Is it normal negativity towards blacks makes me not want to be black

I literally cannot handle the negativity thrown at my race anymore. I look good, I speak intelligently, I was a straight A student, I'm polite and respectful, even a bit shy, I dress modestly, I'm open-minded and I am not the minority within my race..

Yet I continue to be treated like I'm some inferior, primitive subhuman.

I want so badly to just live happily without being judged for this thing I can't change and did not choose. All of this negativity, these accusations, these stereotypes and mockeries, I feel have ruined me.

It hurts so much being viewed as an ungrateful nigger. As a possible future criminal or single mother. Like i'll never be beautiful.

I've had opportunities to model. I could have been a professional model in New York right now but I turned it down because I simply would not be able to handle the racial negativity. I follow Suicide Girls on Instagram (models representing unconventional, alternative beauty) and even though some of the white models can get negative comments, the black females, by far, receive the absolute worst comments. These people act like they are disgusted by it. One model even said that the reason there was only a couple of black models is because there wasn't a high demand for them. This is true for most modeling agencies.

Its like everyone gangs up to purposefully find faults in the black race. Black people are viewed as the worst. The jokes and "memes" about black people are the most humiliating. And its so cruel that people think this is okay.

I don't even understand this new accusation about how black people are the most racist. I keep seeing "Why are black people so violent" "Why do black people commit crimes" "Why are black females so ugly" "Why are black people less intelligent""Why don't black people work". Why are people looking at the black race as a whole, grouping everyone, including me, into one category and tearing it apart? Personally I don't see so many posts about why white people this or why white people that. Is there a white version of chimpout dot com?

A black person can spill their heart out about getting treated unfairly and everyone will gang up against them, claiming its not true, telling them to get over it, or even calling them racist themselves.

A white person does the same and they get supported.

I'm terrified of the police because believe it or not, black people do have more of a reason to be scared. I'm terrified of getting sick because I've had horrible experiences with a racist doctor and a racist nurse before. And I'm scared of going out to eat because racist people have interfered with my food on multiple occasions. I am not just claiming they were racist either but I don't want to type the entire stories just to prove this.

I hate being viewed as the bad person, the stupid person, the ugly person, the enemy. I don't want to be black. I don't want to have to deal with the burdens I've been given as a black person. I just want to be happy and enjoy life like everyone else. I don't see how I'm any different than anyone else other than by skin color and hair texture. I have emotions just like any white person. I was unwillingly put on this earth just like everyone else. I have dreams and aspirations just like white people do. White PEOPLE. Black PEOPLE. I'm a PERSON. Why am I being treated like I'm another fucking species?

I'm an adult and yet I'm crying because of how strongly I feel about this. This American society is a white society and I wish I fit in. I wish my hair was pretty. I wish my skin was seen as beautiful. I wish I could turn on the TV and see all of these people as being similar to me. I wish I could just be judged normally by my character instead of by my race.

I've gotten to the point where I just don't want anything to do with it..

Voting Results
62% Normal
Based on 68 votes (42 yes)
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Comments ( 69 )
  • dom180

    I'm very sorry you've had to go through that. In my experience, most people do not think of black people in any negative way. If it's at all possible I really think you should try and move to a different place, because I don't think your experience has been normal and it can get better if you live somewhere else.

    P.S. I wouldn't listen to True.

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    • I hope you are right. I live in the south so I have considered this.

      And thanks for the advice.

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      • He's right, I say racist stuff all the time but I never think it's true. Infact all the people i've ever disliked were white.

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    • Okay, and why should she disregard my input? Am I wrong?

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      • dom180

        Because you evidently have no empathy for her position if you think the solution is for her to stop trying and start opting out of the society she was born into and has a right to be a respected part of.

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        • I said nothing of the sort!

          Stop being an idiot.

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  • kawaiigurl

    where do you live? you need to move!!! i'm black but i never started seeing a problem with anything of that nature til i moved to this little town in california a couple years ago. before that i was born and raised in las vegas its extremely multi-cultured there. it's really about your location 'cause there's still a lot of places that are closed minded and already have their opinion set on the black community, no matter how opposite you are to the stereotypes

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  • Theadage

    Did you just term your hair as shitty?

    Sweetheart... who did it and when did it begin?

