

I really don't like to speed, but I feel pressured to speed when I see everyone else around me speeding. I hate it but I am worried that I will piss people off if I do the speed limit. When I'm on the road and there are no other cars around, I do the limit and no more. What is wrong with me?

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81% Normal
Based on 80 votes (65 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    I slow down it really pisses them off

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  • dappled

    As a pedestrian, I stand beside cars at the traffic lights and get down in the blocks as if I am going to race them. When they squeal away from me in a cloud of tyre-smoke and look back expectantly, I hold up a card which shows them how many people they have murdered in the future and deprived of life.

    P.S. I don't really do this. I show them the card but I don't squat. Pft to that!

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  • dirtybirdy

    I speed anyway. And its ALWAYS a race. I win.

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    • Terence_the_viking

      That's because you do a massive birdy poop on their windscreen right?

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      • dirtybirdy

        a foreign language, ay. Windshield!! Yes I shat all over it. (Too many berries) I had to in order to obtain mach speed. There was a huge sale on day old bread crumbs in moscow. I almost missed it!

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        • Terence_the_viking

          Artsy as ever :P

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  • Ebil_Lightbulb

    I never do it because I don't want them to be mad, but I find myself automatically matching my speed to others. I have caught myself keeping up with the interstate speeders when I was on the outer road several times. Lucky to havr never gotten a speeding ticket lol

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  • myownopinions

    I feel this way too. I especially hate it when all around me, people are speeding and then we get into a one-lane road and someone starts tailgating me, then they pass me once the road goes back to multiple lanes and I feel like yelling, "Excuse me for not wanting to be arrested!!!".

    Yeah, it's normal. Generally when this happens, I may break the limit by only one or two more mph.

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  • PapzBSlim

    I feel if someone is going to go under the speed limit, they should stay to the right of traffic. You are technically supposed to pass in the left lane because of merging traffic or people entering from a plaza etc. I cannot stand when the speed limit is 45 and someone is in the middle lane doing 36 and could careless about traffic. I myself like to do the speed limit or below to save on gas but I stay to the right of traffic until I am nearing my destination. I am also from Florida where no one had heard of a turn signal and just pull out in front of you just to go slower than what you were previously traveling at.

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  • Ldizzy1234

    I have this problem too. I really have no problem doing the speed limit when no one seems to be around, or even if I have somebody else in my car, I make sure to drive the speed limit and cautiously. In fact, I think it would be better and safer to drive the speed limit. Its good to keep the other people on the rd in mind while you're driving. It saves lives and could keep yourself from losing your own.

    But lately, I feel this thing inside of me pressuring me to go fast. A lot of times I end up passing people, but because of my own fears. I don't know how to explain it really, but I know where you're coming from. And I don't even really like driving anyway. I don't know. I get a little anxiety on the road. It might sound strange and even arrogant, but I sometimes honestly feel like its a very hard thing for me to control. I'd much rather be a passenger than the one driving. Ugh! And another thing that drives me nuts, is that I can't stop with the radio. I have to have a song playing. It makes me feel a little better. So I'll switch if a commercial comes on right away. I really shouldn't be a driver. :/

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  • SparksTheGoldenFoxie

    Don't worry about the people behind or around you just obey the speed limit and you'll be okay.. Speeding is never worth the risk

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  • KeddersPrincess

    That same feeling comes over me, but I always remind myself that if a police pulls up they will be the one to get arrested not, and I will have the last laugh. Better safe than sorry!

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  • davesumba

    since i got my license i've been going the speed limit when no one's tailgating me, and five over if they are, but not at night. i do this because if i go the speed limit, people will tailgate me, and if i have to stop suddenly then they will rear end me. well sure enough, last winter, it was night and i had to stop suddenly, and the car behind me was too close and crashed into me like a freight train. i don't speed because i'm pressured, i speed because it's safer.

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  • Nope! Never. The speed I go while in the middle of nowhere is the same speed I'd go if I were in a racing derby.

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