Is it normal my horses
Is it normal to love my horses more than my boyfriend i have been around them and ridden them since I was three is it normal
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Is it normal to love my horses more than my boyfriend i have been around them and ridden them since I was three is it normal
Haha fuck no that's not normal. Sounds to me like you have been ridding this horses upside down!!! What do they call that ridding bare belly?
That's absolutely normal, because you know ur boyfriend dick can't be that big, as big as a horse
I love my horses more than any boyfriend I have ever had because thay love you for you and it hard to find a guy like that.....):
Ive got a horse and i compete all the time across the county so i dont have much time to spend with my boyfriend.
I exercise one womans horse for her on weekends, and she once said to me 'if i was to choose between my husband and morgan(the horse) i would choose morgan'.
So dont worry, your pets are part of the family. Try to get your boyfriend involved, mucking out, grooming whatever(:
Horses are amazing! Anyone who tells you differently is either allergic to them or has never had one themselves.
If you find them more interesting than your boyfriend, then I would assume you are still very young (under 15). It's fine to feel that way though.
Well yes it's normal. U have had them almost ur whole life. Animals can be a big part of someones life. I love my dog too haha
Its perfectly normal to feel closer to your pets that you've had for many years than a recent boyfriend. However if you are sexually attracted to your horses that is not normal and I would seek help.