    Don't ever hate yourself. Ever.

    We were raised in a society that sometimes subtly and sometimes outright demeaned us and made us feel inferior.

    (You don't understand unless you grew up black, or another racial minority in the United States so please do not go around trying to deny this. It has nothing to do with you.)

    The black culture is powerful, and beautiful. So powerful that when we're proud of our skin color, and history, the FBI calls us "Black supremacists, or militants." This society is more comfortable with us hating ourselves, because they wouldn't know how to handle us otherwise. Why do you think people try to make the Black Panthers seem like a joke, or Stokely Carmichael seem like a fundametalist when it reality they were far from it?

    We become stronger people because of this. Stand up, never down. And never apologize!!!!!

    EVER. If people want to generalize more than a billion people, that alone should explain their level of intelligence. Don't waste your time.

    Black hair in its variety of textures is beautiful, and nothing can compare to it. Yes, black women can have beautifully long hair with natural curls of different textures. NATURALLY.

    Mansa Musa of Mali, a BLACK king was and still is to this day the richest man in the world.. and he lived Centuries ago.

    Black really is beautiful... have confidence in yourself. You just have to educate yourself about your history, and what being black means. You might just be surprised :p

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  • thegypsysailor

    For someone who purports to be a pretty smart cookie, you seem to be letting all sorts of outside influences affect your own self image.
    Allowing yourself to be brainwashed by the lesser creatures around you is foolish and self destructive.
    I'm guessing you have a bit of time yet left in school, but after that, you should be able to figure out where you can find a comfortable spot in this world. So keep strong until then and charge forth thereafter as the ebony princess you choose to be.

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    • I'm glad you said that. Its mostly true that I'm letting outside influences affect me. It only affects me so much because of how often this kind of thing occurs in my daily life. Everything around me always subtly lets me know that no matter what compliment I receive, I am still not the object of attraction, I'm still attached to a group of people deemed stupid, violent, primitive, and inferior, and I will never get the benefit of the doubt.

      I also have some psychological problems with this. These things have been the theme of my entire childhood.

      I don't even know if my view of whats beautiful is real or not or if it all is just brainwashing. I have very harsh views on what I view as beautiful and have an overly negative view on the culture of the black race, assisting in me wanting nothing to do with it.

      Btw I graduated almost 3 years ago.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Then go find a place in this world where you can be yourself and be happy to be yourself.
        Go. Go now.

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        • Lol. I really don't mean to be argumentative here but I am just not happy being myself. Even if I lived in another place that was magical, where people didn't care about my race so much, I still care. Everyone has their preferences. A big problem with me is that mine don't match what I am. It depresses me to look in a mirror or down at my brown skin. Brown isn't even an appealing color.

          I've developed an OCD-like habit where I have to wash my face for at least 4 cycles, though sometimes I'll literally spend over an hour just washing and scrubbing my face constantly. Its because I have this illogical belief that if I clean and wash my face enough then I will look prettier, possibly lighter-skinned, and ultimately my facial features will change. In the shower I've often scrubbed my skin so hard that I bled and scabbed, with the thought that I could scrub the brown off. I can easily spend hours straightening my hair over and over in the hopes that if I do it enough it will eventually become silky and stay that way.

          Even when I do realize that I'm delusional, I still can't make myself stop.

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          • thegypsysailor

            Real simple. Come down here to the eastern Caribbean and spend a few weeks on an island run by blacks, lived on by blacks; almost everybody is black. No white shop keepers, supermarket managers or police. A whole country run by blacks and they are certainly doing a hell of a lot better job than the US and our government is right now.
            You will have to develop some respect for all these black people actually managing to do just fine w/o whitey.

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  • HelloMotto7

    I'm black. I feel hurt by the way we get treated sometimes. But know that not everyone treats us that way. People raise there kids wrong or people get influinfluenced wrong and that causes them to be racist or think blacks are all the same. Don't ever be ashamed of your ethnicity. You are who you are and be proud. Trash comes in every color but, the media doesn't show that. There are a LOT of racist people and the media does whatever society will be pleased by and sadly the black stereotype is one if the entertaining things. Some black people even believe that they are supposed to act the way that we are being portrayed. Just don't be ashamed of yourself. Represent and remember that trash comes in every color. A long time ago when racism was really bad people felt the same way as you did. Young black girls wanted to be white because they were told that they are bad because of their skin color. I always remember not to let my skin color define me. And you shouldn't feel the need to want to be another skin color. Don't worry about the people who think skin color defines a person because it's just ignorance.

