Is it normal meps needle did not hurt me?
I had lots of blood tests in the passed and they have always hurt. What is worse is they do nothing to make sure you stay still even though they know its excruciatingly painful and dont seem to take any of this into consideration when they are doing it on children.
They also always seem to have this attitude of "Why you being such a baby". Even though they are dealing with kids. I use to get blood drawn a lot as a kid since they always thought I was anemic since I was so skinny.
Clearly nothing ever came back or I pretty sure they would have told me but every time we went to a new doctor they usually asked for 1-3 more blood tests which always came back negative.
Anyways I am now 22 and I went to go get blood drawn at meps and I did not even feel it and I am shocked. Shoving a needle into your arm is very painful. However they also did do it a little different, instead of painfully shoving it into my arm with a shot like needle and slowly draw blood, they slowly slid in a needle and they hooked it up to a tube and let the blood run and slide it out. Is this how blood tests are suppose to be? I did not think it was possible to not have a painful blood test.