Is it normal my boyfriend hates bathing

My boyfriend absolutely hates bathing, he finds it pointless and a chore so whenever he’s home he doesn’t shower or bathe. He works 4 days a week so he showers everyday he works, but when he doesn’t work he doesn’t clean himself at all. He hygiene really goes to shit when he’s off work.

He’s 27 and works out a lot, so he really gets grimey when he doesn’t shower. He uses it as an excuse to get out of a lot of things to. Like if I ask him to run an errand for me he will say “Nah I can’t, I stink today” like yeah you stink because you don’t shower.

I always tell him he’s a bum in a business man’s body with how polar he is on his appearance and hygiene. He’s clean cut and pinstripe on his work days but grimey and smelly on his off days

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Electra

    If I was in your shoes, I wouldn’t be his girlfriend anymore.

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    • RoseIsabella

      That's what I was thinking.

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      • 2009ispronouncedtwentyohNineKok

        I wouldn't be his friend the first place.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Yeah, he sounds pretty gnarly.

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  • Boojum

    I think many people shower far more than they really need to, but if your boyfriend actually stinks, he needs to find two minutes in his hectic gym schedule to clean up.

    From the way you describe him, he sounds self-obsessed and selfish. Guys who spend a lot of their free time working-out are narcissists at heart, and I bet he actually likes how he smells. He obviously doesn't care that you find him unpleasant to be around when he doesn't bathe, and it sounds like he's not really pulling his weight with domestic tasks.

    Nobody's perfect, but he sounds like a jerk, really. I hope he has other qualities that you find more important and positive.

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  • Hotdogsaregross

    I understand him not showering on the days he doesn't work...but if he is working out and getting all sweaty and stinky then he needs to take a shower.
    The fact he doesn't care if you, his girlfriend, thinks he is stinky shows that he is either really comfortable with you (taking you for granted but still wants to be with you/cares about you)
    or he doesn't give a shit what you think.
    Maybe you should ask him why he thinks it's okay to smell horrible on a regular basis in front of you. I would.

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  • McBean

    Take his clothes off, get naked yourself, and take a shower with him.

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  • RoseIsabella


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  • Dustyair

    Call him a piss pig, tell em you don't want to be around a piss pig who smells like piss.

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  • Nickvey

    news flash , you could have a boyfriend that showers twice a day if you wanted , but you dont . so its you that are grimey and like stinky men. how much does he spend on you to buy that kind of attention? let me guess . nothing . your dropping you panties for free for this pig right? i really want to know , share please

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  • Mark92

    My girl friend and I bathe and shower together <3...

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  • dilater

    showering daily unhealthy society has conditioned us to think body smell gross its not its in your mind

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  • RoseIsabella

    Is he depressed?

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  • CDmale4fem

    EWWWWWWWWWWW.THAT include using a shower also ? How can you stand to be close to him ? I get pit stank after a day, and can't stand to smellmyself. I bet his ass and balls smell rough. Or just flat stink. Why not tell him if he takes a shower, you will give him some sort of sexual favors. I would NOT date a female that didnt shower.

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  • Voray

    I hate to admit but I'm kind of like your boyfriend. Showering is too much energy. For me, it is a chore that I hate doing.

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    • 2009ispronouncedtwentyohNineKok

      It may be a chore, but you still need to do it.

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  • it is normal.

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