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  • awkwardkartoffel

    I am honestly so, so sorry for what you've had to go through. No one deserves to be treated the way you are. I know so many amazing blacks who are well-educated, good-looking, and have never done what society thinks that all blacks do. It is NOT ok to stereotype a race. I, myself, have been the victim of racism as I am Asian. Our society is pretty much fucked up beyond belief. But NEVER let the way someone portrays you put down your belief in yourself. You are amazing, you know you are amazing, ACT like you know it. Keep your natural hair, stun them not with your looks but with your speaking abilities, your resume, the way you hold yourself. I doubt racism will ever truly stop, but you can greatly alter the way society views you.

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  • kelili

    I'm very touched by your post. It makes me so sad. I'm black but I live in a country where most people are just like me. I have lived in a country where I have experienced what it means to be a victim of racism but I'm home and okay now.

    I really don't have an advice to give you but I wanted you to know that I have read your post and that (it's stupid to say that, but I can't help it) I'm with you.

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  • SuperBenzid

    I feel really bad for you. I'm Australian but I grew up white in a poor area and experienced a lot of racist violence and bullying from black native people I went to school with. But it was different for me because when I left school I was the majority again, I was mostly safe from their violence and racism, I don't know what it would have done to me if it had of continued my whole life.

    Still I think you have to do your best to make peace with these things for your own quality of life.

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  • SuperBenzid

    To be fair there are versions of chimpout . Com that target white people with posts by black people. Nation of Islam forums and black Hebrew forums, and similar refer to white people as demons created by satanic forces.

    Aside from that I am very sorry you feel that way.

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    • I remember seeing things like that but I still have yet to see a website that is truly equivalent to chimpout. They basically celebrate the deaths of blacks, even children. I've never seen black people rejoice over innocent white people dying tragically.

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  • Paradiddle

    Do not give in, do not falter, be proud. People who say blacks do not experience this are not black and therefore live with their white or other privilege for the rest of their days. All the things you listed are accurate depictions of how unfair it is to be black. It does not matter how well mannered you are, what you're good at and how much of an optimist you are, you will NEVER be considered on the same footing as another race. People will throw all the negative things they can at black people to keep them down thanks to history and society but every question they ask is actually the opposite.

    "Why do black people commit crimes", because other races do worse but they try to keep it hidden and advertise only black people hurting others when other races do much, much worse than blacks would ever get away with or bother to do. "Why are black females so ugly", because they are trying to advertise themselves as the best while black females enviously have more options for hairstyles and have a much higher chance of a sexier body shape and tone. "Why are black people less intelligent", because black people have invented many everyday things that history books and schools will not teach you to ever remind you of this.

    Not enough people understand how real this is because they don't live as a black person and it is unfair. Thats right, I too have been called more "white" to my face as if anyone white understands what it means to be black and as if not acting ghetto or hood is a white only thing. Martin Luther King wasn't hood, was he acting white? It doesn't happen everyday but when it does, and it will, you'll understand. I am willing to talk outside of IIN if you need to OP because you aren't alone.

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  • dybex

    I'm not saying racism doesn't exist and that you haven't experienced it first hand. But if the hatred of black people is as widespread as you perceive it to be, then how is Barack Obama president of the US?

    Self pity will get you nowhere. You're black. You have a black president. There is no reason or excuse to be ashamed of your skin colour or your hair.

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    • BurnaBaby27

      I hate that people refer to the president as being black. He is black, but he also came from a white mother. He's just as black as he is white.

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      • dybex

        I used the terminology the OP used. By black I meant African-American. Since on several occasions the president has referred to himself as being African-American, I assumed it would be ok to use him as an example in this case. I'm sorry if that confused you and has elicited the strong emotion of hatred from you.

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        • BurnaBaby27

          I mean, I'm not angry. I shouldn't have used the word "hate". I "strongly dislike" it.

