Is it normal my penis is 4 and half inches erect.
I am in my 20's and have been dealing with this problem (to me it is) since the moment I've gotten old enough to realize it.
My Penis when erect is 4 1/2 inches in-length, about an inch (or less) under the average for Penis size. My girlfriend now does not seem to mind it, she tells me it is how I use it, but I beg to differ.
The reason being is there have been many time to where we begin to have sex and she asks me "Is it in yet?" when it has been in! She also asks me If it's "hard or not yet", when it's as hard as it's gonna get! Now, if my Penis size is not that big of a problem or deal to her, then why would she be asking me these questions??? These questions play into my "Already" complex and really make me feel like less of a man.
I looked into everything from Penis stretchers to pills to surgery. I will NOT get surgery as I heard it can cause permanent damage, and read stories of men having to "Redo" there surgery as it deformed there man-hood. Pills I read are just for novelty, so I have my eye on the stretcher, as it really has been proven to work (from what I read).
My question is to you women... Does size really matter? Do you girls feel my lady is lying to me just to make me feel better? Is this normal for my woman to ask me these questions during sex?