Is it normal my doctor did this

I'm here in the hospital feeling really low and waiting to be discharged. Anyway so I've been suffering from severe anxiety and depression for most of my adult life, I'm pretty sure of it I've looked at 100's of depression check lists on the net, I'm sure I'm depressed.

Well yesterday I had a bad anxiety attack, after years being pushed and urged to go look for help. I was admitted and sedated, after some blood tests(I forgot to mention I'm in a third world country) they suspected thyroid disease(they have to clear physical diseases before you see the psychiatrist)

when they were analysed the doctor just came to me and said I was stressed and they're sending me home. When I asked for a a psych referral she laughed and said I didn't need on and walked off snickering.

I feel really bad. Could high stress make you depressed and anxious? Was she just not giving a crap?

As I mentioned above it's a third world country at a really run down government.

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58% Normal
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Comments ( 37 )
  • paracetamol

    Im from third world country also. The trick to medical approach to anxiety and depression in both the developing world and the developed world is the same:antidepressants and benzos. If those dont work other addons can be tried like antipsychotics and mood stabilizers.

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    • LornaMae

      I am too. In the public health system hospitals here it's not really common to get referred to a psych, one usually goes to a public health center. My uncle is a psychiatrist in one of those and he prescribes tons of meds to the people who consult with him.
      What country are you in, OP and paracetamol?

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      • This is my first time ever posting on any forum, I've always been to anxious to do it so I'd rather not specify the country but it's in africa

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        • LornaMae

          I understand! I'm already satisfied with knowing the continent! :) I hope you get the help you need!

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      • paracetamol

        Im from India. Where you from?

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        • LornaMae


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          • RoseIsabella

            Does your uncle speak English, now I want to go to Brazil.

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            • leggs91200

              You don't need to go to Brazil!

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            • LornaMae

              Hahaha! He just gets by - he has traveled a lot but mainly within the country! I can help out on the live language interpretation if necessary, though. You'd love it here in that respect. Not only I have him to go to but I also have a private student who is a doctor and gives me a handful of blank signed prescriptions yearly that I fill out as I please!

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          • paracetamol

            Im surprised to learn that Brazil is a poor country.

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            • LornaMae

              Well, actually, it has been bumped up to 'developing nation' in the last decade or so. The region I live in and the others in the South are very rich, really, but we are a huge country, so the northern regions (which are the largest) are very very poor.

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  • SwickDinging

    A big issue with mental illness is people self diagnosing incorrectly and then turning up on the emergency ward and repeating this to the doc - IE, I feel sad a lot so I must be depressed, my moods change a lot so I must be bipolar, I worry a lot so I must have an anxiety etc. And in those situations the doctor can't really help much.

    I'm not saying you are doing this at all in any way, but you may be lumped into that category of people and if it's a busy hospital she has to make a snap decision.

    I had chronic abdo pain for over a year and was pretty much ignored because so many women my age go to the doc with that complaint and there's actually nothing physically wrong with them, it's psychological. When I finally pushed enough to get investigative surgery they found that my womb was adhered to my bowels and causing internal bleeding, it was quite serious.

    Sorry for the long boring story but just giving you an example of how doctors can sometimes assume you're part of the crowd of people who they can't really help and don't want to waste their time with. It's not really their fault, hospitals are usually understaffed and they get into a lot of trouble if they are seen to be wasting time on people who they can't help when there are people literally dying in the next room. It's a shit situation but it's the truth.

    Keep pushing until you get the help that you need, because no one else will do it for you. Don't let them ignore you! Good luck xx

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    That was pretty cruel and disrespectful for her to laugh at you after having a panic attack.

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  • Hansberger

    That's normal, by which I mean mentally normal. There's a difference between a mental illness and an emotional problem not in the books, the doctor was pretty sure it's all in your head and you were making it up. All you have to do is relax and take an aspirin so you clear that shitstorm of yours in your head.

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  • bigbudchonga

    They probably just don't want the burden of dealing with you. You may well be depressed, but it seems like they're not going to help, so see what else you can do to fight it on your own.

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  • I was discharged just now, they gave me prozac, again. It doesn't work, I'm still anxious and unable to sleep with it. I told them this and they didn't seem to care. Sorry guys I'm frustrated, I didn't get any benzos, sleeping pills or anything else... Just prozac which keeps me up at night. Thanks for responding. I'm just really down and frustrated.

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    • paramore93

      Benzos are crazy addictive. You don't want to be taking those regularly, it can fuck you up. Could you see a different doctor?

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    • LornaMae

      Hey, what country are you in? Each antidepressant has its own effects on different people. For me prozac didn't work either. I've tried MANY of them until we finally settled for sertraline (granted I also take a mood stabilizer). I've also been prescribed benzos and other kinds of sleeping pills for my chronic insomnia but I've never taken them for over a week because they don't really help me to stay asleep - I can fall asleep but wake up every couple of hours, even with those meds. No medication has ever given me a full night's rest, so I choose not to take them. Xanax was great when I had anxiety issues but I was basically high all the time. And always cool and happy. Maybe I should try it again.... hahaha.

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    • paracetamol

      The prozac is the most activating antidepressant. It gives you energy. Sorry you didn't get benzos.

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  • xxLucifer

    Stress can lead to depression if you aren't coping with the stress. Since you live in a third world country they probably don't have the resources to send you to a specialist for a psychiatric evaluation unless they thought it was absolutely necessary.

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    • Yeah, I'm not really mad at her or the hospital. I'm just worried I wasted everybody's time and that they're right and this is no big deal, I'm just exaggeratng. I really just want a proper diagnoses. Thank you all for your thoughtful and helpful replies.

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