          You didn't confuse me..many mulatto's are closer in complexion to "black" than they are to being white. Their features are also usually undeniable so it's easier to call them black. The president chooses to identify himself as a black man because that is how society views him. But he is still fifty percent black nonetheless.

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    • Energy

      Lol everyone hates Obama o.o I always see racist slurs towards him....sad but true.

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    • I have endless reasons for how I feel. I listed just a few in my post.

      And as for your question, I will quote many white people for this.. "Obama was elected president because a bunch of black people voted for him just for being black".

      Why should I be ever so proud to be the race that I am just because the president is partially mixed with it? All politicians are crooked anyway. Our government and economy is shit. So Obama was an awful example.

      But once again, people act like every black person is connected with each other. Like I'm some part of a black race community. Obama being black has no affect on me. He's some man in another part of the country who I've never met and will probably never meet. It doesn't make sense to me for someone to tell me to be proud of myself because of what another individual is doing just because we both have black heritage.

      The mentality of this is the same mentality that racists have except you tried to use it in a positive manner. They look at me, a complete stranger, and treat me shitty because of others that look like me that did something or acted a certain way, as if I'm somehow responsible for it or part of it.

      To me, I'm just an individual that was born with dark skin and shitty hair but I live in a society where I'm forced to be looked at like I'm part of a black race and proceed to get judged by it.

      In this American society it would just be a hell of a lot easier to just not be black and I wish it was possible.

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      • dybex

        I tried to use Obama as an example of how the majority of white people don't hate black people in the US. You inferred something else from how I expressed that. I'm sorry if that offended you. I do not think that the entire black race is linked together like a mass biological networked computer system.

        On the issue of pride: I have no sense of pride in my skin colour or how my hair grows. But I'm not ashamed of them either. You shouldn't be ashamed of something like that.

        Self pity is making you feel the way you are right now. I've been guilty of self pity in the past. Believe me, it's not going to do you any good or make you feel better. You'll have to fight against it.

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        • Lynxikat

          Obama was voted because the people preferred him to the other candidate in both elections. Not because he was black.

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          • Most black people preferred him because he was black.

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  • LordFreeholder

    The negativity was earned over decades. Time to earn a positive reputation.

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  • August111871

    I guess it depends where you live. I grew up in Flint, Mi in a very diverse neighborhood. Black, white, Hispanic, Asians all got along. I do remember our parents marveling at how we all got a long. I didn't understand it as a child but as I got older I saw the nastiness of the world. Your post actually made me sad! EVERYONE is beautiful! Be proud of "who" you are and dismiss those that are racist. Until we stand together we will continue to have race issues. All sides have there points which are accurate. This in of itself causes problems because no one wants to admit to there issues. Until we can all honestly look at ourselves and change there will be no change. Anyways God Bless you! I truly hope you can realize that you are beautiful and loved. Not everyone is going to like you or be nice to you! So what! Kill them with kindness (I realize this is easier said than done most times). To address the whole white standard thing is obvious. America was founded by white people and white people are still the majority. If I go to Africa I am in a black culture, if I go to Asia I am in an Asian culture, if I go to Mexico I am in a Hispanic culture. I am a conservative Christian white male btw.

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  • Appalled

    Respectfully, I do not adhere to the necessity of an inferiority complex because of the color of my skin. I think it depends on who is looking. When I look in the mirror i see a beautiful intelligent well educated woman. I am resourceful and competent and I see no need to "cow tow" to anyone. I am an accomplished human being. If because of their lack of self-respect others see the necessity to try to demean me I dismiss them. As for my ancestors I find them beautiful, strong, courageous, kind and compassionate, long suffering, diligent and a fine and intelligent people. I have no shame in them nor will I accept any such claims from people who were clearly their enemies. You too must not. Honor their sacrifice. They suffered so you might live. You are the embodiment of their dreams and hopes for freedom. You are their future hope. Remember you will always be precious to your own people but you will never be precious to a people who cannot see you as a fellow human being. Stop wasting your time trying to gain their affection. Love yourself enough to move past them. If the United States does not suit you build a life somewhere else. There are men of our race all over the world who will welcome you and find you beautiful. my advice to you is an old saying, "Stop beating a dead horse !"

