Is it normal most people with iphone dont take care of it ever?

IPHONE as well as most iproducts are incredibly overpriced. To replace a shattered screen it cost as much as it does to buy a new phone. Yet most people break the phone/itouch shortly after getting them. The excuses for what happened to these phones is awful. "Oh I dropped it in the blender, oh I dropped it down a flight if stairs, I dropped it off a building."

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54% Normal
Based on 37 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • MissesAnonymous23

    I got my iphone for $.99 last year and it's still in the same condition I bought it in. Some people just don't give a flying fuck about they're own things. It's easy to assume some, if not most of these people had their parents buy it for them? Therefor it's easier not to take care of it, it's not their money.

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    • First I have to wonder where you bought it for 99 cents. That is impossibly cheap could you please tell me?

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      • MissesAnonymous23

        At an AT&T store in Georgia. It was a 2-year contract. If I just did a year it was like, $100 or something. I normally don't sign 2-year contracts because I'm stuck, but I thought the price was VERY worth it :)

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        • I think I am going to go check this out now

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          • MissesAnonymous23

            It was almost a year ago, I highly doubt they're doing the same deal. The 5 has come out, along with a ton of other new phones and tablets. You'd have better luck finding an IOS for that price, or wait until another iPhone comes out and check out the 5.

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  • gummy_jr

    I have one and I take care of it and theres no way in hell I'd spend 30 dollars on a protective case. I got one for 5 dollars and it does the same shit an otter box does

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  • thegypsysailor

    At one time (and for hundreds of years) one could get almost anything repaired for a fraction of the purchase price in the US. Now, our society is ruled by planned obsolescence and replacement, increasing the companies' bottom lines and putting the small repair guys out of work.
    Viva the USA!

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    • ifonlyuknew247

      "Planned obsolescence." Good gravy, it's nice to see intelligent usage of appropriate vocabulary and culturally significant terms in action. Also, I agree with your statement wholeheartedly. It's the rampant and paranoid increase in corporate greed and hoarding that has made this great country of ours plunge headlong into rapid reverse progress. For example, we used to be known worldwide for our cars made in America, built to last, made from chrome and steel. That's now "modified" to "lighter" cars with everything outsourced (and Detroit declaring bankruptcy), built to crash with random cheaply made parts that make the car so unsafe they get recalled every so often, and a body made of plastic flimsier than a candy bar wrapper so that if you touch a squirrel's tail hair left in the street you'll spin out and dent your front fender, equaling a lot of money spent on body work (usually because the specialty factory paint is unmatchable and you have to take it to the dealership). That's just one example. But plastic is so cheap and easy to make, which is why Garbage Island continues to grow out in the ocean, with an estimated half-life that exceeds mankind's entire existence on Earth.

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    • Shrunk

      "ending is better than mending"...

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Most of the people I know buy stupidly expensive shit to keep their IPhones safe. Personally, I just don't buy such fragile electronics.

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    • IPhone is stupidly expensive to begin with.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        No kidding. My Android serves pretty much every purpose that an Iphone does, lasts longer and is a fraction of the price.

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    • So what phone you going to use?

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  • candybee

    yeah i've noticed this too. It bothers me because kids my age get there iPhones paid for by their parents and then they ruin it at a party right away. If I could afford an iPhone I'd take care of it.

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    • I feel exactly the same. Although they had iproducts out since I was 14. I had my razor for 3 years before I needed a new one. They have it for like a month.

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