Is it normal immortality would be hell?

The idea of life going on and on with no end is terrifying to me. Also, isn't it unwise to assume that aging will stop?

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70% Normal
Based on 46 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • JustDave

    Wouldn't it be a real bitch if you could live forever but still suffer injuries? Like imagine the day after you become immortal you break your spine & are paralyzed from the neck down for eternity. What fun.

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    • redberrylemon

      True that. I'd rather be the god type immortal, no disease or injury, but I get to live forever.

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  • bananaface

    Yeah, it would be. I just wish I could live until I was ready to die.

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    • IMissMary

      Death says ready or not here I come!!!


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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I agree. Just today, coincidentally, I saw an episode of Star Trek Voyager in which a member of a race of immortals called the Q had to earn his right to commit suicide, stating that after millenia of immortality and of discovering everything that is and could be in existence, life had lost it's meaning to him.

    I've always thought this but I would hate to be immortal. Eventually, I would fulfill all of my desires and lose my lust for life and novelty. I'd love to have a few centuries but an eternity? No.

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  • yingvsyang

    Immortality is great way to go about all sorts of things. Plus if you are immortal but stupid person you can never learn everything and get bored.Sure at some point in your everlasting life you will have to leave those mortals close to your heart but is it rely worth it when you can play god on earth.You can great new people that are born and teach them wisdom for next generations but for that your morality and wit must be hard like a stone.If you even have a heart at that point...

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  • Dafackjohnny

    The idea of immortality seems good at first but if you think about it it would get boring after a while, plus everyone you know would be dead.

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  • jermath35

    I wish I could be immortal

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  • Immortality is my greatest wish. I want it.
    I think immortality is suited to those that are not attached to their emotional side. If they are attached to their emotional side, you are most likely going to go mad.

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    • What about billions of years from now? And when the sun goes nova?

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      • Well, I might just float in space for a while, then who knows, maybe after another thousands of years I will get found by some aliens. Lol.

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        • IMissMary

          Nah you will be reduced to basic elements.

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  • Dizzee

    At first it would bother me, seeing people die around me etc. But after awhile I think I'll like it. There's a lot of things to do and once I've done it all I can always help the Earth become a better place. If I get tired of Earth, I'll find a new planet to mess with.

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  • flax

    I love the idea of immortality

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  • HugeJohnson

    I'd dig being immortal if I was all powerful. Try to steal my tricycle and you better watch the hell out... I'll go Darth Sidious on your ass.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I would finally get the chance to sleep a lot. I may want to take advantage of that, besides that it does not really appeal to me

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  • Anime7

    I agree, immortality is a scary thought. The way I see it, eventually everyone you love will die, everything you hate will die, and the world will keep going till pretty soon it dies. The awful part is that eventually you'll become jealous of the decaying objects around you, you'll want to join them in the afterlife, but sadly your immortality won't allow it. To an immortal, being suicidal would be the worst thing that could happen to him.

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  • NothingxCrazy

    There are pros and cons to being immortal. It really depends on the parameters of the living forever. Aging, how you heal and overall health, can you reproduce, etc..

    I would like to live forever because I would be able to spend my times going everywhere and seeing everything and not worrying about what I may come across knowing I can live through it. I'd have an eternity to hone my skills at just about anything I could think about.

    At the same time, living forever would mean I could put things off for an eternity. But I think anyone who lives forever would be hipster status because at some point, they'll have done everything before it was cool.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Well, my advise to you is to stay away from vampires.

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