Is it normal my online friend lives in london but he's never been

They never went outside their house yet to see London?

They were home schooled, they have no friends, the only place they ever go is to the doctor's office which is across the street. They never went to a store, museum, another house, another road, never been to a park, never been to a pub, never went to a restaurant their entire life.

Their parents passed away when they were younger. Their grandpa is their parent hes not that old but he has depression and a spine issue so he doesn't ever leave the house. I tell my friend to leave and he says he will have an anxiety attack because he doesn't know how to. He wants to see London bridge and ride the London eye and see the museums but he's scared.

He's 28. Is it normal?

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0% Normal
Based on 7 votes (0 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    Sounds like agoraphobia, a very sad situation.

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  • Tinybird

    Sounds like me, I don't go anywhere or do anything, but I live with my parents.

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  • bigbudchonger

    He's a hikikomori. The Japanese have a big problem with this. I think they give it so many years before you're a lost cause. I'll refrain from giving the exact figure because I've forgotten it, but I know it roughly, and I also know that according to the Japanese your friend is way into the "lost cause" time frame.

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    • Really? Lost cause?
      What's the time frame?

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      • bigbudchonger

        I think it was less than 10 years. It was certainly less than 20.

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        • Oh yeah he has been inside all his life sheltered..

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Not at all but ive met people like this on discord. One scottish person on discord sounds completely American with no scottish accent i assum he has no friends and played video games with americans online his entire life.

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    • Yeah he never met anyone other than his mailman and doctor and the receptionist his whole life. The only people he knows are online through games.

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