Is it normal making fun of whores

Is it normal that when im in public either by myself or with friends, i like to make fun of the obvious sluts i see? My friends even join in on the fun. We dont just make assumptions, we make sure theyre the preppy cunts with no self-respect, strutting around with a shitton of makeup and with their almost everything showing and look like they'd fuck anything that would look at her twice.
And i dont mean whispering behind their backs, its much more entertaining when you insult them so that they can hear you. The scowl under their half-pound of makeup is priceless haha.
The other day i was at the store, and there was this girl who looked about 15 was just hanging around the electronics section, not looking at anything. Just trying to get attention looked like. This thing was tanned to the color of a pumpkin (i shit you not). Hair long and bleached near white, racoon eye makeup, and had on a tight tank top and shorts that could be classified as underwear. Even guys passing were laughing at her desperation. I couldnt resist. As i passed exclaimed 'wash the facepaint off hoochie!', keeping eye contact. I know i could have been more clever but it seemed fitting. She folleowd me around the store to randomly give me the evil eye til she left, i just laughed at the snooki jr.

is it normal my friends and i get such enjoyment from this?

Voting Results
45% Normal
Based on 84 votes (38 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • dappled

    If your main purpose in life is to make others feel bad, then I don't really see much point in you continuing to exist.

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  • DudeUrFuglyXox

    just because a person dresses a certain way doesnt mean theyre a slut maybe they just feel comfterble wearing less and they have a good body so why not, and even if they are sluts its not any of your business, you seem like a total bitch.

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  • MissClaire

    making fun of others is usually to do with having low self esteem......other people's business is their own. Perhaps you dont like what they represent, a threat to relationships - perhaps yours?

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  • littlemissgiggles

    They have lives too you know

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    • PiscessLady

      Sluts dont have a life.

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  • joybird

    Who the fuck do you think you are?!

    Just watched a show last night where a girl of 20 was a prostitute in order to feed herself and her 2 sisters. Her mother had cleared off after getting into drugs. Do you think she wanted to be a prostitute to provide food?

    You never know the day you'll be in debt through no fault of your own and putting your life at risk to feed children.
    Anyhow, she's probably providing more pleasure to mankind than you ever will, with your sour face at the check out!!

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  • BurnaTwist

    wow your a grown up huh? i can make fun of others too, does it make you feel better about your mediorce life? why would you make fun of someone based on how they look? are you them?no your not, how dare you judge anyone. You laugh at her now, and many others im sure, but when they reach their breakin point and snap out if i were you id duck quick

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    • SlipperyKitty

      You are judging him for judging?


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  • Lynxikat

    What's the point of making fun of someone like the girl in the store with the heavy make-up and the tanned skin? It's none of your business, so why bother? What's the point?

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  • Halkarin

    These people (and the girl you saw was a PERSON, not a "thing" you evil shit) are a sad product of today's sexist society - and possibly victims of sexual abuse. They deserve your empathy, pity and support - not contempt.

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  • xoblondiexo

    The fuck is wrong with you??! I know plenty of virgins who look like that. You shouldn't judge people like that and then bash them to top it off. You need to get a better hobby. Go to hell.

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  • jayjay&gorge

    i bet ur fuck ugly and cant get a boyfriend thats why u feel the need to be nasty to other girls either that or u had a boyfriend and he cheated on yo ass with a girl that looked like that, either way move on an let it go loserr

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  • Buhhhrito

    Before you make fun of anyone, even in a group of friends, ask yourself a question: Would you be saying it if the person you were making fun of could hear you?<BR><BR>If you wouldn't then don't do it. Also, the fact that you put everyone into a certain group in your mind without knowing them is ridiculous. I'm not even going to mention your casual use of the "c" word that I refuse to say, write, or type.
    <BR><BR>You and your friends are clearly evil trolls. Why don't you just find a nice bridge to live under? Enjoy being an angry person.

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  • thecoldhardtruth

    Sounds like you have severe self esteem issues. If putting others down makes you feel better, you should seek professional help.

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  • BurnaTwist

    how did i judge him? i only stated that you shouldnt judge people based on looks, and its a fact that people do snap out when they get pushed beyond their threshold, do i need to bring up how many school shootings have happened because these kids just couldnt handle it anymore? doing the world a public service? really? lets give this guy a day in his honor to celebrate every year, year after year will call it random asshole day hows that sound

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  • emilydoll

    That's mean, she obviously is lost, who would want to date you

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Well you said you make sure they are sluts. Simply having a lot of make up does not make anyone a slut. You are going under assumptions. Some people just wear too much make up. My friend(female) wore way to much to the dance. She does not normally wear make up but when she did we were all staring.

    I actually thought she looked pretty naturally. Anyways you are assuming that make up is what makes a slut and it isnt. However if you know someone personally and they are snobs to you I could understand why one would be a dick to them.

    I use to know women like this in school and they use to act like they were all that. They were mean to those that were not fucking the universe and proud of their sluttiness. One even said at age 14 "I am going to grow up to be a hooker". I don't really enjoy being around easy women who think they are better for being slutty. However if someone is easy and really nice I am more likely to forgive those qualities. Simply because you don't want to hate someone this nice to you.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Making fun of snobby bitches is a good thing. It teaches them to be less bitchy. I use to know women like this who would go out of their way to make normal people feel worthless and they disgusted me. So if you talk about the wannabe "Paris Hilton" they deserve it.

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  • The ones that are dressed up like its Halloween I could understand laughing at

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  • hyena

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