Is it normal my doctor did this
I'm here in the hospital feeling really low and waiting to be discharged. Anyway so I've been suffering from severe anxiety and depression for most of my adult life, I'm pretty sure of it I've looked at 100's of depression check lists on the net, I'm sure I'm depressed.
Well yesterday I had a bad anxiety attack, after years being pushed and urged to go look for help. I was admitted and sedated, after some blood tests(I forgot to mention I'm in a third world country) they suspected thyroid disease(they have to clear physical diseases before you see the psychiatrist)
when they were analysed the doctor just came to me and said I was stressed and they're sending me home. When I asked for a a psych referral she laughed and said I didn't need on and walked off snickering.
I feel really bad. Could high stress make you depressed and anxious? Was she just not giving a crap?
As I mentioned above it's a third world country at a really run down government.