Is it normal it upset me that a muslim wouldn't shake my hand?

Firstly, I am not interested in hate speech or anti-muslim propaganda.

I got a taxi home, and I was talking with the taxi-driver about religion (don't remember how it came up). I'm Jewish, and he was saying about how all religions are the same and about how we ought to love each other and respect each other.

When it came to getting out of the taxi, I went to shake his hand as a sign of mutual respect and appreciation, to show that I agreed with what he was saying. He said "I can't shake your hand, I'm afraid".

I'm not saying this is right, but I felt as rejected as if I'd made a pass at him and he'd turned me down. I felt silly and humiliated for trying to shake his hand. Can someone tell me why he wouldn't shake my hand? is it normal to feel embarassed and silly that he wouldn't? I'm female and 22 btw.

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Comments ( 26 )
  • kelili

    You shouldn't. It's because you're a woman. There's no need to get in such a state over such a little thing. That is why it is good to know about other religion.

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  • wigsplitz

    It's forbidden for Muslim men to shake (or touch) hands with a woman he is not related to.

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  • CreativeThinker

    I think that cab driver may have said it in wrong way,Yes Islam prohibit touching females in any way other than there wives but there are very few who follow Islam to that extent and those who do follow they do it in proper way but probably that cab driver had some extremist views

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  • stephen1

    A word of thank you or have a nice day is more than enuf to make sumone else happy.. Don hv to show it physicslly.. Its each individuals right wether they wanna hold sum1 or not.. Plus if u rwally wanna hold them then just wear gloves.. Its easier.. But i do understand that the cab man was rude he should say it in a better and propper manner.. Im sorry behalf of hm..

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  • Dimepiece

    Muslim men beleive they are better than woman. They're pathetic

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    • RB190

      It's not because they think they're better, it's considered too intimate by some, they won't hug strange women either nor kiss them on the cheek or hand.

      It's just them trying to be modest.

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  • Spit on them.

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  • LoveMyCottonShirt

    Muslims are hating stories about their disrespectful terrorists-in-training refusing to shake women's hands. This is a blatant exposing of the Islamic culture of bigotry and hatred, which is ingrained in the teachings of Muhammad (who was a serial murderer and child rapist, by the way). They won't shake a woman's hand because they have zero respect for you, and think that it would be offensive to God to touch you. I cannot think of something more offensive and bigoted than that. Islam is shit.

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  • Drawingmud

    They're backwards don't think anything of it

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  • mlbryan44

    Just another gay Muslim, millions of them around.

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  • funnymoments

    Please if you want to understand Islam and that rule don't ever ask Shia ... they are so rude and their job is to make people away from the truth of islam.
    I will tell you the thing behind that rule i did some search and look what i have found :
    It has been scientifically proven that the surface of the human skin contains millions of cells that transmit sensations to the brain , if the man's hand touched the woman's hand began signals resulting from contact with applicable toward the brain where analyzed and linked with his or her hand. When this process is repeated , the brain stores this information drives the passion for men or women , leaving the psychological impact and emotions remain stored for long periods of time .

    The psychological emotions concerning handshake for men and women versa may evolve and excite instincts inherent in both sexes , which pays for more emotional and emotions that may be the cause of the evolution of the relationship between the sexes , leading to falling into the outrageous. At the very least has caused repeated handshake between men and women and frequent mixing between them to confuse the mind and influenced the decision - making process on both sides.

    Islam wants the believer to be net - minded in stable condition and comfort in the heart.
    I hope that help you to understand more :D

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    • 53739

      So you are saying that a normal handshake between a man and a woman is considered a sexual act? That is totally ridiculous.

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    • RB190

      You must be Sunni.

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  • funnymoments

    at the start i thought that you are a guy but if you are a woman then a Muslim man can't shake hand of any woman if she is a Muslim or not. don't take personnel it's part of thier relegion and if you really search about it you will find that scientificly is kind of weird man to shake woman hand. they do have reasons :D

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    • LoveMyCottonShirt

      Did you seriously just claim that Muslims have a scientific reason not to shake women's hands? You must be a brain dead terrorist.

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  • mostafalashin86

    yes it is normal in islam and muslims because the prophet mohammed teach us to do that with any women and we can give you good words like have anice day without touch women hand that because islam guides you to the straight way.
    god said in the noble quran ( Truly, the religion with Allâh is Islâm. Those who were given the Scripture (Jews and Christians) did not differ except, out of mutual jealousy, after knowledge had come to them. And whoever seeks a religion other than Islâm, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers ).

