Is it normal my parents won't let me travel solo?
I live with them because rent where I am is close to $3k a month and I don't have that kind of money, I only make $41k a year and I already barely make it because I pay $1000 a month to my parents for rent, $100 phone bill, groceries, medical bills etc. So I live upstairs in the place the previous renters lived and I pay $1k a month for my upstairs apartment.
Anyway I'm an adult, I'm 28 and I've never traveled before but it's my dream so I've saved to go to Sweden and it's one of the safest countries to solo travel as a female but when I told my family I'm going they said no that it's dangerous to travel alone and that I have to go with a friend. I refused and said I always wanted to solo travel but they won't let me saying if I do they will kick me out of my apartment.
I didn't take them seriously but I bought the tickets for next month and while I was at work and got home I found out my Mom changed the lock on my door to my apartment upstairs and I couldn't get in and she had a long talk with me saying I will only get it back if I go to Sweden with a friend because she thinks I'll die if I go alone.
I don't know what to tell her. I told her no, she refuses to give me my key. I'm now in a hotel because we had a huge fight. Is this normal?