Is it normal not being able to spend money on myself?

I have this problem where i cant spend money on myself, unless something is discounted quite a bit. Either it has to be really cheap, or about 50% off. Just thinking about buying anything for more money than i think its worth makes me feel bad. I could buy it, but i wouldn't feel right. I even skipped lunch today because the stores didn't have any discounted food. There was baguettes and other stuff for normal prices, and I am rich ( bout 25 000 In dollars), but it was to expnsive in my opinion. BUT i can spend money on someone else, like friends without feeling bad, because then i make someone and myself happy since i'm being nice to them. Is this normal? Anyone who can relate? ( I go to college and am 19 years old)

Voting Results
76% Normal
Based on 25 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • myboyfriendsbitch

    When you find something you love, you will spend money on it.

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  • bluecoffeetable

    I voted yes because that'd how I am to. I'm almost 19. If I want something I have to convince myself i can get it or that's Its really not that expensive.

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  • lexi958

    I don't like to spend money on myself or have other people spend money on me

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