Is it normal,im disgusted and hate looking and dating white british women?

I'm British,male. But I can't stand British women. They all fat and feminist, their ugly in most cases, they fu k all the men then want nice guys to marry. I now date an cute Asian girl and the Brit women seem to give us bad Loo's,as they pissed? Is this normal for me?

Voting Results
38% Normal
Based on 40 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 55 )
  • Boojum

    You probably won't get too many "bad Loo's" if you take your imaginary girlfriend back under your bridge.

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  • CozmoWank

    That Elizabeth is quite the QILF.

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    • She may break a hip.

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    • I loled so hard at this

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    • lordofopinions

      I'm English by birth and came to Canada when I was 5. I consider myself canadian. I have no interest to go back to explore my roots as has already done that. There are a lot if things in British history that I find disturbing like witch trials, torturing women until they "confessed" then hanging them. British sailors grabbing men off the street and hauling them away to their ship. Press gangs they called them. You're in the Navy now. You got a wife and kids at home? Isn't that a shame. We are sure they will miss you. Lots of other stuff.

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    • Alichael

      Most modern English women do not have the queen's "grace and gallantry", as most old fashioned polite English people would used to say, well it's how they talked in England like 50 or 60 years ago.

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      • AngelicPotato

        And neither do you, so please don't judge English women for not speaking like they're the Queen.

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      • Alduin

        I like my woman with grace and an eye for posture, old chap.

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        • Alichael

          "Yes, jolly good country England is right now in the 1950s. Lovely day, isn't it? Everybody with their please and thank yous. I wonder what this country will be like in another 50 or 60 years?"

          50 or 60 years later: "don't ask you fucking wanker!"

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          • Fetiza000


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  • Uniquegirl54

    So that means you hate your Mom because isn't she British?

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    • Alduin

      I don't think he wants to fuck his mom though.

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  • Cottonbrains

    First I wanted to say "You are taking their opinions too seriously." But then... I think
    Your accusation on white girls sleeping around is quite a serious one.
    as an chinese virgin girl myself, you do sound very *disgusting* to me. And it doesn't change because you claim to be a white Brit.
    Although I am very curious about what kind of "cute asian girl" you're dating. According to your terrible personality, I would guess it's pinoy or pretentious mainland gold digger that acts tamed and cute when you're around and uploading like a thousand or so video onto YouTube showing off "oh see how I have a white guy", "what a successful woman I am...".
    In short, Ugly and idiotic guys are ugly and idiotic regardless to their ethnicity and/or nationality, and I regret to inform you that, according to my classification, you're in this category.

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    • You are wrong. I have a cute asian girlfriend and I also hate most brit females for the exact same reason this guy mentions. You might not know how brit girls are here. They are indeed brainwashed feminists and all that shit. It's not that they are naturally ugly, they make themselves ugly and they behave in shitty unatrractive ways on purpose. People are brainwashed, boys date them and pretend to feel good because they are afraid of not being called racist or oppressing or intolerant or shit, but that's not what real men want. My asian gf is very happy with me and I was never into golddigers or whatever, she is actually way richer than me while I am a poor fuck and she even borrowed me money. Anyways you started calling him ugly and idiotic while you don't even know him. No wonder why you are a virgin.

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      • dieter_laser

        She love you long time?

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        • Thumbs up, but he missed it.

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        • Yeah it's been a year and we have a long-distance relationship, seeing each other once or twice per month. Only she is travelling to me since I can't afford it. We are stronger than ever.

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      • Cottonbrains

        You are unsurprisingly boring and ignorant.
        I chose to be virgin myself, my blue-eye ex respected my decision on chastity after +10 months courting.
        And you're just a loser.
        generalising negative sentiments toward white girls won't give you anything good.
        In China there's a similar group of men that spread hatred toward Chinese girls claiming that all Chinese girls are white cock craving non-virgins, I think you guys are somewhat similar.

        Life isn't just about dating, try something better.
        You need to learn the basics about positive interpersonal networking before relationship.

        Such immaturity...

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        • Taking advice on male sentiments for women and relationships with women from a virgin. Wonderful

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      • JerkItToAGuy-CircuitTilYouFry

        Hi, OP!

        You might not know how white guys are. They are indeed brainwashed incels and all that shit. It's not that they are naturally ugly, they make themselves ugly and they behave in shitty unatrractive ways on purpose. People are brainwashed, girls date them and pretend to feel good because they are afraid of being called feminist or ugly or sluts or shit, but that's not what real women want. No wonder why you are a virgin with an anime gf.

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      • @DDaviDD So everyone whos British and feminist is an ugly person who doesn't deserve love? Wow. Glad you found a girlfriend, but don't treat all other girls as worthless just because they have different views or looks than her.

