Is it normal not to be afraid of dying?
How could one achieve such a state, to lose all fear? Is it something to be aspired to?
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How could one achieve such a state, to lose all fear? Is it something to be aspired to?
It certainly frees one up to do many things that one would not do, if they were afraid of dying.
I think we all fear pain, but death is not to be feared, just prolonged as long as possible, so that one can enjoy this life to the fullest.
Use natural dyes. That should help a little with the fear.
What will you tell yourself when you know you have only days to live? You realize the worrying was sort of silly in retrospect. All the mental baggage carried will seem a world away.
I hope this helps.
I've lately been wondering how illogical it is to not be afraid of death if you don't believe in the afterlife. (FTR I'm not afraid either). Shouldn't it be a universally horrifying notion for there to be nothing after you die? That your seemingly perpetual state of consciousness ends? Nope, no fear still.
Not been in the least bit scared of death since my dad died. Not really sure why this is so.