Is it normal not to care at all about good grades?
So, I have recently moved to Europe (Germany) from America to do a master. I am not sure if this is a general thing, but I notice that most of the people around here (from different countries) have a similar mentality.
Let's say that the grades are from 1 to 10, and you need a 6 to pass. Well, just like in any normal university, there are many that are happy by just passing (6). But back home there would always be a bunch of people making the effort to actually get a 10. Here I notice that people don't care at all about high grades, even when they deserve it.
I notice this indifference from professors in particular. I have seen more than once that a professor would grade an excellent paper or exam with an 8 or 9, for no reason at all, just because they feel like it. I am not even a perfectionist, but I have tried to have fight for a 10 in these situations and both my classmates or professors just seem not to understand why would someone fight for the best score when they already have an 8 or 9.
So well, I just wanted to know what do you think about this topic. So, is it normal to care about having the best grades?