Is it normal im scared of the sea and ships only when swimming

So the thing is im scared of the sea but not the the extent that i cant go to the beach or swimming. But to the extent that i cant put on sea goggles and/or open my eyes underwater and look aroun. I also freak out if im swimming near a boat if i see the underside of the boat i freak out or if im anywhere near the propeller i swim away like a sharks chasing me.. But i love boats and ships and i love being on them.. What is the problem? I have no past experiences that couldve triggered this fear

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Comments ( 6 )
  • VioletTrees

    I used to be a swim instructor. I've had a couple students with similar anxiety (though none who were specifically afraid of boats). One woman was afraid to look underwater with goggles because she was afraid of sharks, even in pools. Are you a strong swimmer? Either way, it might help if you can hire an instructor to give you a few private lessons to help with your anxiety. Swim instructors frequently have to help people with a range of water related phobias. There are also swimming and open water safety courses you can take. It might help with your anxiety if you know what to do in an emergency.

    Oh, and I've taught people with all sorts of fears about water that have nothing to do with any particular past experience they've had. Brains are complicated, man.

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  • Sanara

    Boats are actually dangerous, at least motor boats, the propeller can seriously hurt you if it were to start. I also understand the fear of swimming under a boat regardless, because that prevents you from getting up to breathe in the moment if you feel the need to. And of course getting hit by a boat going fast is gonna hurt too

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  • tracybeaker

    thanks god im not the only one!! i honestly thought i was weird but i guess were just different hah! i see a picture of a ships hull i freak out, feel sick and go dizzy. i hate it :(

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  • AtomicCollider

    Maybe something happened in your previous life.

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  • Oh, me too. And the darker the water the scarier.

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  • Dad


    Generally kids have this fear too.
    Its just a matter of doing a little bit at a time, until you get use to it and the fear goes.
    Going out into the big ocean then diving under water could be scary. Start small build from there.

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