Is it normal: my cat

Darbey was alone her whole life. One day, while crossing the street with her kittens she was hit by a car. A woman saved her and left her at a vets office, where all her kittens were adopted and she was stuck in in a cage in the back. One day, my family and I went to adopt a cat. I was about 8 and I saw the prettiest gray cat. I pet her, and she bit me. Being an 8 year old, I flipped out and ran. I saw Darbey and her sweet eyes. She licked me and brushed her face against me. I adopted her right there. Shes been with me for a while know, and her legs are still messed up from the car crash. Everday, I come home and talk to her, pet her, let her play in the grass outside, and feed her. I love her. Shes my best friend. Even when my parents screamed and fought and I cried she'd come to me and let me cry into her fur. I'd feep better and we'd sit together. No matter what, we are best friends. Is it normal to love my Darbey so much?

Voting Results
87% Normal
Based on 97 votes (84 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Perfectly normal and such a sweet tale. :)

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  • Gargoylechick

    That was beutiful man! It't wonderful that you're so close to your cat!

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  • Soooo sweet!!! 100% normal.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I love my cat too! They are very powerful animals. My fuzzy was hit by a car and I nursed him back to health. Many people told me to put him down. I couldn't, this was 7 years ago. He's a bit grumpy on cold days but usually he greets me at the door when I come home from work and waits for me to sit down. He curls into my lap and the stress of the day just melts away.

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  • tori

    Your story was so sweet.
    I just came back from vacation. My kids took care of the pets. My 8 year old fatty cat missed me. He followed me around and was talking up a storm. Probably trying to tell me what went on while I was away!! When it was time to go to sleep he was gently licking my eyelids! Probably wanted me to wake up and pet him some more. Aren't our pets wonderful!

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  • worriedbro

    Yes, it's totally normal. Pets are more loving than people. They'll always forgive you and love you unconditionally. It's only fair to love them back.

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  • hotchickie81

    Totally normal :) What a nice story... brings tears to my eyes. I love cats. My cats love me too. So I hope you and your cat continue your loving relationship :)

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  • Painfulnote

    undoubtedly its normal,now that's a cat

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  • rayst

    Yes this is normal. Your story made me cry because i had a cat once that i loved so much i still miss him after 5 years. He was also my best friend and i will remember him forever.

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  • MercedesBenz

    Great story!

    It was 9 degrees here today. I went out to warm my car. When I came back inside, I was pretty cold and agitated. Then I saw one of my cats all curled up in the pet bed, sleeping so soundly and another sitting on the back of the couch all cute. I couldn't help but to stop and smile. Among all the chaos of a hectic world we humans live in, those two little cats were just so content to have a warm place to rest their little heads and feel safe. Makes you feel good.

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  • Yeah it's normal. It's great having pets because they love you unconditionally :)

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