Is it normal normal i hate this excuse?

I remember once in Sociology we were talking about how in some European countries, prostitution is legal and the attitude is like, "Well, people are going to do it anyway" and that was their reasoning for being legal.

I'm pretty sure my teacher was simplifying it, but I was still just seething in my chair, trying as hard as I could not to blow up; I really hate that fucking excuse I really do.

Let's take it one step further- pedophiles are going to molest children anyway. How about we make it legal for pedophiles to have sex with children? Rapists are going to rape anyway. Criminals are going to break into peoples' homes, hold them at gunpoint and steal their precious items anyway. Let's just make all of that legal! People are going to do it anyway! So what's the problem with making it legal?

I really, really hate that excuse. I really do. It just pisses me off.

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71% Normal
Based on 66 votes (47 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • bananaface

    Yes, but prostitution is between two consenting adults. They're both involved, whereas with your other examples, one is a victim. Where's the victim here? I'm pretty sure there needs to be a victim for it to be a crime, although I don't know anything about law.

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    • ChocolateBlunder

      That's how I feel. It's a waste of time for arresting people for a victimless crime. That rhymed. So did that. But anyway, I think we should legalize it, just to find a way to tax it lol

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  • anti-hero

    Selling is legal, fucking is legal, why shouldn't selling fucking be legal?

    Fucking is legal.

    Molesting children, raping, and so on, not legal.

    Make sense?

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    • But people are going to molest, rape and murder anyway. So what's the harm in making it all legal?

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      • anti-hero

        If you make those things legal then people would not be punished if caught.

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  • flax

    Consensual sexual activity and molestation are two entirely different things.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Legal prostution gives the woman more protection. She does not belong to a pimp. Her wages can be taxed. Her health will be a priority.

    The argument that people are going to do it anyway is ignorant and has no logic. You can use that argument for any criminal offense, not just the vile ones. "Just remove all speed limits, people are going to speed anyways" Some regulations are intended to protect us, even if it is from our own stupidity and recklessness.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Yeah; I definatly agree with you.

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  • dom180

    A better reason for legalising it is because legalising avoids criminalising people who are forced into it by unfortunate financial circumstance (it's the reurn of long words, wahey).

    The issue is not whether they would happen if things like rape or murder were legal, but whether they would happen MORE if they were legal. It's a hunch (I don't know the stats) but I don't think prostitution would be more common if it was legal. I think murder and rape would be a lot more common if they were legal, which is why those things aren't legal but prostitution is.]

    It's an over-simplification to say "Well, people are going to do it anyway"; it avoids the main point which is how often it happens. It's normal to be annoyed when people over-simplify :P

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    • dom180

      *return, not "reurn". I am not putting their ashes into a box, or anything ;)

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    • NeuroNeptunian


      OP, your argument is based off of a "slippery slope" mentality.

      I believe that prostitution will make it safer for prostitutes who may or not not be working the trade of their preference. I don't believe in interfering with the business between two consenting adults.

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  • snowtail802

    calm down we can tipe how we want too

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  • Cheradenine

    Itd take me too long to dissect and destroy your juvenile, unintelligent arguement. So il just say that youre a fuckin idiot, your points dont correlate, and that your sociology teacher should have thrown you through the nearest window to spare the rest of us this ridiculous conversation

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    • FussyCarrot

      Maybe you should go sit on a dick. Obviously u need some destressing in your life. U sound so hateful and stuck up, you do know you don't have to comment right?

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    • You know, if you were going to insult me, or troll me, the least you could do was, oh I don't know... learn how to use proper grammar.

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  • dinz

    How can legalised prostitution be a catalyst for pedo activity. I personally think it could personally decrease such acts now demented assholes have access to some form of sex.

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  • Personally, I think prostitution should be allowed. If women want to use their bodies for sex, let them, same goes for male prostitutes.

    Why is it illegal anyway?

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  • plum6

    you are forgetting that prostitution is a lot more of a two-way street compared to (child)molestation. Ofcourse most prostitutes would probably rather have chosen a different field of work if they could, but children have no way of making a calculated choice about their behaviour.

    Even though their life is often quite sad, I think that prositutes mostly make their choice depending on their other options (which, granted, are often pretty poor; poverty, abuse, etc.) which cannot be said for children.

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