Is it normal normal i have a trademark logo for myself?

A little while ago, sometime around early last month, I managed to create this symbol. The whole purpose was to create my logo to represent my name for the production of this experimental film done by somebody, which I've worked on.

Here's a picture of the logo I made-

I've been constantly using this as "my trademark." When I write to people I always scribble it next to my name, I made it into a background for my phone and computer, and the farthest I've gone with it was a week ago..when I got it tattooed on my left wrist.

A lot of people have asked me what the hell it is and what it means. Well I guess I'll just give it's how I used to draw stars when I was little. I was only about 4 or 5 and that was my attempt at making stars, many of which I practiced on the back of my chalkboard-easel. (I didn't learn to do the properly drawn star until first grade) But anyways, that's what it means. It kind of represents me, you know?

I'm working on writing a novel, and already I'm picturing what I want the cover to look like with the "star" on it. I'm just obsessed with this logo that I made for some reason. Is it normal??

Voting Results
68% Normal
Based on 44 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • Not bad, but His Purple Badness did it first and better.

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    • ok so i'm the one who posted this, and um..what are you talking about? what does prince have to do with my logo?

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      • Just google "The Artist Formerly Known As Prince", it's not that hard.

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        • oh, yea he sure did do it better. and i lied when i said that's how i used to draw stars that way, i actually totally did steal his idea. but i was so wasted when i actually got down to drawing it, so that's why it looks bad.

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    • dappled

      His Purple Badness? I've been on IIN for over a year and I've read some funny things in my time but that might just be the funniest. Purple even sounds like Papal. That, sir, is a work of absolute genius. I am very, very impressed at this and also slightly jealous. Okay, maybe more than slightly. :D

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      • Oh god... Look, I don't know how to tell you this without you getting all disappointed, but I was actually referring to Prince (you know, the whole changing his name to a logo and being "The Artist Formerly Known As Prince" thing he did in the 90s); I wasn't actually thinking of you when I wrote it :(
        So yeah, I hope you're not too disappointed. Still it's not all bad, because to me, Prince is the epitome of cool and being compared to him is the ultimate compliment you could receive from me (even if you did it yourself and unknowingly) :)

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        • dappled

          I'll be honest, a small part of me has just died in a ditch with badger poo on his head. But another part of me has learned a lesson about arrogance. A third part of me has just watched an advert on TV for Prada perfume where a woman shows her knickers, and I've just forgotten those other two parts of me. But I'll always love the joe no matter how many women show their knickers to me. If Prince shows me his undercrackers, though, you're in the dust. :P

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  • Alexander_Louise_Armstrong

    no its gay, i hope people hate you for it

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    • AngAnders112

      you need a hug

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  • MrPedobeard

    Well, it's not a logo, per se, more like a signature of sorts... But in sophomore - Jr. Years in High School I made a pen name for myself, and the signature was the initials of that pen name drawn a certain way.. My pen name was "Matty James" and the way I drew the signature was sort of gothic in a way... You know, fancy loops at the end of letters like j, m, s, etc... Well, I had the loop part of the M and J interconnect, and drew two lines through it.

    ... Long winded post is long winded. And the idea of an actual logo for yourself is pretty cool. Might try it some day...

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  • AngAnders112

    what's your novel going to be about?

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    • i'll try to explain it, since it's kind of hard to explain.
      it's pretty much a perspective of young adult life dealing with people who aren't in college and just working and getting along life, and it's pretty much about that. a lot of it is heavily based on my life, but i've twisted a lot of it to make it more crazy and interesting. and i'm trying to include other people in my life in this book, without completely divulging them.

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  • KokoroComplex

    I actually thinking of a logo to match my "trademark" name.

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  • Megid

    I actually created my own logo in middle school and drew it all the way up until I graduated high school. Must've been the Geometry. I had forgotten all about it until now. I just redrew it in paint to show you!

    Actually, editing this post again because I found an additional logo I had made for myself. It was during my experimental phase if you couldn't tell.

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    • Megid

      Look what I found looking in my OLD Photobucket account.

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  • Sure. People love things that exemplify who they are or perceive they are.

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  • dappled

    It looks a bit like a Star of David. It's good, though. My logo is...


    And for Pumpedupkicks, here's another one to denote I wasn't serious about the first one.



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    • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

      Well not exactly, the star of David has 6 points. This one just has 5.

      It looks a little like a wiccan symbol ... lopsided.

      Or some pie slices ling on each other....

      as for obsessing with the logo... that's possible. I use to draw flying eyeballs in my notebooks in grade school. I somewhat fell out of practice when I got older however...

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      • dappled

        I'm still counting six, but two are close together (when in doubt, invoke geometry). I do want to see your flying eyeball, though. Do us one as a profile picture?

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  • elpuser

    It's normal. I have a logo for myself

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