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  • Loveamazingsweaters

    Be proud not all black people are criminals some of the worlds inspirations are black such as Nelson Mandela and president Obama,

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  • knowen

    I think the most helpful thing I can think of saying is, Just don't pay attention to it? I have had no idea that people were still this racist until you just pointed it out. I mean I'm a white male and I am in no way racist nor do I talk about that with others. So yea. Perhaps not be so involved and getting worked up about it

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  • EccentricWeird

    White people are going extinct, why would you want to side with the losers?

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    • Why do you think white people are going extinct?

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      • EccentricWeird

        Lowest fertility rates on earth + mass perpetual immigration to all countries of Europe and America... in fact white deaths are faster than births in the USA already which is only 60% white or less now, compared with 90% just a couple decades ago. Dropping like flies and nobody gives a shit because anti-white sentiment is just the status quo.

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        • I don't see how anything is anti-white.

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          • EccentricWeird

            Anytime somebody celebrates white people being a minority in a once majority country, that's anti-white. Anytime somebody says that they must 'increase diversity' in a neighborhood, that is anti-white. Whenever white people police each other and start witch-hunts about 'racism' and 'discrimination' when they are not being 100% in favor of increasing majority world peoples in perpetuity, that's anti-white. Whenever you get told in class that white people are responsible for X or Y, that is anti-white. Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.

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            • Who celebrates white people being a minority? The second thing just seems like as a white person, you'd prefer to still be the large majority, and i'm curious about why. I kind of understand the third thing, kinda. What if someone just believes in doing the right thing and treating people equally? And I've seen what you mean about the last point. Depending on the class they can seem to want to put whites on a guilt trip. I do believe in teaching the truth but no one should purposely make people feel guilty about the past when they had nothing to do with it.

              Anti-white just doesn't seem like an appropriate term to me and I guess because this is a new concept for me. No one is conspiring against the entire white race though. You think whites would want to damage the future of the white race? Blacks certainly aren't organizing ways to fuck with the white race. Neither are Mexicans. Though I'm not entirely sure about other races.

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  • Well then just turn white! Michael Jackson did it. I don't see why you couldn't do it too.

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  • edna

    bleach your skin

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  • Gamzeee

    It's not like that for all people. Maybe you need to chill for a moment you got some major self hate going on.

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  • linchpin

    I'm white and the shame of being white makes me not want to be white. White people have done some appalling things over the centuries. When I'm around other ethnic cultures I feel ashamed and apologetic of my ancestory.

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    • Oh, of course, and all other races are perfectly benevolent and ultimately blameless.


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      • linchpin

        I never said that.

        It's just how I feel. You don't have to agree with me. These are my feelings, not yours.

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        • My point is that you come across as incredibly ignorant, and although practically no one here would admit it, I think you're much more of a racist than someone like me is.

          Whites have no more of a reason to be ashamed of who they are than other races do. Read a history book (or take a look at crime statistics) to see why.

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          • linchpin

            I think I only come across that way to you, and that's ok I understand that. You're a white nationalist.

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        • linchpin

          Why would I feel shame about other races? I'm white with white ancestory so my associations are with my white heritage. If other races have wronged throughout history that's for them to feel bad about, if they choose to, if they have a similar moral compass. I only feel like I represent my own race, of course, and we are responsible for some atrocities. That's where my feeling of shame comes from. It doesnt make it any more right if its exclusive to my own race or not, its still a wrong.

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          • Okay, I understand. Makes enough sense, I guess.

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            • linchpin

              Thanks that's good of you to say so.

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    • SuperBenzid

      Well farming improvements that were begun and developed almost exclusively by people who happened to be white have saved about 1 billion from death by starvation. Look up people like Borlaug. So by your own logic there is no reason to be ashamed. The good out weighs the bad.

      Though really a better policy would be to be ashamed or proud of what you personally did rather than this treating a racial group as single minded bloc identity.

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      • linchpin

        I cannot agree with you there. There are countless reasons to be ashamed. Sure I can recognize the good and feel good about the good, but my comment was addressing the way I felt about the bad. Its not ying and yang for me with a little bit of good amongst the bad and vice versa, maybe its my chemical balance in my brain, my cynicism, my depression, but myself, as an individual really dwells on the misdoings of my race both historically and currently. I hope you can respect that as I can respect that you may feel differently about this.
        But this is not really about me and my issue this is supposed to be about the op.