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        • No man, that's not the right conclusion. I even mentioned somewhere in comments that many white girls are lovely and great, but, unfortunately they are fewer and fewer, esp young ones.

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      • Alichael

        Some English women are nice. You can't generalize too much, but note I'm saying "too much", some generalizations are true. The English women that act bitchy and slutty are mainly younger ones (like under 40) and up north. Well that's how it was back in around 1999-2002 when I was living there, and I was there in 2007 and things still seemed exactly the same. I haven't been there since then and haven't been around any English women since then, but I seriously doubt that it's all gone back to the old fashioned manners and politeness of like 60 years ago.

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        • I don't generalize. There must be lots of great white women nonetheless, but I seem not to notice any. I was referring mainly to young girls that we seem to encounter nowadays.

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        • Alduin

          Yeah the woman up north are, mostly, nothing much in looks and personality. They're, mostly, impolite drunks unless, as you've stated, they're over 40.

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          • Alichael

            It's the same in America really, it's the older generations verses the younger ones. There are more bitchy and slutty women under 40 than over 40 over here too.

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    Typical inaccurate generalizations.

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  • I think you need to get over yourself. Youre just mad because none of them chose you. And by the way you sound, I'm really not surprised.

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  • I am a white British female although I am probably far older than anyone you would want to date and I am also married. However, in my youth I would probably have found your views quite offensive, fortunately for me I am now older and maybe a little wiser and realise that it is not really British females that are the problem.

    Every nation has a mix of good and bad people, of varying levels of fitness and of both genders. Some are slim or even underweight others a healthy weight and some are fat and considerably over weight. The country they are born in can influence this but on the whole it makes little difference to someone’s general level of attractiveness.

    So it appears the sad thing is, that you are obviously so extremely unattractive and undesirable that you need to explore the whole world in order to find someone prepared to accept you for a boyfriend. I should try and hang on to her if I were you. She might be the only one on the whole planet prepared to put up with you.

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    • McBean

      I live in the U.S. and dated an older expatriate from Yorkshire about 7 years ago. She was cute, but I have never seen such a raging gold digger in all my life. From her, I learned the head games that female gold diggers play. Thankfully, the relationship was over in 9½ weeks. I can't generalize with only one experience, but never have I seen such predatory, mercenary behavior. I now realize she got an unauthorized copy of my credit report before she tried moving in for the kill.


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      • Sorry to hear about your bad experience but as I say every country has it’s share of lowlifes. I assure we are not all like her.

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        • McBean

          Thank you for your reassurances. Business associates who pop across the pond to London for a long weekend, tell me the London girls suck a good cock. At least that sounds encouraging.


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          • Not only the London ones although I stick to sucking my husbands these days

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            • McBean

              Ahhhhh, such a thoughtful gesture. My faith in English civility is restored.

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  • SoundlessFOB

    I mean everyone has their own personal preference of people to date. There are races that I don't want to date bc I just don't find them attractive there is nothing wrong with that you can't just date people bc you don't want to exclude anybody you have to date who you actually like.

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  • sissycakes

    well i guess you are the one who is actually pissed. i wish i was british because i never shave. lol. you seem like the kind of person who needs to chill and enjoy life. maybe you should not be with people if they have such an issue with brits. wait you are the one that has the issue. maybe they should find someone better. lol. some people are so funny without even realizing it. not wanting to be mean, but maybe people are not needing to shave and just because they dislike you or even get mad about the way you treat them does not mean they are a feminist.

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  • Umwhatsthis

    Its normal but every race has its ugly fat women

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  • HypnoDom

    Many people have preferences for who they want to be in a romantic relationship. Perhaps they're attracted to brown-eyed people or green-eyed people. Short people or tall people. Lawyers or fire fighters. Similarly, tending to find people of a certain race more attractive or unattractive than others is just a personal preference. There's no shame in realizing that most of the individuals you are attracted to are of a different race. Indeed, I feel more cross-cultural marriages can only benefit humanity, genetically and culturally.

    I myself find Asian women to be most attractive, but there are many beautiful women of any given race that I find enchantingly beautiful. I am looking for the whole package--someone with a personality that clicks with mine, with compatible life goals and interests, as well as being physically attractive.

    On the other hand, indulging in negative stereotypes about an entire race or nationality of people and saying you will only date that group, or would never date that group, because of that gross generalization is completely unfair and uncool.

    Date people, not races.

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  • AngelicPotato

    Ha, your grammar is as bad as your judgement. You can't just make an assumption about a nationality after being rejected by a few of the women. And, really? What do you have against feminists, are you sexist or something. PROBABLY! I'm not white, but I am British, and you making a general assumption about a race and a nationality is absolutely disgusting.

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  • anon37e73

    you know, i was going to click normal because people have preferences. But it turns out you're an incel fag

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  • Fetiza000

    ''an cute Asian''. Wow, your grammar disgusts me aswell. Don't British people speak English as like their first language? Ffs.

