Is it normal im to afraid to put myself on the internet?
It started about back in 2010 when i was on this gaming website and weird shit happened that summer. In the end i somehow had this stalker literally following me around on the internet itself. He creeps me out a lot. he somehow got into me email and knows my name now. All because of him there's many things I'm too afraid to do. like make a couple YouTube videos :P i mean like the stalker has been following me on the internet for about 4 years about to be 5 next march. i never really know what to do because every time i changed usernames or got new emails he'd find out. and recently i just found out he lives a couple states over. Its really scaring me. if he already knows my name, he can narrow things down quite a bit. he doesn't know what i look like. but the name i have inst all that common so that makes things even easier. Should it be normal for me to be naturally afraid of putting myself on the internet? He's one of those creepy "I love you' people who is insane about you. This guy threatens to do self harm to himself all the time if i don't respond to him. i don't want to have anything to do with him. But i also don't want him to seriously take his life then I'm tracked down by the government and i'm held responsible. Honestly idk what to do! What should i do about this? i would love to start a little channel on YouTube but i cant because it feels like hes constantly watching...