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        • I truly want to know something because it is highly confusing to me. Why do you believe that your race is getting mistreated? I continue every day to see evidence that dramatically supports the opposite. I'm not trying to get you worked up. Its just so weird to me because from the perspective of a person that is a race that really does get mistreated, I seriously do not see it. As a black person I see pretty much nothing but white people on TV and in commercials and in movies displayed in a flattering manner. I've seen many white people portrayed as the bad guy, though usually there is also always a white character as a good guy or the object of attraction.

          In this country, natural white features are considered the most appealing. Usually a white female doesn't have to alter herself much, if at all, to be considered desirable.

          From my experience, and from extensive research I've done, I've seen that it is much more likely, on average, for someone white to get hired over someone black or Mexican with equal value.

          The white race gets made a mockery of, yes, but far less than any other common race.

          Whites are much more likely to get approved for loans and offered high paying jobs. Whites are less likely to get pulled over by cops, less likely to get charged, and more likely to receive a minimum sentence.

          And many studies show that white people, on average, receive better medical treatment in hospitals in America.

          So please enlighten me on how whites have it bad.

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          • linchpin

            I wasn't saying that. I was expressing shame at my own race for how they've treated other races. Did you really read and understand my comment? I find it hard to understand how you misinterpreted it so badly.

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            • I apologize. I'm doing this on my phone and I believe I replied under the wrong comment.

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  • CommonR94

    Honestly I wouldn't want to black either the majority of African Americans I've met have been far from sophisticated or intelligent, but I do know a few very smart fun black people.

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  • This is why I have no idea why I bother. Would someone care to explain exactly how I'm wrong-headed in my assessment of this situation?

    To the OP: Whether you'd like to admit or not, race matters. It always has, and I think we can assume that it always will. You can lament this fact all you want; it won't change a thing. The sooner you accept this, the better.

    Racial nihilism does a lot more harm than good, ultimately.

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    • Lynxikat

      You must be really insecure if you have to make a whole other comment asking people why your comment was thumbed down.

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  • It's not up to you how others perceive you, but it is up to you how you handle it. It comes from within.

    One thing you can do is to stop trying to live by White standards. Move to a Black area and try to to set an example for your people. Start from there.

    "Is there a white version of chimpout dot com?"
    Actually, yes, there are.

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    • I live in a mostly black area currently and I hate it. I have interests that are considered white so my interests are not catered to here. I don't know why everyone assumes that everyone of different races naturally is most comfortable with their own race because I am not. Because of my personality and interest I fit more into the "white world". Its only my supposed race that holds me back.

      And its not about trying to live by white standards. I have to. Here's a small example..

      My hair is long, very thick, very wild, and very nappy. That is my natural hair. Statistically I am less likely to get hired for a job with my hair in its natural state than someone with a visible tattoo. I have to damage my hair every single day, trying to straighten it and keep it straight in order to lessen the changes of me being discriminated against. My hair is falling out from what I have to do to it. And if I resort to weaves I still have to damage my hair to blend with the weave.

      I've been taught that my natural hair is not ok.

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      • "I live in a mostly black area currently and I hate it."
        This begs the question: Is your problem mainly with Whites, or your fellow Blacks?

        If you don't mind me asking, I'm also curious of how "Black" you really are. Are you perhaps a mulatto?

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        • I'm an American born black person. I'm not as dark as a lot of black people but not light enough to be considered light skinned.

          My problem is with both. Close-minded, prejudice, and racist whites, and blacks that behave in a stereotypical manner and continue the stereotypes.

          I have more of a problem with everyone's mentality than anything. And I wish society wasn't mostly based on white standards.

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          • Again with this reply glitch. I wasn't informed of this post until very recently.

            Anyway, it's good that you acknowledge that some Blacks are the problem as well. I can assure you that the negativity surrounding Blacks didn't "just happen."

            And you shouldn't have such disdain for the apparent fact that Western nations are based on "White standards;" it's only natural. If I went to a non-White country I would be neither surprised nor resentful when I inevitably discovered that their nation is essentially suited and tailored to people of their kind. I mean, what would one expect?

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    • Lynxikat

      ...Or she could live wherever she wants.

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      • It was a suggestion. Believe it or don't, I'm trying to help.

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