Is it normal im constantly picking at something on myself?

Almost always I'm either picking at my nails or at my back trying to pick off sores or anything I can find. I pick scabs off my back especially. I have mild back acne and have this habit where I reach behind my back and pick at the acne. I know this sounds discusting but I usually eat whatever I manage to pick off. Is this normal?

Voting Results
36% Normal
Based on 86 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • abbeyroad

    I would have said normal until you mentioned eating it. That's just repulsive.

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    • xLucidDREAMER


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  • Instead of OCD, it may be Dermatillomania, where a person has a compulsion to pick at their skin constantly.

    It can be a loose form of OCD much like Trichotillomania (obsessively pulling out hairs).

    Or you might just like to pick at things but don't eat the scabs...

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  • MrsBailey9

    The scars that you are leaving is something you may want to start thinking about. What you are doing is a form of OCD, eating them is just plain GROSS. Instead why don't you get an empty container and save them. Make a collection and bond with them that way. Seek professional help from a doctor, get a referral to a psychiatrist. Medication and Talk therapy could help you work through this issue. Good luck.

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  • I can control it, I just really enjoy doing it. And scabs have a good texture to them, no joke.

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  • Complex4

    picking YES...EATING scabs O.o

    I have come across few articles of people picking and actually EATING the scabs...(Its dead skin similar to people biting off dead skin around the fingernails or the skin inside of ur cheeks)but dude, its GROSS..

    r u able to control this picking on ur nails or acne to a certain limit...If yes, then ok..its a BAD habit...

    But, if u r obsessively doing it, out of control, even though it bleeds, then it probably might be OCD..

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  • agree with 'abbeyroad'

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  • dappled

    I believed you until you said about eating it.

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  • moomus

    Agreed ^^^

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