Is it normal modern technology is making people anti social?

It just strikes me that when I'm out in public, most people have earphones in their ears (ipods) and are looking down into their phones updating status's, writing messages, surfing the net, etc. I used to enjoy chatting to people at bus-stops/train stations while we were waiting. Now I'd never dream of doing it because they are occupied with earphones in their ears and doing things on their phones. I'd feel rude and random to interrupt them. There is a very social world online, in social media, but is it normal to feel like it is taking over the social experience in real life by constantly distracting people from it?

Voting Results
79% Normal
Based on 62 votes (49 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • VivaBrittan

    I will concur, in the sense that social networking has helped me to NOT have to be physically social with people. I don't like socializing in public, and the Internet gives me the ability to still stay "in the loop."

    Don't get me wrong: I'm not antisocial. If I have to interact with people, I can act as if I'm the life of the party. But after that moment, you'll most likely never see me again. I don't like crowds, I don't like random conversation. I am an introvert.

    I've always believed that human interaction is overrated to an extent. Fake people smiling at each other then stabbing each other in the back just isn't my cup of tea.

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    • If you are judging all human interaction as fake people smiling at each other and stabbing each other in the back then you should really change the type of people you are spending time with.

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    • Good to get an introverts opinion on this, thanks!

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  • Pwnfacertwn

    I disagree with the premise. Sure, iPhones, iPods, and other handhelds with or without headphones give people an excuse not to communicate with their immediate environment, but many of those people are communicating/socializing via those devices. Likewise, before the age of the iPod, believe or not, Walkmans existed. As did newspapers and magazines - resources more commonly accessed nowadays via handhelds. People have been intentionally distracted and antisocial for ages.

    My experience isn't that people are less social, it's that how we socialize is being redefined. That and we're getting older and distancing ourselves from the norms we grew up with and their subsequent transitional norms. Face-to-face, the younger generation has always been more socially awkward than their elder counterparts, but that's more a function of age than era.

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    • Ah ok thanks for sharing your opinion :)

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  • bristexai

    I'm glad at how technology has changed society, I'll admit it. I'm very unsocial. I just pretend I'm preoccupied with my tablet so people will leave me alone on the bus or whereever. In the past, I would have had to live in a cabin in the middle of nowhere to be happy. Now I can choose whether to be social or not. Why do you hate freedom and choice? I honestly think you don't want me to exist. You want me to value everything you value, but I dont, and that scares you. Your heaven is my hell. I repeat, why do you hate choice and freedom? Why can't we choose to be unsocial? If you don't like tech, don't fucking use it! If you want to talk to people all day, fucking talk to people all day, but don't complain about people who happen to be different than you.

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    • We have vastly different views on this and I understand that everyone's different with a different perspective on things. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

      I no longer use social media sites, I havent for 2 years now. My life has improved dramatically. But like I said were all different and it suits some peoples lifestyle.

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  • dinz

    My sister has her headphones glued to her ears 24/7 listening to music and/or playing games on her iphone. Once we went on a drive and I was talking about something serious for almost 30 minutes - I turned towards her for a response and there she was, head banging her head out the window. I really wanted to throw her phone out of the window.

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    • Thank you for your comment it absolutely nails the point that I am making. I understand and sympathise with your frustration. I really feel like the art of conversation has been jeopardized with all the distractions of modern accessories.

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      • dinz

        Have you seen a movie called Surrogates? It is about humans live in isolation and interact through surrogate robots. I wouldn't be surprised if we became a society of surrogate robots. Highly recommended.

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        • I watched it, it had some pretty clunky dialogue. Great concept but it fell flat I thought. Still, it was worthwhile to check out. Thanks for the heads up.

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  • haha touche my friend, touche.

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  • Clair727

    Yes & No

    Yes, because (what you said) technology like cell phones and tablets tend to distract us from talking to people that are right in front of us.

    No, because it lets us talk to people all over the world. In that sense, it brings the world closer together. I think the vast majority of people I talk to online are foreigners. I like talking to people from around the world, because it has opened me up to different insight/conversations I'm not used to.

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    • That's a worthy point. I have quit social media so I find other, more old fashioned ways of keeping it touch with my friends overseas, like writing them letters.
      But you're right there's no doubt it is an amazingly convenient and innovative method of international communication.

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  • pacinoharmon

    Social networking tends to make people more social, in my opinion. One of my best friends added me on Facebook before we hung out, then we started hanging out all the time. But it sounds like you mean technology as a whole, not just social networking, and you may be right to a degree.

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    • Thanks for your input. It's given me food for thought and made me reassess my views.

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  • Terence_the_viking


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  • Anime7

    I think so yes.

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  • anti-hero

    Why are you trying to communicate with me?

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    • Ah I dunno for the fuck of it I guess

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