Is it normal normal to be scared of driving

When I was 16 I accidentally got drunk and drove into oncoming traffic. I swerved and hit a telephone pole and was in a coma for 4 years. It was kinda of cool because it was like a long pleasant dream. Anyways when I woke up the doctor asked if I wanted to drive home and I threw a fit. I got scared and really sweaty. I have not being able to drive or be in a car sense. I either skateboard to work ( 6 miles) or hitchike. My dad tried to force me to drive last week and I flipped. I ended up almost killing myself. How can I learn to drive or being a car without trying to kill myself?

Voting Results
70% Normal
Based on 76 votes (53 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • bigguy2010

    How do you "accidentally" drink and drive?

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    • sisterlover

      my sister was flirting with me and she kept bugging me to drink more. she says i am sexy when i'm drunk. she smells good

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      • bumblecreek

        That's not an accident, that's giving in to pressure. We all fuck up now and then, but man up a bit and don't call it an accident when you made the decision.

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  • wigsplitz

    Start with Power Wheels and work your way up.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I'm not scared of driving i am however scared of the millions of idiots out there Like the Op here.

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    • sisterlover

      Im 26 and I have never driven more than 2 miles

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  • patriot9878

    You might want to move to Venice Italy, because you might become too nervous and can't drive safely. I don't like to drive, because death head on is eight feet in the other lane. Think how many times you pass other cars and a head on is double the speed. Think the other drive decides to hit you or his tire blows or slips on the ice. FRANKLY JERSEY BARRIERS SHOULD BE ON ALL roads with single lanes where there is a lot of traffic

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  • stacey_0125

    Amaxophobia- Fear of riding in a car...
    Dystychiphobia- Fear of accidents..??
    Hodophobia- Fear of road travel !?
    Motorphobia- Fear of automobiles..?
    Ochophobia- Fear of vehicles O.o

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    • Arsonwolf

      Fear of driving a car?..

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  • jax906

    When I was 17, I ran into the back of a truck and totalled my car. Four months later, I had a deer run out in front of my car. I had a hard time driving for like 2-3 years. But now, I am getting ok with it. So, I imagine it will take you a while before you want to drive on your own.

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    • sisterlover

      will you drive me to class tomorrow

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