Is it normal my parents won't let me travel solo?

I live with them because rent where I am is close to $3k a month and I don't have that kind of money, I only make $41k a year and I already barely make it because I pay $1000 a month to my parents for rent, $100 phone bill, groceries, medical bills etc. So I live upstairs in the place the previous renters lived and I pay $1k a month for my upstairs apartment.

Anyway I'm an adult, I'm 28 and I've never traveled before but it's my dream so I've saved to go to Sweden and it's one of the safest countries to solo travel as a female but when I told my family I'm going they said no that it's dangerous to travel alone and that I have to go with a friend. I refused and said I always wanted to solo travel but they won't let me saying if I do they will kick me out of my apartment.

I didn't take them seriously but I bought the tickets for next month and while I was at work and got home I found out my Mom changed the lock on my door to my apartment upstairs and I couldn't get in and she had a long talk with me saying I will only get it back if I go to Sweden with a friend because she thinks I'll die if I go alone.

I don't know what to tell her. I told her no, she refuses to give me my key. I'm now in a hotel because we had a huge fight. Is this normal?

Voting Results
13% Normal
Based on 15 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • sweetone89

    You're an adult. You should do as you please.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Get the police involved even without a lease agreement they have to give you usually atleast 30 days in most states to evict you. Im guessing you're in a liberal city since its that rich of an area so its probably way longer than 30 days.But your parents are not wrong it is dangerous for a girl to travel alone overseas. But that is your prerogative.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Be careful where you go over there alot of human trafficking that side of the water. Also move north if you are in the US. I've a little more than you and pay 445 a month for my rent and I live alone. No degree nothing just a standard job anyone can get

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    • 445 a month doesn't exist where I am and unfortunately I can't up and move as my job I've been with for several years and I'd be away from friends and family. That's great your rent is so cheap though.

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      • Lusty-Argonian

        Do whatever you want but realize your only fucking yourself for the future.

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  • litelander8

    Would’ve been nice for y’all to have a lease agreement.

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  • Somenormie

    Your parents suck tbh.

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  • SwickDinging

    You need to find somewhere else to live as soon as possible.Even if you do change your travel plans to suit your parents, you still have to get out. You can't live your life being blackmailed by your Mum. You are 28 years old. This is nuts. Every time you do something that they don't like, they will threaten you with changing the locks.

    Why do you live in that apartment? Is it really cheap? If you live in an expensive area, can you find a house/apartment share?

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  • Jamie_Sulky

    you're parents are being way too over protective, you're 28, you are your own person. you should probably move out if you can, if your parents are that controlling. I get that they are worried but you are your own person now.

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  • darefu

    I've traveled extensively normally with security either personal or corporate provided.
    I know of very few countries as a tourist, that I would feel comfortable and safe as a 28 yo female traveling alone.
    I'm including all of Europe, USA, and Asia, in that.
    This may sound rude but even if you dress down or are butt ugly, it doesn't matter the threat is real.
    I don't agree with the apartment situation and your parents reaction either.
    You are 28 they have really no say. That being said I would support them telling you to make sure you have at least a travel life insurance policy or prearrange and pre-pay a funeral service it's expensive and not fair to put it on your parents especially if they didn't want you to go in the first place.
    Move out, get yourself a roommate, or relocate to a less expensive area.
    You're now paying for ten years of sponging off your low rent parents and allowing them to feel they have some control over how and what you do.

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  • I'm sorry but no Sweden is not safe unfortunately. It's been pretty bad in recent years. Wouldn't go out after dark alone so.

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    • Sweden is one of the safest countries in the world..

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      • Oh I see, do you live here? Do you read swedish news a lot?

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  • Muslim immigrants problem there. You probably shouldn't travel alone to over there.

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