Is it normal is it to be afraid of other people?

I'd describe my fear from a mix of things:

1) Severe auditory/sensory issues - My emotions react to noise/touch like a jittery wild animal. Needless to say, it is at times all I can do not to bolt.

2) Judgement - I am afraid of other's judgement, and I jusge myself based on what I perceive in them - the fact that people leave me alone to me signals that there is something wrong with me, that I should be ostracized. (In turn, this feeds a hunger to do everything in an "I'll show them" approach)

3) Having to break away from a "prudish" heritage (family anti-gay, somewhat racist, relationships, internet etc. - I was raised to be a serious child, and I am now going to a "liberal" college) So, I am always out of the loop, which creates anxiety, and I have to explain to both my family and friends that I could care less about the issues of marriage equality.

Voting Results
71% Normal
Based on 35 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    Only if people have hurt you in the past so much so that you have become a recluse.

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  • Darles_Charwin

    1) Sounds like you could possibly be a Highly Sensitive person. This is a normal and fairly common condition. There are a lot of resources online and also several support groups.

    2) This is extremely normal and common. You want to feel confident, appreciated, and accepted.

    3) Also normal. Living in a new place surrounded by people different from you're used to is a big adjustment. Hang in there. This should get better with time.

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  • J3553

    1) I don't even know what that means. More details would have made it easier. You mean if you hear any noise or feel anything with your sense of touch you mean you start to get scared? Or just with people talking to you, touching you? Or just loud noises and someone touching you unexpectedly?

    2) You are assuming that others will not like you right off the bat. Which in turn causes you to act as if they already don't like you, which will make them not like you. What you're doing is judging them without giving them a chance. You're doing exactly what you're afraid they're doing to you!

    3)Doesn't make sense to me at all. Where does the internet fit in to that? You never had internet before college, or what? You don't care about marriage equality in that you believe one parent should have more control than the other? Which causes you not to fit in with people that believe a relationship should be equal?

    Being afraid of people (social phobia/social anxiety) isn't "normal" but it is fairly common and completely curable. At the very least you can manage it to where it doesn't affect your life in a major way. It isn't easy, but from experience I know that it's possible to overcome. You just have to expose yourself to your fear.

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    • KellysHeroes

      1) The first - as was sort of figured out, part of me has grown somewhat accustomed to associating touch or sound with hostility. Combine that with a (hyper)sensory dysfunction.

      2) Good advice. I'll work on that.

      3) Whereas many people are restricted from outside, I was restricted on most social/internet stuff until I got to college. As to the "equality" thing, it was meant as an example that people seem to want to argue about. My view is "each to their own" and thus I am considered a "fence-sitter."

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  • Knoting1992

    i used to hang around alot of oddballs and sometimes i wondered if they actually gave a shit about what they were discussing of if they were just saying those things to get attention... i can barley get through a day without my mind imploding in on itself let alone sharing my opinion on something i honestly could not give two shits about

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  • kit-kat-bar

    Seek out others, learn to properly read them, emotions get in the way of our perception, read a book on mannerisms or learn to mirror others, it makes it easier to stop thinking about your different actions, this is a new habit you should learn.

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  • Lay off the weed.

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