Is it normal no one reads the rule and it annoys me?

Is it normal I am so bothered no one reads? I mean I actually go out of my way to read the rules and no one else will. I hate it when people do not know the rules. They have a lot of rules but if you have time to spend on the website you can at least try to look them over.

Yes 11
No 4
you are getting to worked up 19
Additional comment 1
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Comments ( 23 )
  • howaminotmyself

    Rules? I am quite fond of making up my own rules. I promise my intent is never to hurt anyone. But don't tell me what to do or how to do it or when to do it. I'll likely follow the rules, but only if they suit me.

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    • They are the rules of INN.

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      • Imsupernormal

        INN? It Normal News?

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  • Hey its like the saying goes, rules were meant to be broken.

    Are we still friends?

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  • dom180

    I think that IIN should be run like a country should be run. In a country the laws shouldn't be set in stone for everyone to follow even if they aren't hurting anyone and the law is restricting the well-being of society, laws should be subject to the needs of the community. On IIN, the simple rule of "don't be a piss wizard" is far more important than most of the community guidelines.

    The official rules are all very good and very important though, but you very rarely here of anyone breaking *them* :P

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    • So you are saying we should make the site a site for children?

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      • dom180


        Kids join the site regardless of the rules (you're talking to one), and so long as they don't break any other rules I don't see what the problem with them is.

        Rules should be used to stop behaviour which make the community worse and encourage behaviour which makes the community better. I don't see in what way under 18s make the site worse, so they should be allowed.

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        • Have you ever stopped to think maybe the site put up this rule for a reason?

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          • dom180

            Yes, I have, and I figure that reason must be a legal one. On a site where a lot of the stories are very sexual and completely uncensored, it probably wouldn't be legal to allow kids to sign up (either that or there would be a risk of lawsuit if they did). I can't think of any other sensible reasons. Can you?

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            • So you are saying you want the site to have a lawsuit on its hand because you do not feel like following the rules? How very kind of you.

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  • dappled

    For anyone who hasn't read them:

    Guidelines (not rules):

    Terms of Service (these *are* rules):

    The main list of things is in the member code of conduct section.

    A reasonable proportion of the stories in the unmoderated section break not only the guidelines but the ToS. Some guideline-breaking stories pass moderation (or have comments which break guidelines) but I don't recall any ToS-breaking stories getting moderated. Although the moderator(s) come in for criticism, they are actually saving people's bacon by not letting things pass through moderation into the external WWW. It's clear in the ToS that the user will get sued, not the site.

    People should forget the "this is only the internet" mentality. For their own safety.

    To the OP: I didn't read the rules until I'd been here about six months but nor did I break any of them. A lot of it is just common sense. Some people read the rules and may still break them.

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    • I Realize some may have not but I hate when people ask stupid questions stated in the rules. Or are surprised when you tell them something about the rules. Even people trying to dispute the rules.

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  • "I don't believe in rules, I do believe in structure of, let me phrase it, conditioning rule"

    - Tommy the cat, MD.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      I am a self-appointed doctor too. I got a degree online with no residency required! My patients are liberals only.

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      • "Liberals are on the inside what Conservatives are on the outside."

        - Tommy the cat, MD.

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        • robbieforgotpw

          Actually I think they're all one world/globalists now. That's where we're headed. Would you agree?

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          • "I agree that they're both silly now."

            - Tommy the cat, MD.

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  • misca

    The admins do not enforce any of the rules. No wonder why people don't follow them.

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  • anti-hero

    It happens.

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  • i read them when i want to

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Are you talking about the rules of IIN?

    If so, it annoys the piss out of me when people ask questions that have been asked at least 100 times. I see the same pattern every week and the shittiest part is that it is stated IN THE SAME PAGE AS THE POST THEY ARE CREATING.

    It could not be more obvious unless it was put into big red writing but I get the feeling that people would STILL ignore it.

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    • Do you mean when you post a question and it has a section talking about simalar posts? I have noticed that too. They do not match what I am asking in any of my questions however.

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