Is it normal normal i hate this excuse?
I remember once in Sociology we were talking about how in some European countries, prostitution is legal and the attitude is like, "Well, people are going to do it anyway" and that was their reasoning for being legal.
I'm pretty sure my teacher was simplifying it, but I was still just seething in my chair, trying as hard as I could not to blow up; I really hate that fucking excuse I really do.
Let's take it one step further- pedophiles are going to molest children anyway. How about we make it legal for pedophiles to have sex with children? Rapists are going to rape anyway. Criminals are going to break into peoples' homes, hold them at gunpoint and steal their precious items anyway. Let's just make all of that legal! People are going to do it anyway! So what's the problem with making it legal?
I really, really hate that excuse. I really do. It just pisses me off.