Is it normal little brother to suspect parents of spying on him?

My little brother who is 14 thinks that my mom and dad are spying on him on the internet. He said he always refrained from going on pornography websites due to the fact that he legitimately believes that our parents are spying on him through a network spying system that can see history and the computer screen or read keyboard typing. I told him it probably isn't true. I am concerned that he might have Schizophrenia like symptoms, because an obsessive suspicion is an early warning sign of the mental illness. Is this concerning? and may he have schizo.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Your brothers paranoia is logical. Lots of families have this security now. Personally I am against it.

    This is not a sign of mental illness. I developed schizo symptoms at a young age and I was paranoid about much more unusual stuff, although I did believe I was constantly spied on by parents/government/aliens/etc. If he starts taking apart house hold items feeling around for invisible cameras and getting angry when he doesn't find them because they warped them to somewhere else while he was looking, then it's time to see the brain doctor.

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  • davesumba

    Actually, most parents think it's their job to "spy" on their kids. They will look at your internet, snoop through your room, and sometimes even your phone. They think they are protecting you.

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  • spitz

    I grew up believing I was spied on by having far too many instances where people would repeat verbatim what I said in my own home, repeat actions I've done. Turns out I was correct in my suspicions and I am a stalking victim. Its ruined my life in unimaginable ways.

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  • yesnomaybeso

    Maybe it's true! :p It's very easy to do that right...

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      It is very simple to do.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    You brother sounds unusually paranoid, but I doubt this is schizophrenia.

    If you are genuiniely concerned here's a link to the NHS website telling of the usual symptoms of the disease;

    To me it sounds like he's just scared that Mum and Dad will catch him on porn.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Wow you are pretty ignorant aren't you? You know they have a set up which parents can view the history and see what the kids are doing online right? Also they have a parental controls which can control and lock certain websites on computers that you can only access with a code. I find it funny how ignorant you are. Before you start telling your brother he is nuts why not educate yourself on the technology that is out there? Its not a warning sign if its true you. I find it irritating how very stupid you are. You are really no different than the people burning witches at the Salem witch trials. Did it ever occur that you could look this shit up see if it existed? You took time to write this crap why not research it?

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    • You mad bro?

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    • boeingdude1

      My parents do not have this. I have asked them about it. They have no reason to lie to me, because I don't live there. He is still concerned and will not change his beliefs. I know of several software that do this like PCpandora which is a keylogger, and a screen capturing network spyware system.

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        They still might be able to see it. At least I know how to from all my computers. Your brothers computer might not have the option mine did. I think that might just be distrust of the parents. Are they possessive? Maybe he is paranoid for a reason. You said you don't live there. So you don't know what he is going through everyday. You only know what your parents tell you not what they are actually doing. Either way is this really such a huge deal? Porn comes with a lot of viruses anyways. So if he stays off porn since he believes his parents might see it that makes sense. If everyone is using the same computer you can check the history on it.

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  • Mersaphe

    Same thing happened to me, I was 14 and my parents found porn on the computer. After that incident I was more careful

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  • Couman

    It not crazier than the people who believed the government was spying on us, and look how that turned out.

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