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  • emilydoll

    Nobody likes to feel rejected but I wouldn't take it too personally

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  • howaminotmyself

    Maybe it isn't you. Perhaps it's a policy of his to not shake hands with anyone.

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    • It's not. It is a religious thing. I did some research and I discovered that muslims will not shake hands with a woman that they are not related to or married to. However, the reasons for this are unclear from my research. I read that "For some traditional Shias any contact with any non-Muslims, male or female, makes the Muslim spiritually impure. After such contact a believer most go through ritual purification." This seems terribly cruel to me and I'm sure that this can't be true, or must only be true of extremists.

      I would greatly appreciate it if any Muslim could explain the reasons behind this rule. I mean no disrespect, but I am curious. It would sadden me to think that muslims would view non-muslims as being so impure as to corrupt them, and I hope that most muslims don't believe this :\

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      • dappled

        I just asked my friend. He says he wouldn't shake hands with you either. I didn't quite understand the reasons but he says it's a kind of intimacy that's inappropriate. Your feeling of being rejected romantically shows that maybe there is some subtext to men and women shaking hands (the whole holding hands thing, maybe).

        My friend says he'll shake hands with men because there's no chance of it being seen as a step to a romantic relationship.

        It isn't a rejection, though. It's a way of preventing misunderstanding and of keeping things modest.

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      • CreativeThinker

        Shia are less than 15% of whole muslim population so there opinion simply doesn't count I think

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      • peeweekid

        I've never heard of the "if you shake your hand, you're committing an aposty in Islam" rule. I'm a Muslim and I do shake hands (heck I'll even hug random people) with anyone who offers it. You could also consider other aspects of the dude. Maybe he was taught culturally to not shake hands with women (he's not married or related to). I can't confirm the ritual purification thing because I'm not a Shia. But so far, I've never heard of it before lol.

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      • jachis08

        Haha. I'm a muslim, and no, shaking hands with you does not make me impure, the same way our prophet used to shake hand and have deals with his uncle, who died as a non-muslim. This believe of not shaking hand with women who are not related to u, and that u r not married to comes from some not so sure sources that the prophet had forbidden the act. Some half of the scholars say u should not, the other say the sources are weak, and it's ok to shake hands with women. Am with the latter group, i shake women's hands, and I think it's ok. However, I believe you should not take it personal if some muslim refused to shake hands, it is out of his devotion, and doesn't mean to insult. A lot of muslims here don't shake hands and we don't normally shake hands between a man and a woman by the norms only. Hope u got it. All respect from jordan ;)

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      • RB190

        I don't think that thing about Shias is true, the only time you need to do ritual purification is if you were unconscious, pooped, farted, ejaculated, fell asleep, had your periods, or are now dead. Same as the jewish cleaning
        <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
        taharat is the Arabic term similar to the jewish taharah

        I also second what dappled says
        <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

        touching you will not make him impure unless you were in contact with something impure, like an impure animal or substance, say you touched a pig or a dog and touched him or if you spilt alcohol on him, then he'd have to do "wazu" before prayer again. you need to do wazu before prayer regardless.

        the reason he didn't touch you is either company policy, or that he didn't touch you out of respect, you can't touch unrelated women under fear of disrespecting them, being lecherous.

        there are 2 types of purification.
        wazu is the one that you do if you fall asleep, go to the bathroom, touch something impure and before prayer.

        taharat is when you fall unconscious, had intercourse have died and some other stuff.

        It's pretty much the same stuff
        <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

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      • wigsplitz

        I'm not a Muslim, but I do know they have some very strong convictions! Like not touching pork or alcohol, and not being allowed to own dogs (exceptions for working dogs only).

        There was a Muslim store clerk who made a big deal of people not coming through their checkout line if they were buying pork or alcohol because even touching the packages would taint them. That was a bit extreme, from what I understand many find it OK to use gloves in that situation since it's in a package as well.

        They considered strapping packages of pig lard inside some public places and buses to stop suicide bombers, because if the pork touched them, their mission would be know, the point of a suicide mission is to become a martyr so that wouldn't happen if the pork got on them. I don't know if they ever did that, I remember it was several years ago that I heard about that.

        The hand shaking thing has roots in sexual temptation, it goes right along with women being covered up with clothing.

        I do admire their devotion, honestly. They don't half-ass it.

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        • RB190

          that would not work in most cases as the attacks are politically fueled. The footmen might agree with that but the terror heads would not.

          and touching something impure would not taint their assumed to exist "glory" of "martyrdom"

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