Is it normal my boyfriend is writing secret letters to nobody

The question is confusing because I'm just as confused

So I was snooping through my boyfriend of three years's room and decided to look through this cardboard box for a tv because he refuses to throw it away. There's upwards of 500 envelopes inside of it, I opened five at the top and they are like strange letters of admiration. Almost like love letters, but not as romantic as they are just adoring. Two were like diary entries, a run down of his day, but the other three went on and on about this person named Terry and there was a lot of anger and being pissed at Terry for leaving him or something.

My boyfriend is on antipsychotic meds but he doesn't like to talk about his mental health so I don't question it much, maybe its some form of therapy or way he is coping? I don't know who Terry is, or if Terry is an actual person, (my boyfriend has gotten confused on whether someone is "real" or not before) and I can't just tell him I went through his stuff.

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Comments ( 19 )

    Ha! Called it by the second block of text. Schizophrenia. Confirmed by third. If this is even a true story. Sounds more like the start of a really weak nosleep/creepypasta attempt, or you are schizo yourself.

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    • Zorak

      Painal <3

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        Ɛ> laniaP

        ..that looks like some kind of weast farting.

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        • Zorak


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    • I definitely wouldn't rule it as creepy or scary, more of confusing. We really don't like the whole horror-y stigma around psychosis.

      I actually don't know his exact diagnosis but schizophrenia is definitely my top guess as well! Though he talks it down like it's as bland as just having a bad memory or a jumbled memory.

      I don't want to think that he's writing to a person he thinks is real but isn't, but more of like an imaginary friend? Like where he knows it's just a character he made up to use as an outlet or something.

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        Poor fella. I took it more like a compulsion to write these letters, and from a neurotypical view, what's the point? Are they well-written, interesting? Does he or anyone else benefit from them in any way? Is it improving his handwriting/typing..anything?? Otherwise, it just seems like a major waste of time, avoidant of reality, which isn't really normal (psychotic or not).

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        • They did seem pretty forced, and as for quality (very sloppy, shaky, seemed he just needed to fill space) they were rushed. In the one he seemed agitated in the most he talked about not wanting to talk to him (Terry) to begin with. But st the same time he spoke like Terry was some sort of perfect godly person to him. Maybe he feels he has to write them. Aw :( maybe I will bring it up that I found them to him.

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          • This response was confusing, as are the letters. Mind you the shortest one I read was 3 pages front and back. They usually follow a fast pattern.

            -Pissed about not wanting to talk to Terry
            -Talking about why Terry is too good to read them anyway
            -Adoring and very Stan-by-Eminem like
            -Pissed that Terry doesn't care
            -Settling with the idea that Terry does care and he is just being over dramatic
            -Upset the letter has to end
            And that's the end. Seems exhausting really

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  • Holzman_67

    I'm Terry

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  • Avant-Garde

    If he's not being threatening towards Terry, leave it be.

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  • JewluminatiTits

    I actually write letters to a person just to write them. I write them about my day or about how I'm feeling and stuff and this sounds a bit similar. I write them to cope emotionally.

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  • Girltoy43

    Maybe this Terri does exsist.. You should be more inquisitive and come out and approach him about it.. Talk it over..

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  • BorderlineAngel

    It's a coping mechanism, I wouldn't worry.
    Terry is probably either someone's who hurt him in the past or an embodiment of everything that's hurt him.

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  • analkegels

    if you've been together for 3 years, he should understand your curiosity. apologize sincerely for snooping (even though it doesn't seem like you're remorseful at all) and then ask him about it. this is an opportunity for you two to become closer, if you handle it correctly. more secrets is almost never a good thing for a relationship.

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    • I just don't want to spook him ya know? He doesn't take things coming to light very well. And he definitely doesn't like being "caught" or "confronted". He always takes it as an attack.

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  • TheCeilingIsLava

    Just let him be. You're right to not ask him about it, he'd probably find it embarrassing to talk about, to be honest.

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  • Poisonous-Cupcakes

    Sounds very interesting to have a bf like him

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  • redrainbow22

    Sounds like he might be coming out of it.

    People with Schizophrenia need trust, so its a good thing you're there for him.

    He can get out of it himself if he has it, but he has to learn to trust his environment again.

    If he has it that is. I wouldnt wanna confuse it with something else in case he doesnt have it.

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  • The_Loitering_Creep

    Excellent. You get to observe a creep show. Don't try to help, or improve his situation. Schizophrenics don't want their alternative reality tampered with. Just be a disinterested observer and enjoy the absurdity of it all.

    Hopefully, you'll eventually get out of all this without any complications.

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