Is it normal my computer is making these sounds?

I know it's not normal but I want to know why so I can fix it. I make music on the computer and have an external fire wire sound card. For the last few months it has been making the same annoying sounds again. It sounds like a high pitched scrambly glitch. It does it more when the computer is stalling or being active. I fixed it once before by switching the fire wire cable into the other input on my computer. It stopped for a few months and then started again. I wondered if the input went bad and then the other one did it later. I know its not my speakers but it doesn't make the noise through the headphone out. I also know it's not the external sound card because it works fine on my laptop. I have also tried multiple cables. It is very irritating to hear while I am working. What could it be?

It's the firewire ports 3
It's a virus or the drivers 1
It's the mother board 1
It's aliens 8
I don't know 3
Other (comment) 2
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Comments ( 11 )
  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    It sounds like EMI since you claim CPU activity influences it.

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  • Shackleford96

    This isn't a computer tech forum. Sorry.

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  • Erik963

    I have no idea what are you talking about. High pinched voice while computer is active is usually a result of a clogged fan. Open your computer and clean up all the dust in there, or if you are too dumb or lazy to do it yourself then give it to someone who is more experienced.

    Other than that I don't know what are you talking about. Fire wire is a hot stoppable device/port similar to USB except USB is host based and fire wire peer to peer. I don't know how does it have something to do with your sound card.

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    • It's not the fan. I use an external firewire sound card. The sound comes through the speakers.

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      • Erik963

        In that case it must be the drivers or the head phones itself or the sound card. Nothing else can caues this problem. It is easy to find out which one of these is doing this by unpluging each of the and testing them separately. Try unpluging the sound card and test it without it, if the issue still occurs it is the drivers of the headphones itself.

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        • It's not the headphones or speakers, nor is it the sound card or drivers. I tried it with my laptop with the same drivers and it works fine. It's still doing it and it drives me nuts especially since I am a professional audio producer. I plan to reformat this week and just backed everything up this weekend. I think it may be the ports because everything else seems fine.

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          • Erik963

            Why dont you try pluging them dirrectly in the motherboard. Ports cant be screwed up on pc and on motherboard at once unless there is something serious going on.

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            • ? That doesn't make sense. The motherboard is the only place they plug into.

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