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  • Quotenbanane

    Why generalise?

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  • Dustyair

    They want white women everywhere to be this way, obviously it keeps the white birth rate low.

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  • Tealights

    Basically, you hate sluts and new-age feminist. There are sluts all around the world, especially in America.

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    • Cottonbrains

      America sluts are still much better than ours.
      Chinese invented "faux hymen", which means, no matter how many abortions they had, they can easily trick you guys into thinking they're virgin.
      And they will demand house, demand car, demand diamond rings, ...

      And that's why I'm not dating anymore. I don't want to be suspected, My hymen is real.

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      • Tealights

        Didn't know being Asian was so hard.

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        • Cottonbrains

          life is always harder for girls,
          men don't suffer from menstruation.
          legal maternity leave is always too little for recuperation.
          men don't age as fast.
          men can fool around without much aftermath.
          statistically saying, men are biologically stronger.

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          • Then shut up and listen, weak creature.

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      • Alichael

        Women that are really virgins are very rare today, in America, England, and China. The whole world has left old fashioned ways. The internet taking over the world is part of the reason, the other part is that the old fashioned generations ruled the world too long ago now.

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        • Cottonbrains

          I do want to give my hymen to the one who finally put that wedding ring on me.
          until that, I will sleep around with different teddy bears.
          but if it happens that im not getting right man, hmm... i think i'll sleep with different kinds of stuffed animals too.
          (I saw a giant pink panther doll today, wanted to buy it, but it's not very fluffy, boo.)

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  • How do you feel about English muffins?

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    • Alichael

      English muffins aren't really English, well, you sort of get them in England but they're called scones, but they taste a little different from English muffins in America.

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  • I'd sell my soul for an English girlfriend.
    You're bonkers.

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  • I am an Eastern European living in the UK. As an immigrant, I don't want to be a piece of shit leaving a country I dislike just to bring my stupid ideology here and to attempt to recreate the shit I had there like many immigrants do. I really like the UK more than my own country and I enjoy most of the things I have here, but honestly, there are some serious issues these people face, as everyone else on Earth.

    The worst thing I can notice is your tolerance to pretty much everything. You seem to be way to tolerant and you took this thing too far in my opinion. You allow too much illegal shit to happen for the sake of tolerance and inclusion (made by immigrants particularly) and this is threatening the society. You should never allow it. Good immigrants don't come here to commit crimes, they come here to study and/or work, like me. I know many people from my own country immigrating or travelling to the UK just to steal, and they ruin our image. I fully support you in eliminating those hostiles completely.

    Many women here have a lot of opinions regarding their entitlement and shit, and they go crazy with feminism and with all these ideologies. If I try to imagine these girls without their sick colors of their hair, without their excessive fat and the crazy attitude, I can see a natural beauty of white girls that is astonishing. There are also lots of blonde cute girls with a bit of misalignments in their teeth, which is also very pretty and you should be proud of that and promote it, rather than the triggly puff feminist shit they do. But, instead of this, I get to witness women who dye their hair like parrots, identify themselves as whatever the fuck and act like crazy. I can see that British males do not like this. They do it because they are afraid of saying it out loud, but they would rather have an authentic non-triggly type of females.

    Girls I know are gingers, blondes, brunettes, all types, and instead of behaving naturally for a woman, they either change their name to a male one to let us see they identify as trans, or shave their hair and look terrible or dye it in green like what the fuck. I don't get it. It's like they want attention because they lack attention and they now have some attention but it's even worse because you don't get the romantical/sexual attention you wanted, but some cheap internet propaganda about feminism, which nobody really cares because this country does not suffer from inequality or anything like that. Feminism was created for shitholes like Saudi Arabia, not the UK.

    I want the genuine European traditional style back, but if that's what people here want then so be it. Although I doubt this is truly their wish, it looks like a trap to me. These girls are still unhappy, they do things in the wrong way.

    Instead I got an asian gf because she is authentic and lives by traditional ideologies. This makes me feel much more comfortable and she is the prototype of what a real man wants. A short, sweet, non-degenerate woman who can cook a meal, act decent and satisfy her man instead of talking trash about entitlement and inequality. Dating an asian sounds like a very normal reaction to me, as normal as your repugnance for this modern nonsense we have now.

    You must be aware of the fact that doing this will end up in decentralizing the British people and soon enough you will lose your power as a Kingdom, but if this makes you happy then so be it. My suggestion is to keep dating whoever you want and also to try to stop this nonsense until it is too late. You know, crazy regimes arised in situations where people were losing their unity like now, so you could expect a communist/nazist leader to want to reunite you and fuck this beautiful country up. After all, more and more people support this because they are fed up with all this shit.

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