Is it normal not to be a christian?

I am not Christian, I am Pagan. I believe that all parts of nature are my relatives, like Grandmother Moon or Grandfather Sun. A lot of people call it witchcraft and I am ok with that. But a lot of people call me a Satan Worshiper just because my religious symbol is a pentacle. The reason it is a pentacle is to represent the 5 elements (earth, air, fir, water,and spirit) and now everyone is saying that I am a Satan Worshiper and that I am not normal. Is this true?

Voting Results
74% Normal
Based on 46 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • McBean

    Sounds like you have rejected one screwball religion (Christianity) in favor of another one. Where is the improvement?

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  • Ellenna

    Normal not to be christian, normal for ignorant fuckwits to call you a satanist. By the way, surely not "everyone" is calling you that, unless you live in a totally fundamentalist christian community, in which case I suggest you leave it and find likeminded people who will accept you as you are.

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  • finn

    If it floats your boat, then do it. As long as you're not sacrificing puppies and kittens.

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  • Tempest-au

    Explain to people that the pentacle in its "upright" position (point at top) represents the 5 elements, and the human body. The downward facing pentacle is the satanic one - supposedly representing the head of the mighty Goat.

    Also, try and avoid dancing skyclad in public areas, it freaks people out.

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    • walkingdildo

      You're thinking of a pentagram. Due to the derivation of the occult, they almost definitely took to using the pentagram on the basis that early Christians used the pentagram. This continued well into the late medieval period. On this basis, Christianity has used the pentagram longer than any other theistic system.

      A pentacle is a talisman, an object of sacred power. Sometimes, if not most times, it has a pentagram on it.

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      • Tempest-au

        No, I'm thinking of a pentacle - the 5 pointed star, not the 5 sided geometric shape. As someone who once subscribed to a predominantly Wiccan ideology, I think I know the difference. ;)

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        • walkingdildo

          The fact you once subscribed to Wicca says it all.

          Christ, even Wikipedia knows better than you.

          From the Oxford English Dictionary


          A talisman or magical object, typically disc-shaped and inscribed with a pentagram, used as a symbol of the element of earth.


          A five-pointed star that is formed by drawing a continuous line in five straight segments, often used as a mystic and magical symbol.

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          • Tempest-au

            I concede the point, although practically the two terms are roughly interchangeable.

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  • walkingdildo

    "A lot of people call it witchcraft and I am ok with that."

    You shouldn't be. Witchcraft is a specific, secular practice. It's earth-based magic and you can find witchcraft occurring in various religions, including Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Unless you are practicing witchcraft, you shouldn't call yourself a witch.

    "just because my religious symbol is a pentacle. The reason it is a pentacle is to represent the 5 elements"

    Pentagram. A pentacle is a talisman, a sacred object. You should remind these people that Christians have used the pentagram for over a thousand years, it's a shared symbol, just like how Hindus and Buddhists use a swastika. Are these people going to call all Hindus and Buddhists fascists now? Not likely.

    If people are calling you a satan worshipper when you explicitly do not and have not told them you do, they are already set in their ways.

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  • Raquel000

    Well, from my point of view, all religions aren't normal. But it ups to you if you want to worship god, allah ,satan, aliens,flying spaghetti monster..etc .just be peaceful..not islam's kind of peace, but the true peace

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  • What makes you free is the releasing of the soul from the body. Is like a deep, deep sleep floating. I saw earth going back at a fast pace and me telling everyone that not to worry about problems....

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  • Was once in coma for 5 days. The space, the planets are awesome. I saw myself in a Brite light going up the stairs going straight to the light. and a figure like christ told me something in my hear. Woke up and a priest was next to me.
    That does not guaranteed that I believe in god. I believe in what I saw and yes I want to be there.

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  • _Jesus_


    By your powers combin...... bwahahaha! SPIRIT?! Whahahat the fuck man?? You sure got the short end of the stick! You loser!

    This is what just happened in my head

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  • mysistersshadow

    First: believe in what ever you want to believe it. Second: stop caring what ppl think about what you believe.

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  • Couman

    Sure, most people aren't.

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  • Rusty-Rider

    Some of my best friends are goats.
    Go Goats!

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